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Bruce's pov
Gotham, Wayne Manor 8 am

"Good morning, Clark" I said and gave him a quick kiss.
"Morning, Bruce" he said sleepily. He didn't even open his eyes.
"How are you?"
"I'm just tired from lack of sleep. What about you?"
"Yes, you came home with bleeding head and flew through a window"
"Maybe I'll take a shower then" I said as I touched my forehead and I only felt my clotted blood.

Clark didn't respond, so I went to the bathroom and turned on the water. I quickly finished and got dressed. Clark must have gone back to sleep, but I needed to talk to him, so I woke him up.

"Bruce, let me sleep or next you'll be pregnant" he muttered annoyed.
"Clark, I have to go to Gotham today"
"But it's Saturday"
"I know, but I promised. I only be at home at 2 am. Can you take care of Jonathan?" I asked and he finally looked at me.
"I don't know if I could get up from here" I cursed myself for letting him get up yesterday.
"Alfred and Dick are here if you need anything"
"Alright, you can go if you have to" he said and after a long kiss I let him to sleep and went to the other room to get Jonathan.

"Good morning, Jonathan. Aren't you hungry?" I asked him and after he woke up he started to cry immediately. "Shh, you don't have to cry. We're going down to the kitchen and get you some food. What do you think?" I asked, but of course he couldn't answer me, but he didn't cry so much anymore and started to admire me with his big blue eyes.
"Morning dad" Dick greeted me and I gave him Jonathan. "Hey, what should I do with you little one?"
"Just keep him alive until I get some food for him" I answered his question from the kitchen door and asked Alfred to take Clark's breakfast upstairs.

I quickly finished feeding Jonathan and he fell back asleep almost immediatetly. After putting him back in his bed, I went to work.

Dick's pov

I ate breakfast alone and I hated it. I hate to be alone. After breakfast I tried to train downstairs, but I was too exhausted, so I went back to my room and slept for a few hours.

I woke up at 6 pm. Wow, I must have been very tired. I called Clare but she didn't pick up and neither did Ron so I called Kori.

She arrived after an hour and we had dinner together. Then I remembered. I didn't take care to Jonathan the whole day. 

I ran upstairs without explanation, but Kori followed me anyway.

"Dick, what got into you?" she asked, but I didn't answer until I reached my brother's room.
"I slept the whole day and completely forgot about my baby brother" I replyed and opened Jonathan's door silently. I saw Alfred holding the baby in his arms and tries to make him fall asleep.
"Ah, Master Dick, I'm glad you came here. I think I need some help. He doesn't want to fall asleep" Alfred said when he noticed us. "Who is the young lady?"
"She's the girl I told you about. She called Kori" I said a little bit annoyed because I was still tense about Jonathan.
"Nice to meet you, sir"
"Nice to meet you too. Well, could you give me a hand then? I have other dutyes to do today" he said and handed me over Jonathan.
"Yes, don't worry about him Alfred. We'll tire him out and he'll sleep through the night" I said confidently and Alfred left us.
"What do we have to do with this little human?" Kori asked, but I couldn't pay attention to what she said. It was hard to keep Jonathan in my arms because he was always moving. After two minutes of wrestling with him, I put him down to the floor.
"Well, I'd say he needs to play a little. He slept the whole day" I said and went to one of the drawers looking for toys.

In the meantime the sun went down and the room was shrouded in darkness. I asked Kori to turn on the light, but she didn't respond. I turned to her questioningly and almost shouted out loud. Her entire body was engulfed in flames.

"Dick, watch out!" she screamed. I grabbed Jonathan and bent down from the plume of flame that erupted from Kori. She broke out the window and everything caught on fire. Kori tried to turn her powers off, but she couldn't. She began to cry in frustration, but that only made it worse.

I had no way out. I couldn't run out the door because Kori was too close, and I couldn't jump out the window because I wasn't sure I could land safely on the ground with a baby in my arms. I didn't know how much time spent before our saviour arrived.

Bruce's pov

I was already near to the manor when I saw the smoke. I pushed the gas all the way, but it still took me five minutes to get there.

I braked under the burning window and jumped on it from the top of the car. I couldn't see anything from the smoke and the flames, but I threw ice granades to every corner of the room. When they exploded, the fire went out and the whole room was filled with steam.

After it disappeared I saw both my sons are okay and a girl who looked terrified. I helped Dick up and asked what happened.

"Well, I don't know exactly, but my friend here seems to have superpowers that she can't control" he said, throwing Jonathan in the air a few times to cheer him up. Instead of crying, he laughed now.
"I'm so sorry, Dick. I lost control over my powers. I shouldn't have come here. I knew this would happen" Kori cried and Dick put his hand on her shoulder.
"Don't worry about it. We were lucky Batman was around" Dick said when Alfred and Clark rushed into the room.
"Jonathan! Thank god you're okay" Clark took away the baby from Dick and placed a kiss on the forehead of Jonathan. "What happened?"
"I would like to know that too" I looked at Dick and Kori angrily.
"I'm sorry, dad. It was all my fault" Dick said, but Kori shook her head.
"You don't have to do this. It was my fault, sir. I'm trully sorry, but please don't punish Dick for my mistake" she almost begged to me. I thought because of my costume. The whole room was in silence until I spoke.
"This was too big a mistake to look away from" I said and stepped closer to her. "But I know you didn't mean to do this" I said and Dick hugged her relaxed. "I waive the penalty on one condition"
"What is it?" she asked resolutely.
"You have to join the Justice League and learn how to control your powers. Deal?" I held out my hand to her and she accepted it.

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