The superbaby

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Bruce's pov
Gotham, Wayne Manor 9 am

Jonathan is now two months old, but he cries a lot more than before. His teeth started growing out and it hurt. He only slept a few hours at a time so we were all very tired because of him.

I got home after I took Dick to school when I heard Jonathan's cry from the front door.

"Relax, I'm here. We're going down and you'll got your breakfast" I said as I took him from his crib and went downstairs.

I fed him first, then I had my breakfast while he was playing on the floor. He couldn't crawl yet, but he was already trying. He could slide very well. After I finished my breakfast, I started to work. I had to work a lot since I no longer had a big company.

"Jonathan, put that down!" I yelled at him when he wanted to play with my mother's favourite vase. Unfortunately, I scared him and he started to cry. I sighed and picked him up. "I'm sorry, Jonathan. I didn't mean to scare you" I said gently as I rubbed circles on his back to calm him down. He looked up at me with tears in his eyes and I almost started to cry too.

But then his eyes glowed red and his heat vision almost killed me. I didn't feel so sorry for him then. The chandelier fell down, but other than that everything else was unscathed. I put him down carefully and looked at him thoughtfully.

"Master Bruce, what happened?" Alfred stepped next to me and looked at the fallen chandelier. "I hope I won't be the one to clean this up"
"I'll ask Clark after he got home, but I should figure out what powers did he inherited from the kryptonian before he accidently kills someone" I said as I picked Jonathan up again and took him down to the cave. Alfred followed us.

Jonathan looked around amazed. I never really took him down. I placed him on the examination table and left him with Alfred as I went to the computer. It turned out, Jonathan didn't inherit all his father's powers, only a few ones. He had superhuman strenght, heat vision, superhuman speed, heightened sensory perception, he was invulnerable, vulnerable to kryptonite and his body is constantly absoring and storing energy from the yellow sun.

He only got half of Superman's powers, but still, he was very powerful. All I could think about him being the next Superman.

"Well, little one, you'll have to train a lot if you want to be a hero, but right now, what do you think about if we play outside in the garden?" I asked as I picked him up from the table and headed towards the elevator with Alfred. He gave me a wild smile and I considered it as a yes.

We have been playing outside for an hour when I got a phone call from the principal of Dick's school.

"Mr Wayne, may I ask you to come for your ward and your niece immediately?" she asked sternly.
"What happened?" I asked nervous as I picked up Jonathan and went inside to grab my car keys.
"Your ward and your niece insulted one of their classmates and the fighting almost broke out when a teacher stopped them. You should know that our school does not condone such actions. It is very important to us not to raise the next gengsters of Gotham, so if this happens again your ward will be expelled. Now he's only been suspended for two weeks. Meet me in my office. Good day" she said and he hung up the phone.

I couldn't believe what I heard. Dick wasn't that violant and he was always smiling and nice to everyone. How could he do such thing? Maybe I misunderstood him, but if he won't change very soon they can take him away from me because I'm a bad influence on him.

I almost ran through the corridors with Jonathan in my arms. I think he sensed how tense was I and didn't make a sound.

I stopped in front of the principal's door and knocked on it. She answered immediately, so after I took a deep breath I went in her office. The principal sat behind her desk and Dick and Kori sat in front of her. They didn't look up when I entered the room, their eyes fixed on the floor. I sat down next to them on the third chair in front of the principal and now that we were all there she scolded us all well. She only finished because Jonathan started to cry, so she let us go.

Jonathan cried all the way home, and we didn't say a word to each other. When we got home the tension could already be cut and it was only a matter of time before it would explode.

I sat at the dining table and fed Jonathan. Dick sat next to me, but he didn't even look at me. I took Jonathan to his bed and walked downstairs again. Dick was still sitting there, so I took a deep breath and sat down next to him.

"What happened, Dick?" I asked gently, but I'm sure he sensed how nervous was I.
"I'm sorry, Bruce. I should have called you, but I had to act fast and..." he started talking so quickly I could barely understand a word from it. However, the fact that he called me Bruce didn't escape my attention either.
"Dick, I don't understand what you're saying. Slow down and start from the begining" I said and he took a deep breath to calm down and started it all over again.
"Poison Ivy and Toyman appeared in our school today. They stole some project from some smart kid in our class, but when we told this to the teacher, he didn't find it with them. We tried to take it back on our own, but the teachers stopped us and suspended us. I'm sorry" Dick said and I was relieved and angry at the same time.
"How many times do I have to tell you not to do anything that might reveal your secret identity?" I said angrily and from this, Dick got angry too.
"I was trying to help! Isn't that what our job is all about?" he was almost yelling and we both stood up from our seat to face each other.
"You were irresponsible and didn't think about the consequences!"
"I wasn't irresponsible and if we don't stop them, they will destroy Metropolis and Gotham too!"
"There is no we. I'll stop them and you stay here until you can control yourself" I said disappointed, but Dick didn't step back from our fight.
"Why are you so stubborn? I'm the only one who trully knows you and you always push me away, but fine! I'll stay in my room and I won't come out ever again!" he started to run up on the stairs, but I yelled after him.
"I'm the stubborn one? I'm only doing this so they don't take you away from me" I said and Dick turned back to me.
"What?" he asked shocked.
"They can take away from me if you act violant because it's seems like I'm a bad parent"

He stood there for a minute, looking at me thoughtfully as I was waiting for his response. He suddenly smiled and pulled me into a hug. I hugged him back relieved and pulled him closer to me.

"I love you, son. I hope you know that" I whispered in his ear.
"I know. I love you too, dad"

 I love you too, dad"

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