She's that Black girl

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A Harry Potter one-shot, written for Eileeen001Eileeen001's request.
Song: I'm born to run by American Authors
Warnings: swearing

An order meeting took place down in the dining room. It was already late and it showed on the people around the table. Many of them were tiredly arguing, expecially Tonks, who looked like she really could take a good sleep.

"Okay, we'll discuss it later! It's already late, we should've had dinner a long time ago!" Mrs. Weasley started to collect the parchments and maps from the wooden table.

"Dinner, dinner... We have much more inportant things than food!"

"Alastor, there're kids too! If you don't want my food, you're free to go. The meeting is over." The Weasley mother snapped back, floating plates through the air with her wand.

Despite the obvious call, Mad-Eye remained where he was, muttering under his breath.

At Mrs. Weasley's call, the children began to wander into the dining room. All of them took their seats, Harry opposite of his grandfather. He arrived two days ago, but everything they said was too much for him. Too much to take.

Altough tired, Tonks tried to cheer up the kids with her Metamorph magic. She changed her hair in every possible and abnormal way.

"You're too good at this!" Ginny laughed at the now yellowish haired woman.

"Wait, wait, I know better!" She changed her nose to a duck beak.

Everyone laughed at this foolishness, making small talk. The adults tried to avoid the order's things, no matter how much the children insisted on talking about it. They didn't want a tense atmosphere, yet it felt like the days when everything was fine had already passed.

"Do y'all hear this?" Hermione began to turn her head around, watching intently.

"I thought I was stupid and only I could hear it." Fred looked around too, listening to the distant voice.

"Ah, I'm sure that's just Kreacher. Oh, Molly, you made steamed vegetables? Wonderful!" Sirius uncomfortably shifted in his seat.

"Kreacher? Singing?" Raising his eyebrows at the man, Harry studied his face.

"Y-yeah, why not?" He laughed at it. "He's been totally ill since my mother died."

The voice was getting closer and closer. As if it came not above their heads, but beside them.

Don't hold back, oh I won't hold back! A girl's voice echoed in the hallway.

Everyone looked at each other confused, wondering who could be in the house with them who's not in the dining room. Almost everyone. Sirius and Remus stared out the open door from their seats, eyes wide open.

I'm gonna live my life, like I'm gonna die young! Like it's never enough, like I'm born to run!

Sirius, resting his forehead in his hands, started muttering jumbled words, "Oh no, no. No, no..." The order and the kids looked at him, but didn't question anything. They were listening to the perfectly hit tunes.

Someone, more precisely that girl started jumping down the stairs. Her footsteps echoed downstairs and interestingly, didn't attract Walburga Black's attention. Although the words came quite loudly and from the heart.

I'm gonna spend my time, like tomorrow won't come! Do whatever I want, like I'm born to run!

"Who's singing?" Ginny whispered, not wanting to scare away the beautiful voice.

"Not Ron, that's sure-" George joked, high-fiving Ginny.


"Shhh, listen! It's coming closer."

I wanna be careless! Hey! Even if I break my bones!

"Yeah, I get it" smiling, the twins decleared it.

I'm gonna live my life, like I'm gonna die young! Like it's never enough, like I'm born to run!

Wavy dark brown curls covered the girl's face as she hopped down the stairs. Just as she turned to enter the room, she froze down, her singing dying too.

Everyone stared at the girl and the girl stared at everyone. One by one, she looked them up and down, then fixed her gaze at Remus and Sirius.

She questioningly raised her eyebrows at them, waiting what they have to say. It wasn't the two men who spoke, but a much younger boy.

"Eileen?" Harry's surprise showed on everyone else's faces as well.


"What-" he was immediately silenced by the twins' cries.


"What now?!"

No one said more than that. They didn't know what to. Remus cleared his throath, looking at the girl with the most parental look of the history.

"You know each other?"

"Oh yeah," It was Fred who answered instead of Eileen. "She's quite the threat to our post at Hogwarts. Almost as good prankster as we're. Quite surprising and impressing for a Slytherin."

"Everyone knows her, 'The girl who sings under the beech tree'" his twin chimmed in.

"Well, she's your daughter after all" Remus smiled at his best friend.

"Remus!" Everyone shouted together. Two types of 'Remus' could be heard, one was a surprised, while the other and only one was a threatening type.

"Care to explain, Sirius?" Mrs. Weasley stood next to the table, hands on her hips while looking at the man. He just groaned and lay his head on the table.

"Save it for later-"

"No! We've been school-mates with her and finally found out why she's a Black! I won't let it go!" Hermione pushed it further, Ron nodding in agreement.

"Yeah, we thought she's a distant relative who grew up with his uncle, Lupin!"

Remus sighed, giving in. "It's partly true. She grew up with me because Sirius was in Azkaban, only spending three years with both of us. And now that he's out, they finally got to know each other again."

Eileen fake coughed, still standing in the doorway, interrupting Remus. "It's nice and all, but Mo- Remus, can I now get my wand back? Please."

"No, you're grounded, missy. Now back to your room!"

"I'm grounded all summer! I'm fucking living here every day, never going out!"

"Remus, give it back to her, she's almost off age-" Sirius tried to convice his friend.

"No. Topic closed. Back to your room and don't make me take it away for another one more week!"

The other fifteen people just watched the scene as if they weren't there. Unwillingly, they fell into the family drama. The girl just rolled her grey eyes at him, turning around with a huff. With quick and loud steps, she run up the stairs.

"And try to sing your songs more softly!" Remus called after her.

"Intruders! Traitors and mudbloods in my house! Out! Traitors-"

"Shut up and die already!" Eileen shouted back at Mrs. Black's yelling. Surprising enough, she actually stopped the cursing and went silent. Even Kreacher went out of the mad girl's way.

"And I thought my life's fucked up..." Harry said while leaning back in his seat. "Wait... who's the mother?"

Word count: 1 133

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