All because of her

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A Harry Potter short story, idea from my writing partner Eileeen001 and an already excisting plot.
Warnings: mentions of trauma, intrusive thoughts, bullying, swearing

// Author's p.o.v. //

Books in his hands, Draco Malfoy turned a corner, heading to the Potions classroom. Walking closely next to the recently rebuilt wall, he recieved many stares from other students.

So much for the friendly nature of Hufflepuffs. He thought to himself as he began to pick up his pace.

The boy reached the heavy wooden door and entered the classroom. Here, too, he received furtive glances from his classmates. But Draco grew used to it. They have been doing this for almost four months now, wherever they see him.

"Good morning everyone!" Professor Slughorn greeted his class looking around with a big smile. "As I see, we're all here, so let's-"

The door slammed shut with a loud thud, and everyone turned their attention to the entrance and the girl standing there.

"Oh, I'm so sorry professor, it just- I lost hold of the handle and the door just slammed itself and-"

"Ah, Ms. Raven! So nice of you to join us today." Slughorn gave her a nod as she walked to where the other Ravenclaws and Gryffindors were.

"Now that all the twelve of you are here- twelve, right? Yes, yes. So, as we were discussing it yesterday, today's the day when you all will work on the antidote to Veritaserum. Because it's quite the difficult potion, you'll work in pairs. Everything else can be found in the book and ingredient cupboard. Get started, good luck!"

At the same time, everyone broke out in a great hustle and bustle, setting out with their friends to collect all the necessary things. Draco walked to the table by the wall where he had been working every Potions class. He knew that he'll work alone, didn't even think of any other option. So he quietly started turning the pages of the potions book to make sure he remembered the first step correctly.

"Uhm, excuse me" a barely audible voice said nearby. Draco didn't care, thinking they must be talking at the table next to him. When the voice didn't say anything more, he looked up and saw the Ravenclaw girl who was late for class in front of him.

"I really don't want to disturb you, but everyone else has a pair and... my house mates are also doing the work together." The pair of jade green eyes looked into his smokey blue ones, waiting.

"I want to work alone" the boy turned back his attention to his book.

"I know. And I don't." She walked over to the other side of the table next to the boy, pouring Honeywater into his cauldron. "I'm Layla, you?"

Surprised, Draco raised an eyebrow but didn't look back at her.

She doesn't know? It's impossible, everyone knows what I did... what I wanted to do. He shook his head, deciding to complete this work without as much interaction as possible.

"You're not very talkative, huh?" As if speaking to herself, Layla continued adding ingredients to the cauldron. If he won't pay attention to her, neither will she.

Everyone worked in silence in the room, only the fire and potions crackled, knives clattered.

A vial or some kind of glass was broken by a students, the sound making everyone flinch. In her fright, Layla put her hand in front of her face, and a vial fell out of her hand as well. Its contents flowed across the table, onto the floor and through the cracks.

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