Chapter Four: The Lost Truth

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In the depths of her dream, Sierra seemed to be standing somewhere she had never been before. All around her seemed to be the faint outlines of the mountains from the mist. She seemed to be plunged into sea mist and everything around her had became light blue. Sierra was surprised to feel a soft, gentle breeze blowing through. But all of the sudden torrents of rain poured down all around her. The raindrops sounded like pebbles beating against the ground. Dark thunderclouds swirled in the sky, flashing with fierce lightning.
She heard an earth-shaking roar and a huge, winged shape could be seen in the cloudy sky. In a sense, Sierra think it's a dragon. As the dragon shape flown overhead, she soon started hearing angry, vengeful voices coming from the fog and yet she couldn't see the speakers in the fog.
"The Dragon King has killed our queens!"
"The princes no longer have a mother!"
"Young Aanya has to take the throne as a baby!"
"Aanya have lost her mothers!"
"We're all doomed!"
"This is a call for vengeance!"
"We will not allow them to think that we're going to stand by and do nothing!"
"The Dragon King murdered Queen Sarai, Queen Annika, and Queen Neha!"
The voices soon blended together as one. "Justice will not be denied!"
Sierra looked around in a panic, feeling startled by the calls of vengeance. But as she started running towards the opposite direction from the dragon, Sierra skidded to a stop.
She looked around to see she was surrounded by some trees. As Sierra looked around, she started to feel more and more wary of the environment she's in. Sierra flinched back when she saw glowing balls of light have started to hover in the air.
A sudden tingle jolted Sierra's senses. She swiftly spun around to see somebody she wasn't expecting to see and seemed to be glowing in the balls of lights. The person was a woman. The woman is slender and has fair skin. She has long, wavy blonde hair and sparkling hazel eyes. She is wearing a simple sky-blue dress with brown boots. Sierra started stepping backwards cautiously, but in her heart she felt as if she recognizes the woman. Her breath got tangled in her chest. Something is beautiful, she'd come to understand, if you want to look at it. Her face has for many years been the most beautiful thing in the world to her. "Uh, should I... Should I know you?"
"Perhaps." She flicked her eyes up at Sierra several times as she spoke her next words. "You were only a child. But a mother never forgets." Her last words were more intense, more sincere, and Sierra gasped in shock.
"M-Mom?" Sierra stepped towards her, feeling scared that she won't be able to see her late mother again. She wrapped her arms around her mom and squeezed her mom tightly. Sierra felt her mom's arms wrap around her. She shut her eyes and let her whole body relax into the embrace. A silent sob escaped from her. Warm tears were sliding from her mom's face too.
"Violence is never the answer to our problems. The only way to stop the circle of violence is by making a stand against it and doing the opposite." At her mother's advice, Sierra bolted awake and glanced at the balcony window, seeing the first light of the morning.

Sierra was heading towards the library by herself after breakfast, when she heard footsteps coming from the other hallway. She turned around to see Callum coming towards her and they both greeted each other.
"Do you need anything? A glass of water?" Callum asked her, looking concerned.
Sierra shook her head. "No. I'll be okay."
"You sure?" He gently placed a hand on her shoulder.
She looked into his eyes and she found herself unable to lie to his face. "Actually, I could use some company. Maybe a little fresh air."
"Well, you're in luck," Callum said, a smile growing on his face. "I was just about to head down to the library."
Once in the library, Callum placed a small lantern on the table and spoke optimistically. "Don't be shy. Pick whatever book you like." The boy really likes his books, Sierra figured.
She looked around the various shelves to see what would intrigue her. Just as she was about to pick one with a mermaid on the cover she was surprised to find the tall stack of books Callum had just dumped on the table.
"This is your idea of 'light' reading?" Sierra said while making air quote gestures with her hands.
"Technically, I've read half of these already so I mostly just skim through them," said Callum.
"Have you really read all of these books?" Sierra said, stretching her hand to showcase the one half of the massive library.
"Not all of them," Callum explained. "Some are written in the ancient scholar language and my Old-Katolian is a bit rusty."
"You're really into this Xadia stuff, aren't you?" Sierra smiled at Callum. "Not that l'm judging."
"It's kind of a hobby of mine." Callum placed certain books in order from which he would read them. "I've never been outside of the Katolis, so these books are my only window into the outside world."
"You've never left the castle?" Sierra looked at him in curiosity.
"No, I have," replied Callum. "Just never traveled beyond the kingdom's borders is what I meant."
"Sounds pretty boring," Sierra said bluntly. "Being stuck in the same place for so long."
"Yeah, but you find ways to pass the time," admitted Callum.
"I can see that." Sierra gestured to the books. "What made you so interested in Xadian culture in the first place?"
"My mom," Callum replied without hesitation.
"She used to tell me all kinds of stories about
Xadia. She said that it was this place where there was magic everywhere you look. In the plants, the ground, the rivers, and on the highest mountain top where the Storm dragons and Skywing elves dance amidst a thunderstorm."
"Wow." They weren't stylized or exaggerated in any way. These images looked as real and accurate as Callum's drawings, only with color that seemed to pop right out of the page like iridescent butterflies. There's an image of a happy-looking Skywing elf flying with a smiling Storm dragon.
But a sudden thought entered her mind and glanced at Callum. "Callum, why do people especially hate the Dragon King?" Anguish edged on her face. "What did he do to make people hate him so much?"
Callum bit his bottom lip, grief flashed in his eyes. "He—" Callum stopped himself, feeling if he hadn't his voice would have failed him. "He took my mother."
Sierra gasped. "Callum... I.."
"It's okay." She bit her bottom lip, tasting the salt of her tears. Callum could see the hesitation written all over her face. She was scared to ask any further questions about his mother, knowing well it would hurt him.
"Duren came to Katolis for help, the queens of the kingdom were going through a famine," Callum continued. "It was getting worse and people were starving. It wasn't long till Katolis had caught on with the famine too. Viren knew of a spell that could make the crops grow faster for both kingdoms. But, he needed the heart of a magma titan in order to cast it. So, despite King Harrow's resistance, he eventually found no other way. They crossed the Border into Xadia which was guarded by the Dragon King. Everyone else managed to survive except..." Callum's voice cracked and Sierra held his hand in hers, this time giving it a firm squeeze in an effort to comfort him as he did for her just moments ago.
Callum sighed as he stared at the image of the dragon. How could a creature inspire such wonder and such sadness at the same time?
Callum wanted to both slam the book shut in anger, but he also wanted to mourn for the losses of his mother and the two queens. Rationally speaking, it made no sense. He should hate the dragon for killing his mother and the two queens, but if they hadn't gone into Xadia, she would still be here. She was against Viren's plan from the start, but she put aside her own feelings for the sake of her people. What could have been done to prevent such a travesty? Would things have been better if they weren't at war with Xadia? The land was plentiful, naturally, for they had elves and magical creatures catering to the forest all year round. Humans only had hard work and the occasional spell from a high mage. But look where dark magic had gotten them. While it brought some merit, eventually the humans would face the consequences which only resulted in more problems. More fear, and more division. "I know I shouldn't care, but the more I think about it the more I realize that when we hurt them, they hurt us back. Rinse and repeat. It becomes a cycle that never ends and both sides keep losing people they love. I lost my mother, but the dragons and the elves might lose their king after me and Ezran both heard King Harrow and Viren speaking in private. I... I hate that this all happened."
Sierra wasn't sure what to do, she gently rubbed her thumb on Callum's hand. She understood where Callum was coming from. She understood why both Harrow and Viren did what they felt was necessary, even if it would cost them greatly down the road, but she also understood Callum's own conflicting feelings. Even he was unsure about how to feel about all of this, similar to Harrow.
"I often wondered if there was another way," said Callum. "I keep thinking that if I try hard enough then maybe I can find something that will fix things. Find a way to make peace with Xadia somehow."
"Like... a prophecy?" Sierra asked.
Callum rubbed the bridge of his nose and close his eyes shut before sighing, leaning his head back against his chair. "I know. I sound like a lunatic, don't I?"
"No, not at all," Sierra said softly. "I think it's pretty brave, actually."
Callum scoffed a chuckle. "I wouldn't exactly call myself brave."
"But you are. I'm really sorry about what happened to your mother, and I can understand how confusing and painful it must be for you." Sierra met Callum's eyes calmly. "But I find it incredibly admirable that while others see hatred and fear, you see a chance for peace. You believe in something even when others say it's impossible. I may not remember who I am, but I know bravery when I see it."
Callum was stunned. The dancing flame of the candlelight illuminated Sierra's face, her blue eyes seemed to be glowing in the dawn's light, like a pair of glowing sapphires and her hair scattered golden gleams of light. She sees him in a different light than most people do. She started to remind him of his late mother, brave and gentle. "Thanks for listening."
Sierra smiled softly. "No problem. But I guess we better get going now."
Callum nodded and started leading Sierra through the darkened hallways. The night certainly did not go as expected. What was originally supposed to be a quiet time of light reading became a moment of reflection and deep secrets being brought to light.
Sierra's heart broke in two when she learned the truth about Callum's mother and why the people of Katolis felt such resentment towards dragons. After hearing Callum's side of things, she couldn't help, but be marveled by his level of emotional maturity. He was angry at the Dragon King, but did not take his frustrations out on him. He did not resent his stepfather for having committed the act either, and when Sierra spoke with King Harrow she could see how much that choice weighted on him. He wished he hadn't done it because now his kingdom and the neighboring kingdom was at risk of another battle against Xadia. Even with knowing the truth, Sierra didn't resent Harrow for his choice. She even understood why Viren felt killing the magma titan was a needed sacrifice for the people of Katolis and Duren, even if his actions did result in angering the Dragon King and the untimely deaths of the three queens. Like Callum, Sierra wished things could have been different, but one can't change the past. She now saw why King Harrow held such pride towards his eldest son.

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