Adventure Awaits Chapter 9

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All of a sudden I started to feel hot. Really hot. But I was too tired. It was probably 1 o'clock in the morning now. I couldn't open my eyes. It got hotter. Hotter than usual. I squinted my eyes open. I saw red and orange. No. No. I sat up, my eyes wide open. There was fire. In our bedroom. It was roaring and spreading quickly. It was an inch away from touching the bed. Luckily there was a clear pathway to the bedroom door. It got hotter by the second. Wake up Amber! Think! There is a fire in your bedroom and it's spreading quickly. What do you do? I grabbed my shoe to throw at it but the fire touched the bed sheets. It was too late. Oh my gosh. The fire wasn't small anymore. There was no way of stopping it.
"CASSIE! CASSIE!" I shook her.
She woke up and looked at the edge of the bed. She screamed and grabbed my arm. The fire was spreading quick. Me and Cassie jumped out of bed, jumped on the patches of floor that hadn't caught fire, and ran to the hallway with Milo and Maddie. By that point, the whole bed was on fire. I started coughing. Badly coughing. It was hard to breathe.
Cassie grabbed two old napkins from her pocket and passed me one. I tied it over my mouth and nose. The fire training in school did help but it wasn't easy to remember. The fire was now at the door. Me and Cassie ran to Lily's room. It got really hot. I couldn't breathe. I crawled to Lily's bed and shook her hard. Cassidy stood by Lily's door watching Milo and Maddie.
"WAKE UP." I spluttered.
Lily sat up and looked at the state I was in. I told her roughly what was going on and she ran to look at the fire which was now opposite us. Surrounding Jack's room. I coughed. Jack was in his room. How were we gonna wake him up. We can't get in. The fire was absorbing his room. The door was burning down. The whole tree house was crashing down bit by bit. Lily ran to the kitchen.
What is she doing?
Jack's door was burnt down. But he was still surrounded by fire. The fire was cornering me and Cassidy to the wall. You either run to the kitchen, live and leave Jack to die or risk your life and wake up Jack. I leapt over the fire to Jack's room and Cassidy ran towards the kitchen. My body was black with smoke. I could barely see. I could barely breathe. I struggled to get towards Jack's bed. I shook Jack with my last bit of strength. My body temperature was too high. Jack woke up easily and saw what was happening. The fire surrounded us. There was no way of living.
All of a sudden, Lily and Cassie tried chucking water. The fire weakened but it was still strong. The fire was now on the bed. It was all over the room. Lily and Cassie were trying there best to put it out. The fire was nearly touching me and Jack. He held onto me and I held onto him. The burning shelf above me dropped. It fell on to me and my arm started to burn. The fire had caught onto my arm. Jack realised and patted it with his hand whilst coughing and holding me around my waist. I squealed in pain. Jack put the fire out. Lily and Cassie continued to help weaken the fire. The fire was a second away from burning me and Jack to our deaths. When we saw a patch of carpet. Me and Jack jumped to it then ran to the living room. All of the rooms were burnt down completely. Only the living room and the kitchen was left. Cassie ran and grabbed the backpacks, that nearly caught on fire. Lily then grabbed another jug of water to throw.
"Lily stop it won't work!" Jack shouted. We all coughed whilst the fire spread onto the kitchen table and the chairs.
Jack grabbed me and Lily by the arm before the treehouse burned down fully. I grabbed Cassidy with Milo and Maddie on her shoulders. Cassidy was running with the backpacks on her shoulders. All of a sudden I got swung backwards just before I was about to get out the front door. Turns out that one of the backpack straps got caught on the corner of the burnt chair. Cassidy tried to undo it but the fire spread too quick.
She left the bag and jumped out the front door along with me, Jack, Lily, Milo and Maddie. We landed on the ground with a thump. We all coughed and wiped our eyes to remove the smoke and soot. We turned around and looked at the burning tree house. The tree house was gone. We really have no safe place now. Soot was in my eyes and lungs. Jack, Cassie and Lily's different shades of blonde hair were now black. The monkeys were injured. All of us were.
I crawled to Cassidy and hugged her. We cried for a couple of minutes in each other's arms. Milo and Maddie licked each other clean.
"No! The treehouse. My home. Our home. It's gone." Lily whispered with tears swelling in her eyes.
"What on earth just happened." Jack said.
"We just survived a fire what do you think?" Cassidy spat sarcastically.
All of a sudden a tree caught fire.
Oh no. There's going to be a forest fire.
"Run!" Jack said.
We jumped up and ran into the unknown. We all took a backpack off Cassidy and just ran.
Lily struggled but not as much as Jack. Jack was burnt bad and so was I. Jack limped at the start, then his legs got used to running and he ran normally. I limped the whole time. The fire spread from tree to tree as quick as lightning. I couldn't outrun it. Jack and Cassie put my arms over their shoulders to support me. While we were running, I realised that Jack was carrying a big block of wood that made up the treehouse.
"Why have you got wood?" Cassie said. "It's slowing us down!"
"Memories of the treehouse." He said.
Lily fell over.
"Quick,help!" She screamed. Jack picked her up and ran.
"Ow my leg!" She shouted.
Jack was really strong. He wasn't struggling at all. We stopped at a large rock and turned around. Oh gosh. A big part of the rainforest was destroyed. I felt so guilty. I could have put the fire out before it got too dangerous . The fire was slowing down but was still spreading. It was terribly hot and the air was getting smokier. However, we carried on running until the fire stopped completely.
When we thought it did, Lily cried and so did Jack and so did Cassie and so did I. Where do we go now?
We hid under a rock and got our breath back. We also needed to help Lily's leg.
Lily cried out in pain as Jack took the first aid pack out of a backpack. Jack put some waterfall water on it to wash the blood away. He then wrapped a bandage around it and kissed it better. Lily smiled then gave him a big hug.
My arm was burnt badly from the shelf.
"Your turn Amber." said Jack.
I stretched my arm out to him and watched him pour on the waterfall water. He wrapped the bandage round then stared at me with a smile. I stared back for a few long seconds and got lost in his eyes. I smiled.

"Eh hello?" Cassie mumbled. "Stop daydreaming. I almost thought you were going to kiss her arm better."

I blinked a couple times then looked away. So did he. Lily lay down on a large leaf and we all got comfy. (I've got to be honest though, it wasn't comfy at all but what I mean is that we all tried to get comfy.) Jack put his arm around me and because I was that nervous, I shuffled away from him and he then removed his arm and turned over. Oh no. Why did I move!? He probably thinks I don't love him back. But I'm pretty sure I do. I put my arm around him and he didn't make a reaction. I closed my eyes and went to sleep and so did Cassidy. Jack mumbled to himself then fell asleep too. The fire has stopped hasn't it? Hasn't it?

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