Adventure Awaits Chapter 12

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I heard a whisper in my ear.
"Amber, wake up we're almost home."
I opened my eyes and we were now making our way out of the rainforest.
I spotted a gorilla. It was resting on a big mossy rock.
I turned to look at Lily and Jack. They were still hugging each other and staring out of the window.
They've grew up there and they don't know any different.
I turned back to the window.
I could see the village and a group of tiny dots stood around it.
As we got lower down I could see me and Cassie's parents holding each other.
"Mom, dad!!" I shouted.
Of course they couldn't hear me.
But there was one other couple next to them.
It was the couple that lived next to the rainforest. The couple that owned the house that Jack and Lily ran away from. This could only mean one thing.
"You're parents are here!" I squealed.
Jack and Lily didn't budge but Cassie went straight for the window.
"Yes!" She sobbed.
"Jack, Lily! Yours are there too."
Jack turned to look at me.
His eyes bulging red.
"I'm not ready." He said.
I shuffled over to him and put my hand on his.
"Yes you are. You've been ready for 10 years. You've got parents Jack. You and Lily have a family now. They may not have always been, but they're here for you now" I whispered.
Lily turned too me and cried into my chest. She gripped me around my waist.
"Thank you." She cried.
Jack half smiled and his eyes softened.
The helicopter landed and the doors swung open.
Welcome home. The army man said.
Here we go.
The army men held my hands as I stepped down.
I stopped and stared at my parents. My eyes haven't seen there faces in weeks and weeks. It took time to get used to them again.
I ran and held them so tight.
I felt their tears on my shoulder and running down my back.
"We missed you so much." Mom said.
I could hear Cassie next to me doing the same thing to her parents.
Then I turned around.
Jack and Lily looked clueless as they stepped out of the helicopter.
I let go of my parents but they didn't do the same.
"I'll come back." I said.
I went and held Jack and Lily's sweaty hands.
We slowly walked over to their crying parents.
"Jack, Lily meet your mom and dad."
Jack stood their nervous.
Until his mom pulled him and Lily in to a tight bear hug. It was the longest hug I had ever seen.
Jacks mum held her arm out to me and I ended up joining in.
Then everybody came together to one big hug.

Yeah I know it's a cheesy ending but I'm not done yet.

About a couple of minutes later we all went to our houses to explain things.
I took Milo and Cassidy took Maddie. Don't worry they have playtime together.

I was sat on the sofa with my mum and dad next to me.

"Don't explain hunny, the army told us everything."My mum said.
" I have to say something please. The rainforest had a fire caused by us and it ruined the home for many animals and I won't give up until I fix it."

That brings me up to now, ( a couple days later.)

As a matter of fact we did change the rainforest back. A team of nature lovers planted trees to make up for the old ones and send me pictures of the baby koalas sitting happily with there mothers in a fresh grown tree. It melts my heart. Jack and Lily got used to their family and me and Jack started dating- we're still going strong!
Milo and Maddie are staying with us until there older and we are all fully cured.
We'll I'm afraid that brings us to the end of the book.
This is Amber, signing off.

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Should I make an Adventure Awaits 2?

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