Adventure Awaits Chapter 2

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That morning I woke up at around 6:30 in the morning. I could not stop thinking about the rainforest. I brushed my teeth then eventually went downstairs. For breakfast, I had marmalade on toast (again) then I had a fruit bar thingy that my mom gets from the supermarket every couple of days. We don't often have enough money to eat anything other than cereal and marmalade on toast for breakfast, which is quite annoying. I went upstairs and took out my black joggers with lots of pockets, a black T-shirt and green jumper. Should I take my animal spray, just in case? Or my dagger? Yes, I have a dagger and animal spray, just in case of any dangerous animals entering my house or village. Everyone in moss village has at least has one weapon in there house, just in case. I slipped my dagger and bear spray into my pocket. I sighed and put on my clothes.
I grabbed my phone off of my bed, a message from Cassidy it read.
'I can't wait for tonight!' She had texted me.
I'm definitely not excited but there's no going back now. I went downstairs and walked into the living room, my mom was laying in the same spot as she was the day before. She always sits in that spot.
"Hey honey, how are you."
"I'm alright."
I walked into the living room and sat on the sofa closest to the window, opposite my mom.
"Wow, dressed already are we? You never get dressed this early."
"Oh, well I just thought I'd be a bit more.. em..organised."
"Oh, okay." She replied.
There was a deafening silence.
"Are you going anywhere?" She asked.
"Em..yes, just for a walk with Cassidy."
"Nice." She said. "Make sure you don't go near the rainforest, okay? I need to be able to trust you."
"Em, yes you can trust me mom." I hid my face behind my phone.
I feel so guilty, I'm lying to my own mom. Should I text Cassie and say I don't want to do it. No, she probably wouldn't be my friend if I did that. What if I did get lost or we walked to far in and got distracted. Surely, that won't happen. But what if it will. All these thoughts were arguing in my head. You know what, I'll just go, maybe we won't end up going in the rainforest, she might forget. Hopefully...

Oh yes, I almost forgot to text Cassidy back.
'Yep, I'll see you there xx' I typed back.
I really want to tell someone about the rainforest but I can't. The last thing I want is Cassie not to be my friend. She's the only person who's my friend in this village other than my family. I do have a cousin called Eleanor who's one year older then me but I don't really see her that often anymore. I love spending time with her though, whenever I get the chance. I put my phone back in my pocket and walked to the bathroom to have a bath. I filled the bath with hot water and bubbles. A bath is my way of relaxing, it calms me down when I'm nervous. I put my shower cap on, took my clothes off and got in. I took a sigh of relief, all of that weight was taken off of my shoulders. All of my worries, washed away. For now...

I was in the bath for about 20 minutes, just relaxing. Then, I got out and got changed. It was almost time to go.  I nearly started crying. I really hope it goes well. I watched a meditation video to try and be calm. I really didn't want to go near the rainforest but I don't want Cassidy to hate me, more than anything. I sat on my phone and watched TikTok for the last 5 minutes.
'Ya ready to go x?' Cassidy texted.
'Yep x' I typed back.
Better go say bye to mum and dad. This could be the last time I see them. A tear ran down my face, I wiped it away quickly so that my mom and dad didn't get suspicious. I walked downstairs and into the living room.
"Bye mom, I'm going now." I hugged her.
"Oh wow, you never hug me! Bye hunny."
"I love you mom, so much" I squeezed her tighter.
"Wow, where's all of this coming from," she smirked. "I love you too!"
I let go and walked back through the corridor to the kitchen, and grabbed a couple of snacks just in case. I started crying, that's it then let's hope I see mom again. I washed my face and walked back upstairs to my parents bedroom. My dad was hanging some of his favourite collared T-shirts up, in his wardrobe. He looked at me, smiling.
"There's my girl!" He walked to me and gave me a hug.
"You're going on a walk with Cassidy now aren't you?" He asked.
I hugged him tighter.
"I love you so much dad."
"Aww, I love you too." He replied.
He spun me around and I laughed. This might be the last time I see mom and dad. He put me down and I squeezed him once more.
"Bye dad." I muttered.
"See you later Amber." He turned and carried on what he was doing.
I walked back downstairs, put my shoes on and opened the door. I took one step forward and looked back at my house. I took a deep breath. It's all going to be fine. I shut the door and walked next door. Cassidy was already there.
"Hey!" She exclaimed, "I can't wait, come on let's go."
She grabbed my hand and we started running. I got a funny feeling in my stomach.
"Eh-em Cassidy.. my stomach's hurting can't we just do this another time?"
"Oh come on it will only be a quick walk!"
"Fine, but Cassie, I don't feel too good about this..."
"Just relax, we're nearly there, aren't you excited too see the animals?"
"Yeah, but not the dangerous ones." I muttered. "Are you sure we'll be okay?"
"Of course! We won't get killed in the first 10 minutes, will we?
I just sighed. In front of us was a big hill.
"We have to go all the way up there!" I yelled.
"Yep, but it will all be worth it!"
It was covered with grass and plants.
"See, its not so bad after all, its pretty."
"It won't be when we're climbing up it. It's not worth it Cassie, we might even die from being poisoned by a frog or being eaten by a dangerous animal in the rainforest anyway."
"Oh be quiet Amber, stop worrying! You're such a scaredy cat!" She laughed.

I gulped and just started walking... staring at the long tall plants that spiralled up the hill with us. I stopped after a while and looked at the view, I kept looking for mine and Cassie's houses.
There they are! There was a tiny house and big house standing a couple of miles away. We had been walking for a while. After about, half an hour we got to the top, it was just trees, green, luscious, beautiful trees that were very unique. Every tree I looked at had something different about it, one had some orange leaves as well as green , one spiralled and the other was shaped a bit like a Christmas tree.. oh and that wasn't all! One was covered in bright lights! I wonder who hung those up... There were large trees and small ones they came in all different types of shapes but many of them were pine trees.
"This is it!" Cassie squealed with excitement.
"Yeh..." I murmured.
I turned and started walking back down the hill to see if I could get away with it. The nerves were really getting to me.
"Hey! Where on earth do you think you're going? We haven't even looked at it properly, we still need to walk inside." She ran to me and pulled my arm.
I just stood there.
"Oh... I thought when we got to the top and saw it we could walk back home again..."
I lied.
"Oh my gosh, of course not! Do you know how excited I am for this?" She looked angry.

I walked back up the hill silently. Different thoughts in my head were debating whether I should just say no and go home or to go in and keep our friendship.
I'm going in.
"Cassidy, I'll go in."
"Yay! I knew you would want to!"
I nodded with a smile but I was screaming on the inside. I don't want to die. I don't want to die. I really don't want to die.
Cassidy ran into the rainforest and after 2 steps she had vanished. I couldn't see her at all because of the large trees and how many there were.
I panicked.
What do I do? What do I do? Should I go in? Should I go home? Think Amber, think!
What if Cassidy is in trouble or in danger and she doesn't know it. If I go home and tell them then they'll be angry that I let her go inside. I ran towards the rainforest but before I could even look inside I turned and hesitated. I might never see my family or the light of the sun again. I took a deep breath and soaked in my surroundings. I could see my house, there was a tiny dot and a bigger dot, I think my dad was getting in the car to go vegetable shopping since there is an empty vegetable bowl at home. Then I could see a dot holding something grey on the front garden, kneeling down. I'm pretty sure this was my mum because every Saturday she does the gardening on the front lawn and checks that all the plants are alive. The grey thing was either a shovel or one of those unusual gardening tools that she keeps in her little tub (I have no clue what it's called.)  A tear ran down my face and I looked up at the sky because I felt a raindrop on my forehead a moment before. It started raining. I breathed deeply and turned to the rainforest. I took one step forward and closed my eyes... I could feel the leaves tickling the sides of my face.

I had entered the most dangerous rainforest in the world on Saturday the fifteenth of April two thousand and twenty one.

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