Part 1

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Allison's POV

I woke up to Jake splashing freezing cold ice water on top of me "J what the actual hell are you doing" "Getting you up of course we have to leave in 30"

It took me and good couple of seconds to process what he had actually said, and with that I got out of bed and shoved him out of my bedroom so I can get in the shower.

So this is my sixth year alright but I may or may not have been kicked out of my last school just because of a small and I mean very small mishap.

Which may or may not have ended up with 1/3 of the school up in flames.

I didn't really have that many friends in Beauxbatons because they're all to well there's only one way to put it there to much of snobs.

Everyone pretends that they are friends with everyone when in reality they're all slagging each other off.

I just tended to stay away from everyone as it was just so much easier to focus on my studies and to also pull pranks without anyone suspecting it was me.

But that one little mishap with the fire ended with me getting kicked out so yeah.

Jake on the other hand has been in hogwarts since first year as our parents didn't want him to go to Durmstrang because 'it won't be a good environment for him' so I got shipped off to France while he stayed in the UK great you can obviously see who the favourite is.

But me and Jake have a good relationship unlike me and my parents.

When I got out of the shower I put on some comfy clothes because who am I going to be impressing I'm going to end up changing into my robes anyway.

When I got out of the shower I put on some comfy clothes because who am I going to be impressing I'm going to end up changing into my robes anyway

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I put on some mascara, did my eye brows and put on some lip gloss to finish my makeup.

I checked to make sure that I had everything I needed and called Jake to help me with my luggage cause this girl doesn't pack light.

"JAKE GET YOU BACKSIDE IN MY ROOM RIGHT NOW" I shouted out of my door into the hallway cause if I am correct he would be in his room sorting out his rat, yes you heard me his rat, out of all animals that he could of brought to hogwarts he wanted a rat.

Me on the other hand I have a cat called Gucci she is your typical tabby cat but she has so much sass like a runway model. "What do you need now" he shouted back before walking into my room

"can you carry my luggage downstairs for me please it's a tad bit heavy for me to carry it down the actual stairs"

"fine but in return all I ask is you to not have a fight with mum or dad when we are in the car please I can not be dealing with with you"

"fine just hurry up we only 5 minutes before we need to go"

And with that he took all of my luggage well most of it cause I'm making sure my backpack stays on me.

Once we all got downstairs the butler took our bags and put them in the car.

Meanwhile me and Jake waited in the car for our parents who took their time. 

And before we knew it we were on the road.

594 words

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