Part 2

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Allison's POV

While in the car I got lectured by my farther about 'how I'm ruining the family name' 'I should be more like my brother' and all the usual.

I must say one thing I miss about Beauxbatons is that my parents never came to drop me off I just got in the car and left but honestly if I spend another minute in this car I'm going to Avada kedavra myself.

Luckily we arrive at King's Cross, while I'm taking my stuff out of the car my parents are giving my brother hugs and telling him to write to them and when it's my turn to say goodbye guess what I get a god damn wave and a warning from my dad saying "you better behave while your here if I hear from anyone in the ministry that you have done anything remotely bad you will regret ever getting the option of coming here you hear me"

I didn't even get the chance to respond before him and my mother are both in the car driving off.

I turn around to Jake saying "how about we get on the train, put our stuff away and I can introduce you to everyone" I give him a simple nod and we we walk through the wall.

we carry our stuff on and walk to the back of the train, I'm so confused on why we aren't sitting in the empty carriages so I ask Jake "J why are we waking to the back why can't we sit in any of these carriages"

"oh yeah sorry Alli I forgot to mention the Slytherin carriage is at the back of the train these carriages here are for the other houses"

and with that we continue waking until we get to the Slytherin carriage it's all dark with a hint of green in it.

We walk over to a group of people mostly boys and 2 girls, if I'm going to be honest all of them are fit and pretty. As we walk over one of the girls looks up at me and Jake and says "look who's decided to turn up"

she said that with a very sarcastic tone then she looks at me "Jake who is that your hiding" i then realised I was standing behind my brother so I stepped out and decided to introduce myself "oh sorry, hi I'm Allison but you can call me Alli, I'm Jakes younger twin sister"

as soon as I said sister no joke she jumped out of her seat and introduced herself "well I'm pansy and I think that we are going to be great friends"

I looked at her and examined her she has brown hair straight hair, freckles and is overall really pretty.

I then looked at Jake who gave a chuckle to himself then he decided to introduce the group to me "well pansy has just introduced herself so I'm going to skip past her, so the other girl is Daphne Greengrass her sister is a bit of a bitch so stay away from her sister Astoria Greengrass"

I looked over to Daphne she looked so timid and shy but once again she was really pretty.

"Now moving onto the boys over here we have Blaise Zabini" he looked really friendly.

"Lorenzo Berkshire" just from how he looks I feel like he is going to be a funny person.

"Draco who you already know" Draco was a family friend so he came round ours a lot during the summer.

"Crab and Goyle who pretty much follow Draco and do whatever he says" he said that in a whisper

"Mattheo Riddle" I must say he is seriously good looking.

"Wait Riddle as in the noseless guys son" after I said that Mattheo turned to me

"Yes my father is Voldemort is that a problem"

"no I was just surprised that anyone would sleep with him cause of you know how he looks, and I'm also surprised how you look as hot as you do"

as soon as I said the last bit I realised and shoved my hand over my mouth. Jake then hit the back of my head cause of what I said and normally I would have a go back at him but honestly I deserved that

"i am so sorry I thought I said that in my head" I noticed him give me a small smirk and with that I sat down next to pansy and Jake sat next to me.

"We also have Molly Riddle she is Mattheo's twin sister, she would normally be with us but she is probably with Luna Lovegood"

778 words

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