Chapter 11: Victory and Death

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Jedi Knight Archie Ilaiah


Hey, Archie...

It's Anakin Skywalker.

I really hope this message finds you well.

Archie, it saddens me that I have to report this to you. I didn't want to tell you at the meeting because you've been through enough—and you had success in capturing Maul...but your Master...he...

Archie, I'm sorry for your loss and—


I turn away from the hologram. The clones stare at me.

My eyes seem to be blurring against my will.

"Commander Ilaiah, do you need—"

"No." I hold my hand up. I keep repeating the word. "No. No, no, no. No. Never. No. I don't want"

First my Padawan and now Brock.

A clone trooper—Parker—brings me a canteen of water.

"You know..." I inhale as the door slides up. I sound shaky and disgusting. I don't like crying. I feel weak. Ahsoka turns around with Rex.

"Archie?" She asks. "What's going on?"

"Is everything alright, General?"

I shake my head, smiling lightly. "I didn't think I'd have to see another person who was close to me die at the hands of an enemy of the Jedi. I thought I would live to die before them or that someone like Brock would die naturally when he was older. I thought the same for my Padawan...But seeing that this war isn't letting up in the final stages frustrates me. Why isn't this easier? I wasted all that time fighting some stupid Zabraks just because I thought it'd make me feel better to use rage and let off steam. I used it for my personal gain and now...look at what's left."


"Ahsoka. My in...shambles because of Maul and his siblings. Do you know that this is a day my people will never forget?"

"Yes, I do, and I won't forget either. But don't turn your back on everything just because you couldn't be in two places at a time. That's not possible for anyone."

"Well, it should be." But she's right. Ahsoka's right and that's the problem.

"You sound like Anakin." She rolls her eyes.

"Aw, nice. Thanks."

And why is it working? Why am I not turning away now?

"You've probably heard this before," Rex takes a couple steps closer, looking me in the eye. "But Brock would want you to go on."

"I know."

"And Pako needs you."

"I know."

"So why stop now? We've come so far with your help. Don't stop now. You've been freed. If you walk away now, you'll be back where you once were."

Calming words appear in my head.

The Gray Jedi Code

There is no light without the dark.

Through passion, I gain focus.

Through knowledge, I gain power.

Through serenity, I gain strength.

Through victory, I gain harmony.

There is only the Force.

"Are you ready?" Rex asks, holding out his hand. I clasp it immediately. "So what do you want to do?"

"Stop this war." I grin at both of them. Ahsoka looks happier. "But first, we've got a stop to make."

"Where to, Archie?" She asks. I just stare at Rex.


Attention, Kamino. This is Clone Force 99.

The Clankers are invading Coruscant, and we have very little time left.

You are our only hope, my brothers.



"Hunter...the Bad Batch" Cody sighed. "Even Echo and Fives...they're gone."

"Well, what are you waiting for, lads? Let's move out!" One commander said.

"I...I can't...we're...I'm too disoriented." One soldier replied.

"Be that as it may, I gave you a direct order—all of you!"

"Without the chips...the mission is over...the orders are meaningless. We're finally free men—"

"Fier. Fek!" Archie shouted, stepping into the room. Everyone turned around to look at him, especially Pako. "That's the biggest load of shaak fierfek I've ever heard in my entire life."


"General?!" There's a sound of applause, gasps, and cheers from everyone.

"Yeah, it's me! I'm alive. I'm fine." I nod, but to my surprise, Pako stands behind me.

You're here! I want to scream, but I can't.

I'm not on Mandalore anymore.

I can't be out anymore.

"I'm alright."

"Look at all of us." Rex sighed. "Brought into a war we didn't understand. We fought alongside the Jedi knowing they would protect us. It's about time we return the favor."

"I'm sorry, Captain, but removing my chip has made me realize how tired I am of fighting in this war..."

"Yeah, you know what?" I look at Rex. "I'm tired of fighting this war. I'm tired of fighting multiple wars. That chip in my head drove me crazy. I'm sick of the manipulation and corruption."

"I'm tired of this let's finish it tonight."

"Let the people feel the wrath of the Republic. Let them know the clones are more than soldiers. Let them know that you fight—"

"For the Republic!"

Shaak Ti and Ahsoka smile proudly. But there's something else.

"Now, I need your help. The Inquisitors that captured me—Spear and Razer—are still on the loose. I—"

Someone taps me on the shoulder. I turn around.


The 595.

"What can we do for you, Sir? Because 5-9-5 stands for—"

"E.I.E." I exhale, proud of them. They still appreciate me.

"Enough Is Enough." Pako finishes. "Let's go Sith hunting."


"Admiral, you made it!"

"The nuisances are eradicated, and the Jedi lack the sufficient number of clone troopers necessary for an assault. Victory is inevitable. We won't just purge the Jedi...we'll purge every bit of organic life from the high buildings to the undercity...Coruscant will be reborn."


But little does STAG know.

Not everyone was killed in that blast.


"Ugh...Echo? Are you awake?"

Archie Ilaiah's Star Wars Quests: Book I: Vengeful EntityWhere stories live. Discover now