Part 3

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Mattheo's POV

After about an hour of everyone talking I notice that she is asleep on Jakes arm and she looks so peaceful.

Why did I say she looks peaceful. I've literally just met her and she is my mates sister.

She looked so embarrassed after insulting my farther which I mean can you blame her, he has got quite the reputation.

Jake decided to change into his robes and asked if any of us would mind sitting where he was so she could sleep for longer no one said anything so I got up and told him I would.

I mean he has been a great friend so this is the least I could do for him,

When I sat down she gripped onto my arm tighter and it seemed like she was having a nightmare so i thought logistically if I calm her down she would let go of my arm, so I started to stroke her hair and let my hand brush onto her face.

I was looking down at her making sure I didn't poke her in the eye, cause I mean who deserves that when they haven't done anything.

Then I heard someone whistle I looked up to see everyone in the cart staring at me "what the fuck do you all want" I said in a whisper trying not to wake her up.

No one replied everyone just looked down at the ground or carried on with what they were doing before but I knew they were still staring at me.

Eventually I fell asleep before Jake got back so we stayed like this her body against mine and my head on top of hers.

I'm not going soft, I've just met the girl.

Jake's POV

I come back to see Mattheo asleep with Alli against him I know we have another 4 hours till hogwarts so I'm going to let them sleep for another 3 the I will wake them up.

I sat down next to Lorenzo but everyone calls him Enzo. We talked but all I could think about is why would Mattheo offer to let my sister sleep on his arm? Better question why would he be willing to let my sister sleep? Normally he would just bug whoever it is until they move away from him.

Maybe he wants to be a good friend, or he is also tired so wanted to kill 2 birds with 1 stone.

After 3 hours I got up and nudged Alli so she could get up but she would not wake up, she was in a deep sleep.

Allison's POV

I wake up to someone poking me but the only person who would be poking me is Jake so if that's the case who am I sleeping on?

I open my eyes to notice that I am none other then laying on Mattheo, he looks so peaceful what am I thinking that is the son of a murderer but I mean look at him.

"What do you want" I say asking Jake, "you need to go and change into your robes they will have no colour on them but that's just because you haven't been sorted into a house yet" I nod and get up as soon as I reach the door I realise I don't know where the toilets are "J I don't know where the toilets are" with that everyone except for Mattheo looks at me.

J looks at me then looks at pansy and Daphne who are already getting up "it's fine we will take you don't worry" Daphne says her voice is is angelic I have no clue how she is in Slytherin.

"Do you want us to wait for you or not" pansy asks.

"I'm fine I think I remember my way back but thanks for showing me" and with that they start walking back to the cart.

I change into my robes and when I get back Mattheo is awake and sitting where he was at the start of the train ride.

I sit down next to J and get bombarded with questions by Lorenzo i think that's his name.

"So why are you moving to hogwarts?" He looks at me very curious.

"Ok so I was in Beauxbatons but I didn't have that many friends as everyone in there are fake bitches" after I said bitches I covered my mouth everyone looked confused on why I did but then I remembered that dad isn't here so he couldn't hurt me.

"Anyway sorry about that, continuing so I pulled pranks on people mostly harmless sometimes not so much harmless and I wanted to set a girls clothes on fire cause she had be taking about me behind me back and spread rumours about me. So I set her clothes on fire but the fire may or may not have spread everywhere causing 1/3 of the school to be set on fire so I kind of got kicked out"

when I looked at everyone they all had there mouths open apart from J and Draco.

Then I got asked another question "what type or rumours where spread about you" this time it was from Blaise. "Just that I had been sleeping with a couple of professors and that's why my grades were so good, there was also that I killed my dorm mate and if I didn't have killed her I caused her to kill herself. So I think that my reaction was reasonable honestly"

"Bloody hell i would of done worse" Lorenzo replied with all I could do was give a small chuckle.

no one seemed like they wanted to ask me more questions so I asked questions to everyone about hogwarts and themselves just to get to know everyone and everything better. Lorenzo told me to call him Enzo so that's progress isn't it.

I asked about the houses and Enzo replied with "well there's 4 houses at hogwarts, Hufflepuff which is for the kind and caring people, Ravenclaw which is for the smart people, Griffindoor is for the brave and Slytherin is the best house it's apparently for the mean ones but it's not it's for the best people"

"What house do you think that I will be in" I asked

Everyone looked around and then replied with in unison "Slytherin most likely"

Once the conversation died down I whispered to J "please don't tell mum or dad about me swearing I promise I didn't do it on purpose please don't tell them I will do anything" J looked at me then replied with "you don't have to worry about wearing in front of me and my friends the professes yes but me no please don't worry I won't let them hurt you" with that he brought me into a small little hug.

Then the train stopped and everyone rushed off the train apart from J and his friend group I have J a confused look and he said "all the first years will run you over out there it's a literal stampede of first years so we wait and then why off without the worry of getting run over" I was going to say something but everyone had started to walk off so I grabbed my bag and went with them.

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