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Lorien was standing face to face with Stella who was looking at him startled.

Stella-How are you here?


Stella-No, you're not real, you can't be real...

Lorien looked at her confused. Another girl came.

Emilia-What the hell...

Stella-It's Lori.

Emilia-Are you sure?

Lorien-Why is it so hard to believe I'm standing right in front of you.

Emilia-I mean you're...


Emilia kept quiet. Lorien pulled Stella into a kiss.

Emilia-Yea this is bad she needs to wake up asap.

Lorien was teleported to another place.

Lorien-I can't stay in one place and it was just getting good...

Lorien looked around as he saw stones and rocks, the place had dead plants it was sunny, too hot but it was dry as Lorien started to look for water. He heard someone talking as he hid himself behind a big rock.





Jaguar was following Chiara, she was going deep into the forest looking back and around her making sure she was alone as Jaguar hid himself. Chiara went and stood in a specific spot,  marked with her name as she took off her cloths and Jaguar turned away. Then he heard groans and screams of agony from Chiara as he turned and saw Chiara transforming into a wolf.

Jaguar-Chiara is a werewolf...

The werewolf was howling to the moon and swinging its claws and destroying everything around as it saw Jaguar.

Jaguar-That's not good...

The werewolf started chasing Jaguar who was running further from the main cities of Moon.




Lorien was listening to the conversation.

Voice 1-Look at this place Malik.

Malik-He lied to us! Those scholars don't have a clue how to get us home. Sage we need to get back and abandon Jericho and Julka...

Sage-What if they do know, what if they are the key...

Malik-What do we do?

Sage-Let's befriend them...

Malik-I won't be a heartless cruel bustard like that Sage, I won't use those innocent boys....

Sage-What do you suggest Malik, I understand your father is the noble knight, but we are stuck here no time to play nice.

Malik-I won't use anyone for my own selfish reasons Sage.

Sage-Then let's be friends them, they don't seem so bad.

Malik-Alright then,  I agree but if you double cross them....know that you also double cross me.

Sage smiled.

Sage-Malik I need to get home to clear my name and show my father I didn't kill the prince...

Lorien was listening to everything as a third man joined in.





Jaguar was running for his life as he looked up to the moon and then back at his ring as he took off his ring he transformed into a wolf as well. Chiara looked at the other wolf and charged as the two wolves started fighting. Jaguar was trying to hold off Chiara. While Jaguar was in control of his wolf form, Chiara wasn't,  and Jaguar was trying to hold her off and keep her away from the city. He pulled her into a secluded place in the depth of the forest and until the moon was gone Jaguar remained with Chiara. Until she was back to her normal form, Jaguar put his ring back on and held Chiara, he took her in a place where no one would find and went back for her cloths and took them to her. He looked at her and kissed her forehead and put the cloths on her covering her and walked away.

Jaguar-Well, I don't have to worry about cloths, I've got to thank Cepheus for this ring though...

He walked away from Chiara.




Lorien was still listening on the conversation now along with Sage and Malik there was another guy.

Voice-You wanted to see me?

Sage-We want to co exist.

Voice-Co exist? After what you did to me and my friends?

Malik-Luka, look around, Chronos is a dead planet we all want to get out of here.

Luka-You came to Magedom and kidnapped me and my friends! You could have stayed there.

Sage-We are not from Magedom.

Luka-We would have found a way to get you to your home from the portals of Luxway!

Malik-Well, it was a miscalculated step on our part.

Luka-Miscalculated? You have taken me from my home! My family was being slaughtered and being overthrown! I will never forgive you!

Sage-We have to coexist Luka, that is the only way!

Lorien-Luka? My father's brother Luka?

Lorien took a peek from behind the rock and was startled how much the young man resembled the portraits of his late uncle Luka,  who was believed to have died. Lorien was teleported to Luxway.



LORIEN: GUARDIAN OF LUXWAYWhere stories live. Discover now