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Lorien was startled about his discovery and was sitting down not saying a word as the guardians of the portal were looking at him worried.

Lunar-Is everything alright?

Lorien-No, everything is...I don't understand anything anymore.

Z-What did you see?

Lorien-I saw the dead...

Leia-That's impossible, we do not have an entrance to the afterlife...

Lorien-That's not what I mean.

Isaac-You have to select your next portal.

Lorien-I'll go in portal 5, I'll leave portal 4 for last.

The Guardians were waiting for Lorien as Lorien stood up and looked under his feet. The portal started glowing from underneath his feet and Lorien was teleported to Magedom.

Lorien-This is the Magedom of my father's era.

He looked around and every creature was scared and mortified, they all went to their house and shut the windows and doors as the soldiers were everywhere standing guard.

Lorien-What's happening....

He walked towards the palace as he saw some guards taking other guards away and executing them.

Lorien-Where's my father...

He went into the palace and no one could see Lorien.

Lorien's granduncle-Your loyal guards have been arrested and executed, your creatures are too frightened to come for your aid, you allies have all turned their backs on you!

Lorien's grandfather-Please don't do this brother, you want me, let my family and my creatures at peace.

Lorien's granduncle- No, I will get rid of you just like I got rid of your queen and then I will kill your heirs, Luka and Morpheus and your bloodline will forever be erased from Magedom's history...

Lorien's Grandfather-Why have you become so greedy brother?...

Lorien's granduncle-Aruarus taught me one lesson while I trained with him....to become the best king you have to cut off your weak parts... you brother...you are my weak part ..... I will kill you brother!

Lorien witnessed the murder of his grandfather as he started chasing down the halls in search of his father.

Lorien saw little Morpheus and Luka hiding as Luka left Morpheus in hiding and ran to get help and Lorien followed his uncle Luka....




LORIEN: GUARDIAN OF LUXWAYWhere stories live. Discover now