Safeword (Dean Winchester)

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Warning: smut, crossing boundaries, aftercare

Words: 982

A/N: as we all know, Dean is probably a sub in the bedroom. This is going to be a reverse comfort imagine, but if you want to see it the other way around, just leave a comment. Thanks <3



He looks so beautiful. All tied up for you. His hands are tied to the headboard. His ankles to the end of the bed. A blindfold is covering his eyes, making it unable for him to see you. His mouth is slightly open, his chest going up and down from the deep breaths he was taking. Your pretty little submissive man slut.

You've been teasing him for a long time. Spanking his thighs, leaving kisses around the part where he wants your touch the most, whispering dirty words into his ear. You've even been edging him. Right when he's about to blow, you stop with what you're doing and leave him untouched for a few minutes. It's cruel, but you like it. You love when you hear him whine for you. It's something he'll never do outside of the bedroom.

Right now you are leaving kisses on his neck while you sit on top of his waist. You run his length over your slit, soaking it with your juices. His whimpers are like music to your ears. You slowly slide him inside of you, a cry coming out of Dean's mouth. You bounce up and down on him. You can't help but let out some soft moans of your own. He feels so good.


She's bouncing on top of me. God, I want to see her so bad. The blindfold is making me kind of anxious to be honest, but I know she likes it. I let out a whine when she starts slowly grinding on me. I can't bear the slow stuff anymore. I'm getting way to sensitive, and it's not in a fun way anymore. It's burning. I feel her hands running up my chest towards my neck. Next thing I know, she's harshly pulling on my hair. A loud cry leaves my mouth and I can feel tears swelling up in my eyes.

I let myself be vulnerable around her, but right now I regret that. I don't want to cry about this. I don't want to seem weak. Is she taking advantage of her dominance? No, of course not. She doesn't know that I feel like this. But for the first time, I'm to scared to say anything about it.

One of her hands is still pulling on my hair the other one traveling to my chest. She squeezes one of my nipples making the tears in my eyes fall. Her hips suddenly start moving really fast onto mine. My hips stutter automatically, trying to get away from the pain, but I can't.

I know it's crazy. I've gone through torture and even death, but this is different. I let myself be vulnerable around her and she made me feel safe, but that feels far away now.

I try to form words, but I can't. The pain is to much. My nipples hurt from her squeezing, my head hurts from the hair-pulling, my crotch burns and feels sore. More tears fall down, traveling down from under the blindfold. I try to mumble the safeword, red, but I really can't. My lips do move, but the only sounds that are coming out are whines and soft sobs. "What is it, sweetheart?" she asks. I can hear the smirk on her face. Is she enjoying this? Her movements have slowed down just a little bit. "Red..." I mumble, barely audible. "Speak up", she says, clearly she didn't hear what I said. Her movements were slow now, not completely still, but slow. "Red..." I say through a sob. Her movements immediately stop. "Did you say the safeword, baby?" she asks, her tone way softer. I quickly nod and she immediately gets off of me.

The blindfold gets pulled off. My eyes squeeze shut, due to the sudden brightness. "Oh, baby..." she mutters, while her soft fingers qently wipe the tears away. I look at her through teary eyes. Her beautiful body hunched over me. The genuine look of consern on her face. She softly kisses my forehead and then she moves down the bed to untie my ankles. She then moves up again to untie my wrists. She kisses my wrist, a comfort for the pain.

"I'm sorry", I whisper. Did I dissapoint her? "Don't be silly, Dean. You don't have to apologize for setting your boundaries. I'm so proud of you for doing that" she whispers back to me, while her soft hand caresses my cheek. The feeling of being safe comes rushing back to me. She's proud of me.

I was in my 'submissive headspace' for the rest of the night. It makes me feel fuzzy and floaty. In any other situation I would be embarrassed as hell, but with her it's so different. She took care of me the whole night. After she had untied me, she grabbed me a glass of water and asked me if I wanted any clothes. She helped me into some underwear and a t-shirt. She did the same to herself and then got into bed with me. She pulled me closer to her. I lied my head on her chest and listened to her heartbeat. It calmed me down. She softly talked to me, knowing it made me feel relaxed. Her fingers were making all kinds of different patterns on my arm, sending chills all over my body. I fell asleep shortly after.


A/N: Heyy! I didn't really know how to end it, but I hope this is alright. Again, if you want to see it the other way around, just leave a comment!

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