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Beomgyu was just another person in the city of Seoul, he worked a 9-5 hour office job in a big building for a large company. He had moved from Deagu for this job about two years ago, and now he lives in a small one bedroom apartment with his cat, Muffin. The boys life wasn't eventful really, work, eat, sleep. But he didn't mind it really, it had been a while since he had dated or anything and months since he, well, you know. He missed being loved romanticly, he missed holding hands, he missed the pecks on the lips, and the i love yous. But here he was getting drunk and crying for like the 5th time this month with his best friend, Soobin.

"you need to get your ass laid before you go insane," Soobin said, he was a little more sober than Beomgyu as for he just didn't have intrest for getting that drunk tonight. "I knoww i, i jus dont pull bitches Soob.." Beomgyu  slured his words like he was just learning how to speak. The taller boy snatched Beomgyu's phone from his hands and unlocked it, "i'm going to sign you up for a blind date app, and you will, i repeat, you will go on at least one date for me okay Gyu?" Soobin pulled out his pinky, "pinky promise?" the boy continued. "I pinky promise" The shorter boy responded locking their pinkys together.

About an hour later after Soobin made Beomgyu chug a bottle of water, The younger was a lot more sober. He was filling the information out that he needed for the app. Soobin agreed to stay the night to help the other boy figure out what the hell he was doing. after his acount was made and he put in his prefernces, he put in his location and other things along those lines. He left his phone a while before him and Soobin fell asleep watching a movie.

Saturday afternoon, Soobin just left, Beomgyu showered, fed Muffin and decided to check his notafications. A message from Yeonjun, a boy from the app Soobin put on his phone.

Yeonjun <3

-Hey sweetheart, are you free this weekend?

Beomgyus heart fluttered, he had never been asked out like this. On second thought he had bearly been asked out at all. Non the less he quickly responded back after checking his profile and seeing he lived in Seoul aswell.

Yeonjun <3

-Hey sweetheart, are you free this weekend?

                                                                                               I'm free Friday, is that okay?-

- Mhm of course doll <3

After about an hour of messaging back in fourth they gave each other their number and set up the date as well. Of course Beomgyu called Soobin as soon as plans where finalized and ended up falling asleep on the phone.

Before he new it, it was Friday and he was riding the subway home, trying to figure out what to wear with him franticly texting Soobin, 25 minuets passed and the boy was walking home from his bus stop to his apartment. As soon as he got home, he checked the time. 6:37, date was at 7:30. He showered, did his hair and makeup, then finally found out what to wear.

 He showered, did his hair and makeup, then finally found out what to wear

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It was simple, but he was told to dress casual. They where going to a simple little family owned restaurant. Beomgyu thought that was the cutest thing ever, right up his ally. Yeonjun sent a Taxi for him, which was sweet. When the Taxi arived it was 7:10, it was about a 15 minuet ride with traffic so it worked out pretty well. He arived at 7:23, a little earlier, which was nice.There he was, Yeonjun. Sitting out on a bench right outside the restaurant, phone in hand. Beomgyu just got flustered looking at the man. God was he gorgeous.


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"Hey pretty boy," Yeonjun said, it took Beomgyu a minuet to realize Yeonjun was talking to him. "me?" he asked looking like a lost child. "Do you happen to be Beomgyu?" Yeomjun responded already knowing the answer but he decided to playfully flirt a little. The younger boy nodded his head, "mhm!".

"god your adorable, you hungry darling?"

Beomgyu nodded his head again, he felt a little shy even after how much they texted back and fourth. Yeonjun held the door open for the other. "there is no one here, are you sure its open?" Beomgyu looked around confused. "I know the owners, i rented the place empty for us doll" Yeonjun responded like it was nothing. The shorter felt loved. They ate dinner and just had small talk, getting to know each other better. Yeonjun thought Beomgyu was the cutest thing ever.

After they ate, Yeonjun offered to drive Beomgyu home, in return Beomgyu accepted. Yeonjuns car was nice. Like really nice. Beomgyu started to wonder how rich was he? But thats not what hes after. Pretty Boy by The Neighborhood was playing gently in the background whild yeonjun softly and quietly sang along, Beomgyu couldn't help but to smile, he was his type. Yeonjun's hand rested comfortably on Beomgyu's thigh. The shorter boy covered his face slightly at turned away. "sensitive there?" Yeonjun questioned, The other nodded his head yet again. "good to know" The older laughed and kissed the back of the other's hand.

Yeonjun slowly stopped in front of Beomgyu's building, "go out with me again?, i really like you" Yeonjun smiled up at Beomgyu. The younger blushed, "i'd love to-" he was cut of by Yeonjun pecking his lips, "text me when you get home, okay baby?". Beomgyu was still comprehending what just happened. "ye-yeah" he said. before closing the car door and him and Yeonjun exchanged a few smiles and waves before Beomgyu was out of sight. "cute" yeonjun said before starting to drive home.


new boook!!! yay

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1022 words :)

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