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It had been about a month since Beomgyu and Yeonjun have started going out. Nothing is official yet, but Yeonjun really wanted to ask the other to be his boyfriend. 

He had never felt this much love for someone. On the other hand Beomgyu feels the same way, I mean the boy hasn't gone a day without wearing the necklace yeonjun bought him since he got it.

 Beomgyu had an all employee meeting today, he was lucky soobin worked with him or else he would be shitting his pants. The company's owner Mr.Choi would be passing the company to his son or whatever, Beomgyu didn't really care if he was honest.

 He got up, did his morning things and got dressed.

He thew on a simple black turtle neck and some black trousers, he was supposed to dress nice

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He thew on a simple black turtle neck and some black trousers, he was supposed to dress nice. Beomgyu put on some stub earrings and his necklace Yeonjun gave him, of course. 

He rode the train to work everyday due to him not having a car but he didn't mind, he enjoyed walking.

 The place he lived it was for the most part quiet. The boy heard his phone buzz, he grabbed it out of his work bag, it was from Yeonjun.

Yeonjun <3

- good morning baby, have a good day at work <33

                                                                 you too Yeonjun! i miss you so much <33-

Yeonjun had been texting him every day and Beomgyu loved it. Beomgyu got off at his train stop to see soobin, they started walking to their work building talking about random things, they eventually got there and parted ways to there desks.

 The morning passed by quickly and soon it was time for the meeting or ceremony or whatever it was called. 

He spotted soobin and set next to him at a small rounded table. The room was just filled with tables and then a bigger table up front with three chars and a tv behind it.

 There too many people in the room that they ran out of tables so they just stood to the side. the first 30 minuets where just clapping and talking, and then more clapping.

 Until the new company owner, the previous owners son was anounced. "intoducing the new company president... Choi yeonjun" the anouncer said, Beomgyu's eyes furrowed and slowly looked to soobin. 

"isn't that your boyfriend?" soobin whispered into beomgyu's ear. "No- well yes But hes not my boyfriend yet" Beomgyu started to ramble. 'What the actual fuck' beomgyu thought. 'is that why hes so rich?, omg stfu Beomgyu' .

About 30 minuets has passed and it was more of a party then a meeting. Yeonjun had started to walk around is his fancy suit greeting everyone, and i mean EVERYONE.

'god hes so hot, wtf Beomgyu get your shit together' the boy thought as he got up to avoid yeonjun who was about to reach his table.

The boy got up and headed to the drink table, he took a glass of some strawberry flavored sparkling water, he glanced over to his table and saw yeonjun there, he was screwed.

Just then the worst thing imaginable happened him and yeonjun made eye contact, 'fuuuuuuuuuuck.' Beomgyu thought his face turned red, he was embarrassed.

Yeonjun's face lit up, the cutest smile on his face, Beomgyu couldn't help but to smile back. Yeonjun was just too adorable.

The taller male started to make his was over to Beomgyu, Beomgyu on the other hand still flustered. "Beoms i didn't know you worked here" Yeonjun took Beomgyu's hand and kissed it.

"mhm" Beomgyu managed to mutter out, his voice being shakey, still stuned at the siutuation. "you okay darling?" Yeonjun asked with concern in his voice.

"exscuse me, i got to go-" Beomgyu murmered quickly exsiting the large room, yeonjun following after him.

Good thing the room was crowded or else a lot of atteintion would be brought to them. "Gyu wait!" younjun said once he exited the room.

Beomgyu turned to meet yeonjun, there where no others than them in the hall, "im sorry i didn't tell you sonner- i didn't know you worked- or i- Im sorry" Beomgyu started to ramble.

Yeonjun pulled the other into a tight embrase, "its okay baby" Yeonjun quickly said, playing with the others hair to calm him down.

"you didn't know its alright" yeonjun chuckled, he placed his finger under Beomgyu's chin, tilting it to look at him, he gently placed his lips on beomgyu's before pulling away shortly after.

"i hope this dose not effect our relation ship, i know we are not offical yet but i just," beomgyu said before becoming more quiet, "i really like you yeonjun"

Yeonjun smiled a sweet smile, then placed a small kiss on the others nose "it probably wont, i really like you too sweetheart" the two boys laughed

"they are probably looking for you, you should go" Beomgyu lightly pushed Yeonjun, 

"ah your wearing the necklace i gave you" yoeonjun smiled 

"stop changing the subject gooo"

"one condition"


"dinner friday?"

"oh my god you idot"

"is that a yes?"


yeonjun laughed as he made his way back to the room, Beomgyu following sortly behind, Beomgyu went back to his table to be met with a highly confused soobin 

"where the hell where you?"

"wouldn't you like to know?"

"uhh yes bitch i was left alone?"

"me and yeonjun where talking"

"you fucked him at work?"

"NO- no just talking"



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