O n e - Hogwarts Express

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As I stumble on to the busy platform it hits me. I'm going to Hogwarts. Yes, it happens to be because my father wants information on Harry Potter but i'm still going. I haven't been able to leave the house in years now.

Looking around I spot mainly families. Doting mothers and fathers with their loving children not willing to let them go for the first time. Pathetic. You would never catch me doing that with my father. What would it be like? I imagine very uncomfortable. Yes. Very strange.

I jump out of my thoughts as the train horn sounds.

Shit, I gotta find a compartment. There are bound to be no free ones left. That was my plan for this ride. Heaven forbid i end up in a compartment with malfoy and his goonies. Walking through the train I hear laughter coming from one of the many closed doors. Peeking through the blinds I see Harry Potter relaxing on one side of the seat and his friends almost making out on the other side. Who could've thought the Mudblood granger and Ron weeslebee would even stand to be that close to each other. Somehow the Weasles are apart of the sacred 28, I say somehow as all of them are filthy blood traitors. I knock on the door, and it opens a fraction, enough to bring all of their attention onto me

"Hi, do you mind if I sit with you guys?" I say, making sure that my skirt is rolled up, showing the bottom of my thighs.

"Uh yeah sure" Harry whispers, seemingly at a loss for breath, now pink in the face.

"Oh, how rude of me" I giggle, playing the act I know i'm meant to"My name is Amaya, and i'm meant to be in the fourth year."

"Hey" Interrupts weeslebee with a mouthful of sweets, "Thats our year"

"No way" I giggle again, giving him a smile

"Ronald! Don't talk with your mouth open, It's rude." granger says. Probably jealous about her precious red head.

Of course granger called him out for it though, I've heard from my friends that she's the biggest teachers pet in the year. Interesting. Looks like I will have competition to get top marks.

I zone out, watching the scenery through the window. I have to admit, Scotland is beautiful. I can still hear Granger and Weasley fighting about who is more gross, Ron for chewing with his mouth open or Hermione for doing the assigned homework over the summer. Personally I would rather watch the trees go by then talk to either of them.

I look up to catch Harry's green eyes on my light aqua ones.

"What's it like being the chosen one?"

"Pretty boring actually. Other then Voldemort trying to kill me every year. He must be pretty bad though since he hasn't got me yet"

I flinch at the mention of my fathers name. How dare he speak about the only man who has cared for me. The blatant disrespect made me hate him even more. Putting on my facade again I smile.

"How do you manage?"


"With He who Must not be Named always after you? That must cause you so many troubles" I feign curiosity

"Oh, um I just kinda do"

"Is it luck?"

"Excuse me?" Butts in Hermione, "Did you just ask him if his talents were luck?"

"Don't get your knickers in a twist" I laugh "I just meant that He who Must not be Named is one of the most powerful wizards if not the most, I'm just curious how a teenage boy managed to defeat him"

"You're wrong" Says Harry, this time pink with anger and not lust. "Dumbledore is the most powerful wizard of all time."

"Ahh." I say as I realise their views. How absolutely dim witted. The way they have been manipulated by their headmaster to only see his way. I wonder if he has forced them to do his bidding too. "I didn't mean to offend anyone, I apologise"


I go back to watching the trees go by. My mind going a million miles per hour. Fucking hell Ivy. Don't let them know idiot. Not yet. They can't know that my father is Tom Riddle.

"Hey Amaya" Potter whispers

"Yeah?" I play along

"We are almost there, do you happen to know what house you would like to be in?"

"Uhh not really" But, as a true riddle, I want to be in Slytherin. Obviously I did. Anyone would be able to see that from a mile away. Thats about the only thing I have dreamed of since I found out I was coming here, apart from making potter pay, and eventually die. "I don't really know the houses to be honest. Would you mind explaining?"

"Well," He begins "There is Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff, and Slytherin. The only bad house is Slytherin."

"Thats right" Says Ron "Never a witch or wizard that went bad that wasn't in Slytherin."

Well, now I know what Dumbledore has been teaching them. Fuck the 'no house prejudice;'

"Oh, Okay then"

I ignore them for the rest of the journey. Not worth talking to if they are stuck that far up Dumbledore's arse.

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