S i x - The Owlery

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Author's Note: If you have already been reading so far, you may notice that I have changed the name of the protagonist. Originally her name was Ivy and now it is Amaya. I didn't believe that Ivy was a sinister name for someone who had willingly killed and is set out for the tasks that Amaya is now set to do. I also feel as though Tom Riddle would not name his only child something that had no meaning, therefore prompting me to choose Amaya. I find it a beautiful but dark name that means 'The End' something I feel is very fitting for this character. 

As always Thank you guys so much for reading and I appreciate every single one of you!

p.s. Special thanks to my friend Isabelle who helped me look through names.


'"Amaya" I hear my mother call from the kitchen. "Come here darling I have something for you to try" I hear, stopping playing with my mini broomstick to call back. "Yay mummy I love your cakes" I giggle. "Come here then silly girl" She laughs in response. As I toddle through the house I look into all the rooms I pass, each one showing off multiple family pictures on heirlooms. Looking closer at the pictures I look at all of us standing at the park. Mummy, Daddy and me. Daddy's never home anymore because of work. It sometimes makes me sad but thats okay because I have mummy. "Ivy, where are you?" I hear my mother call. Turning around I walk back into the hallway, towards my mothers voice. Reaching the kitchen I stick my plump hand into the cake my mother has just spent so long making. "Ivy no! We have to make it neat for your father." She reprimanded. "Sorry mummy" I respond, in my cute high voice I know was now long gone. "I'm home!" I hear my father call, sending shivers down my spine.'

I wake with a jump. I hate having dreams like this. Even if they mean well.

Walking through my old house brought back memories. Even if I only saw it in a dream. Ones that I wish would never come back. The screams of my mother as she plead for her life. The grief of my father when he saw one of his 'followers' inflicting pain onto his wife. He may not have loved her, but he did very much care for her. 

The pain when the same death eater turned and saw me in the corner, quivering in terror from what I was seeing. The feeling of pain, reaching the tip of every nerve. My mind blacking out and waking up again, only giving me brief seconds of relief. My first time experiencing the cruciatus curse. I passed out eventually, one of my only times of weakness.

It took me two months to wake up after that event. They told me they kept me at Malfoy manor. Narcissa and the house elves caring for me while Lucius and Draco were on holiday. In France. While I was dying the 'perfect heir' of the Malfoy's was soaking up the sun in France. I was so jealous of him in that moment. 

He got to bring home souvenirs from that trip. I got to bring home the scars on my back. Literally. My whole back is scarred, running from my neck down to my waist. The first time he saw them was when we went out one evening to watch the sky around seven years of age. I had gotten too hot in the july weather so I took my sweater off, revealing a smaller top underneath. Because of this you could then see the two year old scars that littered my back like stars in the sky. Each one around 5cm long. You would think someones initial response would be "what are those?" or "are you okay?". Malfoy's was "You look disgusting, put your sweater back on and don't ever touch me again."

 As much as I didn't like him it stung to hear coming from someone who I knew was supposed to be my friend, and people wonder why I don't like him.

Glancing at the clock on the wall I sigh. 6:00am. I may as well get up and get ready for breakfast. Walking to my wardrobe I feel myself start to tear up. I know i'm a horrible person. I know i've done things I shouldn't have done but younger me didn't deserve that. I didn't deserve to have the cruciatus curse placed on me every day of my life since I was five until I was ten. 1826 days of my life have been spent in pain. None as bad as the first. 

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⏰ Last updated: 3 days ago ⏰

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