T w o- "Malfoy"

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As the train stops I'm forced to turn back towards the trio, somehow still waiting for me at the door. Fuck it, whats the worst that could happen. I get up to join them. Making sure I grab my trolley and cat.

"Don't worry about those Amaya," Harry calls "They will be placed in your room later."

The platform is busy, but somehow still calming. Smoke swirling up, creating patterns in the cold night. It's not silent. Far from it. With students running around I almost didn't notice the platinum blond. As our eyes lock we send each other glares of hatred. It's been like this as long as I could remember, me and Draco fighting like our lives depended on it. Did I know the reason? Pffttt no. Was I going to stop annoying the living shit out of him? Also no. of course I was immensely grateful to Cissy and Lucius taking me in as their own when my father fell, they had always given me a home to come back to.

Malfoy starts walking over, pushing people out of the way. Typical. Using his 'powers' of having a father high in the ministry to scare people. Using my brain that i'm not sure anyone else has at the moment, the reaction of the trio when slytherin was mentioned i'm guessing they don't like slytherins very much. Let alone the 'Slytherin Prince' Malfoy. My guess is proven correct when weasel very rudely interrupts my thoughts.

"Why is HE walking over here"

Hmm, yes good question. Why is he walking over here.

I give him a confused look as I realise whats going on. Oh shit. He is going to do what every malfoy does, fuck things up. You know what, for once I might just go along with it. Maybe he isn't as dumb as he seems. As Malfoy reaches me he puts his arm out for me to grab onto. This is expected. It's very common knowledge for purebloods to be taught proper manners. I place my hand lightly on his forearm, making sure not to touch him too much when I feel both of us slightly flinch at the contact.

"Malfoy" I nod

"Riddle" He nods back, turning to smirk at potter

I turn back too. Not at all feeling sorry when I see potters face fall.

"Riddle? As in Tom Riddle? As in Voldemort?" He almost shouts

I swiftly walk up to him putting my wand against his neck in the process. " It's He who Must not be Named to you Potter, and don't let me catch you ever talk about my father like you did on the train again." I push myself and my wand away from him, disgusted that I was ever that close to him.

Him and his dumb friends are staring at me in shock now.

"Whats the problem potter?" I laugh "Thought I would have a crush on you?"

He goes pink once more with embarrassment. So pathetic.

Turning back around with me and Malfoy laughing to ourselves we walk away, my hand still on his forearm. As soon as we are out of their vision we seperate immediately. Both of us dusting off where we touched.

"God Riddle, if i ever have to touch you again I may just throw up."

"Same goes for you Malfoy, although I would probably scratch my eyes out myself before I had to touch you again." I smirk.

He scoffs but otherwise leaves it at that. He has been around me enough to know that i'm a fan of the dark arts, and not afraid to use them at that.

As we reach the group of slytherin purebloods aka: the best people at hogwarts, I hear a squeal.

"AMAYA" Astoria screams.

Her and Pansy immediately come up to hug me.

"I missed you two. How are you both doing? Or better yet, who are you two doing?" I ask wiggling my eyebrows at Pansy. Everyone knew she had a thing with Blaise, how do they think no one knows? It's so obvious every time I see them in a room together. Astoria though, she preferred to keep her preferences more quiet. I preferred to not have them at all.

"Shut up Amaya" Pansy snickers, while smacking my arm "I will tell you later"

"You better Pans. Anyway what about you Astoria? Anyone on your mind?"

"Amayaaaa" She groans "Not now you idiot"

I huff.

But thinking about it over in my head I get a brainwave.

"Oh shit Tori" I groan "It better not be you know who again"

"Who voldemort?" She asks, a cheeky grin on her face

"Yes you fuckwit my dad." I say in the most sarcastic voice I can muster. "No obviously not my dad Tori"

Pans and I start giggling while walking over to the guys

"ASTORIA LIKES MY DAD" I say at the top of my lungs

The boys all turn around confused as Pansy and I start laughing our butts off on the floor.

"What drugs did they have on the train?" I hear Theo mutter

"I don't know man but I want some" Blaize replies

This just makes me and Pans laugh harder. Both of struggling to get up, every time we try we look at each other and laugh harder again.

Properly getting up this time I make my way back over to Astoria.

"I know who you actually like" I whisper in her ear

"If you tell anyone Riddle I will make you regret it for the rest of your life" responds Astoria lightly shoving me with her shoulder.

This made me stumble and miss my chance to get her back as she ran towards the group.

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