F o u r - Dinner and Dorms

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'Congrats Amaya!' and 'We have Riddle' are just some of the things i can hear from my new housemates. Well, at least they seem to want me around. Thats a start in this god awful place. Lord knows i need to have them on my side or this bloody plan wont work.

Looking down the tables I see multiple pairs of eyes staring back at me in addition to the empty plates and goblets adorning every square inch of space. It seems as if everyone wants to get a look at me, almost as if they think i may disappear, or kill them if they aren't looking.

"Why is everything empty?" I ask, sitting down. "Are they trying to make us starve or something? Is that not against some sort of law? Anyway i thought this school was meant to be rich?"

"No Riddle, are you seriously that fucking daft, dumbledore just likes to have his moment in the spotlight every year and bore us all to death" malfoy replies.

"Funny malfoy, really witty, It was just a bloody question. No need to get your knickers in a twist." I scoff

While speaking, dumbledore stands and politely coughs to gain everyone's attention. The house tables fall silent while i'm left glaring at all of the people who think they have a right to look in my direction. Filthy blood traitors. 

"Please tell me we don't have to just wait for him to talk about unimportant things while we have to starve" i ask astoria "I bet the fatty has already eaten ten dinners already and thats why he wants to torture us"

"I know right, these speeches are always some stupid crap about how we have to get over our house prejudice, become friends with each other and praise the brave, as always." she replies, rolling her brown eyes in the process. 

"Of course we are told to praise the ones that are stupid enough to get themselves killed at every possible moment."

"Amaya Riddle." Dumbledore booms "Please be silent while i am speaking"

We both go shut up as he starts his speech.

 "Hello all of you and welcome. To start of I have a serious matter to talk about. I know you all will be quite scared at the arrival of miss Riddle here. I can assure you she will not be of any harm to anyone. To make sure of this we will have prefects walk with her to and from classes, and professors keeping an eye on her at all times. I will have no one causing direct harm to her based only on who her father is. Please do not hesitate from coming to me or any of the other head teachers if you suspect she is doing something she shouldn't. Now moving on the the brighter part of the speech."

Thanks Dumbledore, if people weren't looking at me before they definitely were now.

"I'd like to make an announcement. This castle will not only be your home this year but home to some very special guests as well. You see, Hogwarts has been chosen to host a legendary event: The Triwizard Tournament. The Tournament brings together three schools for a series of magical contests. From each school a single student is selected to compete. Now let me be clear. If chosen, you stand alone. And trust me when I say, these contest are not for the faint-hearted. But more of that later. Please enjoy your food"

As the hall erupts in whispers I take the chance to look over at the other tables, thankful that the attention is finally not on me. Some seem exited at the prospect of winning the tournament while others are looking at friends in horror, wondering who will be chosen to play in this deadly game. One thing that's obvious is that the other houses had no idea that the tournament was happening at all, let alone what will really happen and the trials involved.

That's one advantage of being in Slytherin, knowing all of the gossip and news from our pureblood families and friends. I for one was definitely  involved in the discussions involving the plans for this year. I would even go far enough to say that I have a special role in it. One that I cannot mess up.

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