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As Seraphine stepped out of the cave, she felt a mix of emotions.

Seeing the Pillar Men had brought back memories of a bygone era, a time when she had been instrumental in their creation and research. But now, she had no interest in their pursuits and had her own path to follow.

As she walked through the streets of Rome, Seraphine couldn't shake off the feeling of being watched.

She turned her head and saw the same dog that had followed her earlier, tail wagging and a mischievous glint in its eyes.

It seemed this dog had taken a liking to her or perhaps sensed something more about her.

Curiosity piqued, Seraphine decided to play along.

She gestured to the dog, encouraging it to come closer. To her surprise, the dog obeyed, trotting beside her with an air of familiarity. Seraphine couldn't help but smile at the unexpected companionship.

She named the dog Kars after one of the Pillar Men she had encountered earlier.

With Kars by her side, Seraphine continued her exploration of Italy, marveling at the sights and sounds of the modern world. She encountered bustling markets, beautiful architecture, and a vibrant culture that fascinated her.

However, it wasn't all smooth sailing. Seraphine soon realized that her awakening had caused quite a stir among people.

Rumors of a mysterious winged woman with divine powers spread like wildfire.

Most feared her as a harbinger of doom, but there were a few who had believed her to be a god.

Seraphine found herself becoming the center of attention, attracting both awe and suspicion wherever she went.

To avoid unnecessary conflicts and maintain her anonymity, Seraphine used her cloak to disguise herself as a regular human. With her cloak concealing her wings and her ability to alter her appearance, she seamlessly blended into society. It became her secret game to see how long she could remain undetected.

Ignoring her thoughts, she sat below a peach tree to rest her eyes, but then she felt it.

She could feel Kars, the leader of the remaining pillar men go into a ultimate form, free from flaws.

She trudged her way towards the presence of the ultimate life form. Realizing that it was useless walking, she took out her wings and soared through the air in search of Kars.

Once she felt him, she looked down from above to see him. Kars was chasing after a human, whom had a muscular build and tall frame.

Though, Kars in his new form could also sense Seraphine's presence. His eyes went up looking at the sky in disbelief. Joseph had noticed Kars had stopped flying after Joseph which made him turn around. "Haha! Not so tough now, are you?"

The Joestar had finally realized that the pillar mans attention was directed somewhere else. Looking up he saw nothing in the dark sky but a pure white pair of large wings, suited for an Angel.

Joseph was too focused on the wings in the sky to pay attention to kars. But he only heard one thing:

"She's here. What is she planning?"

Seraphine - JJBAWhere stories live. Discover now