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Joseph looks at her wings in awe. "Who is that, Kars? Is it another Pillar?!"

Kars shakes his head, looking back at Joseph.

"Of course not. That's Seraphine, my empress. You must treat her with respect, human! She is more powerful than the both of us."

Seraphine descended gracefully from the sky, her wings gently folding behind her. She landed in front of Kars and Joseph, her presence commanding attention.

Joseph's eyes widened as he recognized Seraphine, having heard tales of the mysterious winged woman. He took a step back, his mind racing with questions and curiosity.

Kars, on the other hand, bowed respectfully before Seraphine. "My empress, I did not expect to see you here. How may I be of service?"

Seraphine glanced at Kars, her expression unreadable. "Kars, it seems you have attained the ultimate form you desired. But tell me, why are you pursuing this man?"

Kars straightened himself, his newfound power evident in his demeanor. "Joseph Joestar possesses a power that can rival even my own. He is a threat to my goal."

Seraphine studied Joseph, her gaze intense yet serene. "And what do you plan to do with this power, Kars? Are you willing to wreak havoc and bring chaos upon the world?"

Kars hesitated for a moment, seemingly conflicted. "I... I have not thought that far, my empress. My sole focus has been attaining ultimate power."

Seraphine sighed softly, her wings rustling in response. "Power without purpose is meaningless. Kars, your quest for supremacy has blinded you. There is more to existence than simply being the strongest."

She turned her attention to Joseph, who was still trying to process the situation unfolding before him. "Joseph Joestar, you possess a power that can challenge Kars, but do you truly understand your potential?"

Joseph shook his head, a mixture of fear and determination in his eyes. "I'm not sure, but I won't let Kars harm innocent people. I'll do whatever it takes to stop him."

Seraphine nodded, acknowledging his resolve. "Very well. Kars, I offer you a different path. Instead of seeking dominance, join forces with Joseph and use your power to protect the world. Become a guardian, not a destroyer."

Kars looked taken aback by her words, as if a new perspective had suddenly been presented to him. He glanced at Joseph, then back at Seraphine, his expression slowly softening.

"You speak of a purpose greater than my own desires," Kars said, his voice tinged with uncertainty. "But can I truly change my path after all this time?"

Seraphine extended a hand towards him, her eyes filled with compassion. "The choice is yours, Kars. Embrace your potential for good, and together with Joseph, forge a new future. The world needs protectors, not conquerors."

Kars looks at her outstretched hand before giving her his final answer.

"I'm afraid I cannot do that, my empress."

With determination, he lunges at Joseph, bone blades at the ready, slashing through his attire as they meet flesh. Joseph attempts to escape, but Kars extends his wings, harnessing their powerful gust to propel himself toward Joseph, who's sprinting toward an aircraft.

As Kars lunged at Joseph, Seraphine swiftly stepped in between them, her wings spreading wide to shield Joseph from harm. The force of Kars' attack collided with her ethereal wings, causing a powerful gust of wind to ripple through the area.

"Stop this madness, Kars!" Seraphine's voice resonated with authority, her eyes blazing with determination. "Violence begets violence, and the cycle of destruction will only continue."

Kars faltered for a moment, his eyes locked with Seraphine's intense gaze. The weight of her words seemed to penetrate his hardened heart, stirring something deep within him. He lowered his blades, momentarily ceasing his assault.

Joseph, catching his breath, looked at Seraphine with a mix of gratitude and confusion. "Why are you protecting me, Seraphine? Aren't I just a ordinary human to you?"

Seraphine smiled softly, her wings gently folding behind her. "Every life holds value, Joseph. I see potential in you, just as I see it in Kars. It is my purpose to guide and protect, to foster harmony among all beings."

Kars slowly regained his composure, a flicker of realization crossing his face. He had spent centuries pursuing power and dominance, but Seraphine's words struck a chord within him. He had forgotten the importance of empathy and compassion, of finding a purpose beyond his own desires.

"My empress," Kars spoke, his voice softer than before. "I have been consumed by my thirst for power, but I now understand the significance of your words. I will choose a different path, one that seeks balance and unity."

Seraphine nodded approvingly, a sense of relief washing over her. "I believe in your capacity for change, Kars. Together, we can build a future where strength is tempered by wisdom, and where the power we possess is used to protect and uplift others."

Joseph, though still bewildered, stepped forward. "Tch.. I'm willing to give him a chance. If you believe in his potential, then I'm willing to see if he can truly change."

The tension in the air began to dissipate as the three figures stood together, their fates now intertwined. Seraphine's presence brought a glimmer of hope and the promise of a new direction for Kars and Joseph.

Seraphine - JJBAWhere stories live. Discover now