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When you came down the stairs, you immediately saw MJ by the door talking with Thyme and you swiftly held onto his arm. The male was caught by surprise when he felt a hand from his side but when he found it was just you, he let you comfortably wrap your arm around his. "Hey, that was really cool earlier." MJ firmly said, looking over at you with a wide smile plastered on his face.

"It was so not cool." You giggled after your sentence.

"Thyme thought it was cool though," MJ chuckles and points at Thyme, making you look over MJ's shoulder to look at Thyme who wasn't listening to your conversation with MJ. He did that because he's still upset about how you ruined his day just by stopping him from bullying someone else.

"Oh Ren!" MJ suddenly called and waved at the guy who came from the kitchen. "Over here!" Ren's face then lit up when he saw his group of friends gathering around the foyer and he immediately walked to them.

"Where's Kavin anyway?" You asked, looking at every direction but you didn't see him anywhere in the crowd.

"Oh, he's out talking to some girl." MJ responded. "Don't worry though, your date will be back in a jiffy."

"He's not my date." You blurted and rolled your eyes, making MJ and Ren chuckle.

The conversation ended in an instant when everyone from the crowd started to gather around to where you and your friends stood. They were busy talking and exchanging glances with each other but you were sure it's not about you, or Thyme or anybody in this room but rather the two figures that appeared on top of the staircase. Everyone's gazes were captured by two women that you were with earlier, you looked up at the very moment they slowly made their way downstairs and a smile plastered on your face.

If everyone is in awe seeing the two beautiful ladies coming down from the stairs, one boy was particularly not happy in what his eyes had seen. It was Thyme. When he saw Gorya coming down the stairs, he was enraged, seeing her all happy as if she didn't shake Thyme's nerves back then. He didn't like the way Gorya smiled in front of a big crowd or even laughing with his friends, it was not supposed to be this way.

When they made it down the stairs, you excused yourself through the crowd and made your way to the both of them holding their hands, "You two look so stunning tonight." You complimented and you turned your gaze to Gorya and let out a heartwarming smile. "Especially you."

"Thank you P'Y/N." Gorya smiled brightly and you pulled her in a hug. "This looks right for you." A voice came through behind you and you two looked at the person only to find that it was just Ren complimenting Gorya.

"You mean this dress? I think–"

"I mean your facial expression." Ren corrected her and you tilted your head with a smile, "That's right Gorya. Now you can totally smack Thyme in the face." The four of you shared fits of laughter at what you said.

And if everyone is in awe seeing the two beautiful ladies coming down from the stairs, one boy was particularly not happy in what his eyes had seen. It was Thyme. When he saw Gorya coming down the stairs, he was enraged, seeing her all happy as if she didn't shake Thyme's nerves back then. He didn't like the way Gorya smiled in front of a big crowd or even laughing with his friends, it was not supposed to be this way.

Thyme couldn't hold back the emotions seeing how you defended Gorya and how you're helping her tonight, he doesn't want to question your friendship with him but now he doubts it. Thyme clenches his fists before charging at you, grabbing you forcefully by the shoulder and pulling you back from Gorya and the others.

"What are you doing Y/N?!" Thyme yells, "I gave her a red card so why are you helping her?" You winced in pain as you felt his fingernails digging into your bare skin.

You forcefully removed his hands from your bare skin and pushed him away, creating multiple gasps from the crowd. "That's supposed to be my question because what the fuck are you doing Thyme?!" You yelled back and held your shoulder with one hand. "I told you already that I am not going to tolerate your bullying!"

Thyme rolled his eyes and charged back to you but Ren swiftly came in front of you and blocked him from getting any closer. "What the hell do you want Ren?" He asked and Ren's brows furrowed.

"What's your problem with Y/N? Why do you care if she helps? It's none of your business." Ren answered with questions and then Ren pushed Thyme backwards hard that made Thyme crash on the floor. You saw how many people in the crowd started to record the scene with their phones making you anxious.

"If you have a problem with Y/N, clear it with me. Don't bring any girl into this." Ren finished and Thyme scoffed before standing up. "Clear it with you, Ren. Sure." Thyme clenches his jaw and dashes to punch Ren on the face.

"Thyme!" You screamed with the crowd screamed in shock at what Thyme had just done.

You did not expect Ren to fight back but he did, now grabbing each other's collars. You wanted to pull them away from each other but from every attempt, Kavin would only hold you and shake his head. "What the fuck are you doing?" You asked, looking at the male up and down. "Let me go," You ordered but he shook his head once again. "Do you want to see your friends being like this?" You questioned, looking at Ren and Thyme exchanging punches and he sighed.

"They're being violent, if you don't want to die in the middle of all that then you really shouldn't go." He said and you nudged him on his side and he grunted in pain but that allowed you to be free from his grasp and just when you were about to charge back at the boys who were still holding each other by the collar.

Talk about not letting you go when he wasn't even here when the commotion started, you didn't even know where he was earlier and he had the audacity to say that.

"Enough!" A voice echoed and you moved your gaze to your right and saw Gorya running to the both of them, attempting to pull them away from each other. Ren let go of Thyme's collar when he heard the female's voice and Gorya came crashing into Thyme instead and only him.

Gorya tackled Thyme on the ground accidentally and she landed on top of the male, who had his eyes closed and his arms lay flat on the floor meanwhile Gorya's hands were on Thyme's chest and her face on his face.

The crowd stood frozen just like the two who were on the ground, watching how the scene unfolded. You audibly gasped with Mira and Gorya's eyes suddenly widened when she realized what she had just done.

"Shit!" MJ and Kavin exclaimed.

The kiss ended in a few seconds before they could even pull away from each other. Thyme immediately pushes Gorya off of him and moves back from her, pointing at her with shock. "You! You just kissed me." He said while stuttering his words and he looked at her for a while before looking around at the crowd who was also looking at them intently.

Frightened by what happened, Thyme ran away. You bet he was embarrassed because that was his first kiss. A first kiss so accidental and not intentional, a first kiss so embarrassing because there was a crowd who saw what happened, a first kiss that did not have any special meaning.

You glanced over to Gorya who was still sitting on the floor touching her lips, dazed by that very kiss she had just done.

Just like any other fictional book, the good girl ends up kissing the bad boy.


i wouldn't blame thyme for running away, i wouldn't want my first kiss to be like that either😆

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