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You were pretty sure that you had almost spent the whole day at MJ's place yesterday. Not even once you had stepped foot into the school premises. Not that you would care but your parents probably will.

You spent all the time finding all the possible evidence needed, to throw out Hana from Thyme. All of you had just realized that Hana was the girl Thyme used to call 'ugly' and threw her gift back in kindergarten.

Sure what Thyme did was mean but nobody expected her to come back like this and still be obsessed with Thyme after so long.

By the end of the day, the most important of all is making sure that none of your names, especially Gorya and Thyme's will not lead to any rumors or headlines that will cause further trouble. One wrong move of you getting involved means you're going to be sent abroad without hesitation and you promised your dad that will never happen.

You also spent the whole night feeling guilty that you weren't there to help Gorya who was severely bullied at school. You had underestimated what the other students could do once again. It would be a lie if you said you didn't cry when you heard that the girl passed out because of what the other students did to her, plus the guilt you feel.

The boys had assured you so many times that you didn't do anything wrong and it's not your fault that it had happened to Gorya. The only time you had stopped sobbing was when the boys pulled you in for a group hug and Thyme's statement saying that Gorya was able to sleep at his house last night, though hidden she will be fine.

To make it up to yourself, the boys and to Gorya, you had decided to pick her up at Thyme's house who had left to finish what's left from yesterday and to pay for the damages. Your car arrived yesterday while you weren't home and finally, the thought of going to school without a chauffeur or any of the F4 picking you up made you relieved.

You pulled up in front of the front door and saw the girl coming out from the door with a phone in her ear.

While she was busy talking and had not noticed you yet, you looked around and saw a lot of red motorcycles in different models and brands and thought about what the hell Thyme was up to now. Yet you forgot about it when Gorya took a little glance at your car,  you opened the window and waved at her, "Get in."

Gorya beamed with a smile when she saw your face in the car. Gorya put her phone back in her pocket before walking inside the car. Before she could even sit properly, you pulled her into a tight hug right away. "I'm so glad you're safe, Gorya!" You sighed, patting her back. "I'm sorry if I wasn't there yesterday..."

"No, it's okay P'Y/N. I wanted to say my thanks as well, you helped a lot in finding out the truth for me."

"I barely did anything."

"Still, it helped a lot."

A little smile forms onto your lips as you pull away from her, "To make it up for you, I'll give you a free ride to school."

On the ride to school, you both talked about everything that had just happened. You still can't believe that Hana could do that to Gorya, "I heard about Hana. She decided to leave the school, hm?"


"I'm guessing you're mad at her?" You asked and looked at her and went back to the road.

"To be honest, yeah. I can't forgive her. But, she was the only friend I had in school ever since we knew each other. Despite doing terrible things to me for Thyme, I know that she wasn't faking being friends with me from the beginning." Gorya talks and you hummed in response, nodding to it. You weren't able to look at Gorya, you were busy parking the car at the parking lot.

"Gorya we're here- Are you crying?" You asked and she shakes her head. Instead of believing her, you put a hand on her face to turn her head to look at you, "Is this about Hana? Look, I know that this is hard for you too and I can't say the same for your friend. You know her the best and if you want to say goodbye to her, don't stop yourself. And I'm sorry if my words are not comforting at all, just know- I'm here for you always."

Gorya shook her head and smiled, "Thank you P'Y/N. I have to find Hana now, so I'm going first." She was back to her original state and got out of the car first, leaving you there with a sigh of relief. You stayed for a while in the car and leaned your head back on the seat to rest, you opened your phone and checked your socials after not checking it for days.

You stumbled upon recent articles circulating your dad and seeing the same rumors from last year resurfacing again on the internet made you sigh. It's the same old thing, rumors of your dad hooking up with his secretary. You don't even know what's true and what's not anymore because your dad likes to keep things under the rug.

You turned off your phone and put your hand over your eyes as you closed your eyes. You thought about your family as the people's idea of what a  perfect family looks like. Ever since you were born, your family has always been the buzz of the town- even the small things you do with your family are still relevant to the articles. Not that any of that was fake, growing up- not even one thing was made for articles, none of you were trying to be picture-perfect because it really was true, the relationship, the moments, the memories.

You quickly shook those thoughts off when you heard a knock from your window. You glanced at who it was and it was Kavin. You swiftly took your bag from the back seat of the car before going out.

"Hey. What took you so long to get out of your car?" Kavin complained, yet you just choose to not question how he knew that was your car when it's literally it's first time here in Thailand.

"Nothing. Was just checking on something." You replied.

The two of you entered the school- going straight to the lounge upstairs. At the same time, Kavin noticed the frown on your face but he chose to not talk about it. He assumed you were still guilty about what happened to Gorya so he just stayed quiet.

"I'm not saying anything!" Thyme's voice from below echoed and your brows furrowed, you looked down and saw the two lovebirds bickering with each other. "Did you do something to me?!" Gorya screams back.

Your frown quickly turned into a grin as you looked at the two chasing each other around, "What's up with them?" You questioned, pointing at the two of them down below.

"You practically just missed his announcement that Gorya's his girlfriend." MJ answered with a smirk and you chuckled, "Maybe it's just one of his delusions. Let me guess- Gorya said that it isn't true."

MJ and Ren laughed and gave you a thumbs up. The four of you continued laughing looking at the two of them.

"Will they make it?" Kavin asks.

"I think they'll fight everyday." MJ answered and you nodded. "But it'd be so funny to see if they'll actually become official. I'll actually believe in true love if that ever happens."

"True love? What's that?" Kavin jokes and you nudge him on the arm.

"Yeah right. A playboy will never be loyal and believe in that kind of lame stuff right?" You said, Kavin shrugs with a sly smirk, making MJ and Ren laugh at what you said.

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