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Having a meal together with them was never a bore and never will be. You love listening to their conversations and you love that in any way possible because they always like to include you with every detail of it, especially when they talk about the childhood that you spent together with them.

You sat in between Kavin and Ren like from the first night you had arrived in Thailand, except it was now less awkward to share a conversation with Ren. The two of you would randomly exchange glances at the same time, as if your bodies were wired to do that. And in any time that would happen, Ren would laugh over it which made you do the same as well.

"Look at these two, having their own world like they used to." MJ stated and you and Ren stopped laughing as you looked across the table, seeing MJ smiling. "What? It's true anyways."

Ren then stifled a laugh, "Some things just never change." He says as he glances over at you with a genuine smile.

"Yeah, they just never do." You agreed, and everyone in the table except you and Ren exchanged glances. It was more of a teasing type of gaze and anyone who would think that Thyme who was never the biggest fan of love would also be so invested with you and Ren.

Just when you thought the day would end after a good meal, the boys immediately called for a party and you groaned internally. You were never the party monster type and you were definitely not a fan of liquor and the boys knew that but for what they said earlier that they haven't seen you drink made you come with them.

You were the youngest in the friend group but only a month younger than Thyme was, you're both seventeen and while every one of your other friends are of legal age, you and Thyme remain to be kids and that explains your non stop childish bickering with him.

When the first two drinks were served, they immediately said that it was for you and Thyme. "You're kidding..."

"Chug! Chug!" Kavin and MJ hyped and you turned your head a little to your right seeing an amused look on Ren's face.

"Help..." You mouthed and he chuckled, shaking his head.

"Go for it." He said and then you saw how Thyme fixed his coat and then grinned at you, "Let's see who can finish this faster in one go." He suggested and you rolled your eyes at his childish antics.

"Do it alone idiot."

He scoffed at your statement, "Idiot? Maybe that's you since you don't want to do it."

You crossed your arms at him, "Oh so you want a challenge?" You asked and raised your brows, "Bring it on."

The two of you exchanged glances one more time and without any countdown, the two of you started to chug down the drink that was set on your table. You heard the boys hyping the two of you and you shut your eyes at the last chug of the liquor and you dropped the glass a second before Thyme did. You raised your hands up in the air to claim your victory against Thyme and he clearly rolled his eyes at it, and MJ quickly congratulated you.

"You were just lucky because I started a second later than you did." Thyme said, which was a total lie because he cannot accept his little defeat. You didn't do it the second time though, you just wanted to drink and chill which was something the boys weren't up to.

They took you to the bar, the DJ and then on the dance floor, only to leave you there alone since they were so busy with their own. After sharing a few dances with every other guy you see on the dance floor, being spun around and talking with strangers you grew immediately tired and so you left the dance floor and went to your table, none of your friends were there, you assumed they were still in the bar or maybe even on the dance floor as well.

𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐬┃Ren F4 ThailandWhere stories live. Discover now