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Time flew by and it has been several days since Mira's party and such an incident occurred. You lost track of how many days you have been avoiding Thyme but you were aware that the last time was at Mira's party in which he yelled at you.

You're still mad about it and that's one flaw about you, you like to hold grudges against people who have hurt you and even if Thyme is one of your closest friends, he is no exception to this.

You basically just hung out with the others even if he was in the same room as you. You would purposefully do that so that he'll get sick of it but it seems like he was busy eating up his ego and didn't care.

The same cycle would happen, you would go to the lounge and hang out with Kavin and MJ. Then if you're not in the lounge, you would be found on the rooftop with Gorya. Then after school you would be at Mira's house or out shopping with her. Ren was hard to catch though, it seems like he's here but not really here, that kind of sucks.

But what sucks more is when Mira had to leave Thailand, you didn't like the idea of her leaving at first but then you realized that whatever you say and do to make her stay, nothing will ever stop her once she makes her mind to something. She left all her dreams for something that she has always aspired to do. Some say she's just destroying the career she worked hard for but you know that wasn't true.

On the day of Mira's flight, she had so many requests that she asked you and the guys. The way she kept annoying you made you want to smack her but you had to deal with it because this will be the last time she'll ask for a favor.

"Please, be friends again." She begs you and Thyme who was standing a few meters away from you.

You peered over at him and rolled your eyes at him who was also looking over at you with a glare.

"No way!" You both yelled in unison.

"Why not? This is my last request. Look, I'm already leaving and you two will still not make up? When can I ever witness you two being friends again then?"

"Why not? Ask that jerk over there!" You said as you pointed at Thyme and he scoffed, "Me? Are you saying it's me?!" He asks, pointing at himself. "That's bullshit."

"Yes you, asshole." You stated and crossed your arms. "See Mira? This is pointless. Just stop forcing things on us, and look at the bigger problem here which is Ren and Thyme, not me."

The group then looked at Ren who was just right beside you and when he had heard his name mentioned, he looked up from his phone and noticed that everyone was already staring at him except Thyme. "What's this have to do with me?"

Mira sighed, "I guess you don't value friendship after all."

You glanced at her and grimaced, "That's so not true! We do, it's just not a good time to reconcile."

"Yes, it is." Kavin joined in and you shook your head at him. "Yes really, Y/N." He said with a serious demeanor and you had actually given up from all the damn pressure they have been giving since earlier.

You and Thyme sighed and looked each other again in the eye but this time you both did not give each other the attitude you both gave just earlier.

"Hug! Hug! Hug!" Kavin and MJ cheered from behind and you groaned. "Oh please would you just shut up?" Thyme snapped and you could clearly see the two from your peripheral point of view that they were having fun cheering and also yet the teasing look on their faces was too obvious.

"Do you really want me to do this?" You complained and looked over to Mira who nodded without hesitation.

Thyme looked away from you as he stepped closer to you with open arms, aiming for a hug. You closed your eyes as you felt his arms wrap around your figure, you could even feel his heart beating so fast in nervousness. "I'm sorry for everything I did to you, Y/N." He mutters for you to hear, your eyes fluttered open wide.

Was I hearing things or did Thyme really just apologize to me?

Your friends teased the two of you even more when they finally saw you two making up. Even Kavin took out his phone to take a photo to commemorate such a happy moment for the friend group. "Delete it." You ordered when you had let go of Thyme's and he shook his head with a grin, "Kavin!"

"No." He said and you attempted to tug on his shirt to catch him but he was fast enough to dodge it. You almost wanted to punch him on the face but you saw how the group started to laugh at your childish acts with him.

"Oh, I need to go now." Mira began when her flight was already called, she smiled in such a bittersweet way as she held tight on her luggage. She looked at you one by one, and smiled. "I'll miss you all."

You pulled her in a tight hug that caught her by surprise but still did not hesitate to hug you back, "If there are any problems you want to talk about, I'm just one call away okay?" She said and you nodded. "I'll miss you so much Mira." She nods and pulls away.

Mira then waved to all of you before turning her back around to go. You kept waving to her in case she wanted to look back at you but she did not, that really meant that there's no turning back for your best friend. This was the end and a start of a new beginning.

"Don't you want to follow her?" You asked and looked up at Ren, his brows raised in confusion at you. "What for?"

You hummed thinking for the right response and then you said, "She's your crush right? Don't you think she's worth chasing?"

He then stifles a laugh and turns off his phone. He puts it inside his pockets and then puts an arm around your shoulder, "She is worth chasing but as it turns out, she isn't my crush."

"You're kidding..." You said and he shook his head.

"Why would I joke about that? Are you disappointed I don't like her?" He asked and before you could let out the answer which was 'yes', both of your names were called, and it was MJ.

"Thyme wants to eat out!" MJ beamed who was already walking ahead and both you and Ren followed the group.


not making ren leave for the plot is😔🙏😊🙏😓🙏😍🙏

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