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After a long night, you had finally woken up first in Ren's tight and warm embrace. Your back was pressed to his chest, and his hands were still around you. You squirmed from his embrace little by little so you couldn't wake him up and the first thing you did was to check the time on your phone that was on his nightstand and it was already 9 in the morning and thank God it's the weekend.

You slowly got out of his bed and turned the air conditioner off. Before you walked out of his room, you looked at him one more time and his eyes were still shut and he was sleeping so still that you didn't want to wake him up.

After that, you opened the door of his room and went to the living room, stretching your arms as you stared at the window once again. There, you opened your phone and ordered some food delivery for breakfast and also hangover soup.

You had received many notifications from your friends from last night asking if you've gotten home safely with Ren but you chose not to respond. There were many missed calls from Kavin, your Mom and most especially, you had received many notifications on your social media, that you basically abandoned.

You opened twitter and the first thing you saw was your name trending with Ren's, you read through the tweets and stumbled upon a picture that was you and Ren on the couch last night. "What the-" You muttered and checked instagram seeing MJ mentioning you on his story with the very same photo that was trending online. "This bitch."

You suddenly jolted in your place when you heard the doorbell ring and you ran for it, knowing it's the food delivery and while you were busy setting up the dining table, Ren was already awake. He was still wearing the same shirt he was wearing last night, and his hair was messed up in every direction but you found it cute.

"You're awake." You greeted the male 'good morning' in which he smilingly returned. He slowly walks to the dining table and rubs his eyes before sitting down.

He sat beside you while you were busy handing him the utensils so that he could start eating the bowl of hot soup that was served in front of him. "I'm sorry for the trouble Y/N."

"Pfft, what trouble?" You snickered, "It's okay Ren."

"You sure?"

"Yeah, you're not giving me any trouble." You said and gave him a little smile to reassure him that everything was fine. And by the way he's talking, he must have recalled all the things you did for him just to get him home.

"I'm also talking about the rumors online." He continued as if he read what was on your mind and your cheeks grew hot. "I'm sorry that you have to get caught with me every time there's a dating rumor." He chuckled and you nodded.

"It seems like it's always about us two." You stated and he bit his lip to not let out a laugh. "I mean- do you remember the time we used to hang out a lot because I had only one week before leaving Thailand and everyone used to freak out when we would hang out?" You asked with a giggle at the end of your statement and he laughed, nodding his head.

"Yeah, I remember dating rumors of us like ever since we were kids. It's kind of funny." He said and the two of you shared fits of laughter before proceeding to eat.

After eating the two of you even argued over who was going to wash the dishes, Ren won as he insisted that you did too much already and so you didn't argue anymore.

You waited for him in the living room and you were seated on the couch, still in the same outfit you were from yesterday. When he finished his business in the kitchen, he came back around and he sat beside you. "Are you still checking social media?" He began and you nodded.

"I'm going to kill MJ for this,"

He lets out a laugh, "So he started it?"

"You know he always does this to us." You responded and your eyes were still glued on your phone. "Ugh, he's even asking us if we're free today. The audacity?" You rolled your eyes reading MJ's text.

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