Chapter 13

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**This is "Careless Whisper" by Seether**

It was the next night, almost time for Larry to head back to work, I wasn't feeling so well for what happened last night. For God's sakes I couldn't even sleep at all in the whole entire day. All I could do is think if I was going to tell Ahkmenrah or not, and if so, how. My head was hurting by now and I had stomach pain already from all this. I betrayed Ahkmenrah and for this I was not surprised if he got pissed off and dump me. What is even worse, I did the same thing to Ahkmenrah that my ex did to me, I feel like I am horrible person.

I heard a knock on the door, and quickly wiped the tears from my eyes...

"Come in, come in whoever it is"

Larry pops his head inbetween the door...

"Hi hun...ummm, may I talk to you?"

I nod my head as he slowly gets in the room closing the door behind him...

"I feel Abigail like something might be bothering you since last night....would you like to talk about it hun? You know I am here for you"

I sit up on the bed and close my eyes sighing deeply, as I open my eyes I look at Larry sitting right infront of me with a look of concern in his eyes...

"Umm well, ....yeah Larry actually something happened yesterday that I am not so proud of..."

I didn't know how to start explaining this, I ran my fingers through my hair...

"Last night Jedediah and I kinda...."

Larry was to attentive when I was speaking that it was kinda not helping me, it was actually freaking me out more...

"Kinda had last night"

Larry's eyes became wide in disbelief, he looked down then up at me...

"Are you telling Ahkmenrah about it? I mean, you should probably tell him...wait, did you said kinda had sex? What does that mean, kinda?"

I look deeply into Larrys eyes as I explain it better...

"I mean that we were starting to have sex but I stopped it even before it was over, the thought of Ahkmenrah came to my mind, and I quickly pushed Jedediah away"

Larry nods...

"Oh I see, so technically you guys didn't really had sex? Cause you guys didn't even finish up"

I nod in agreement and slowly stand up from the bed walking towards the vanity....

"Yeah exactly, but I still feel like I betrayed Ahkmenrah Larry, I don't know if I should tell him, and if so, how?"

Larry stands up from the bed and walks towards me and stands beside me...

"Well, if I were you I would just tell him outstraight what happened, I don't think you can sugar coat something like that"

I nod closing my eyes tightly...

"You are right I must tell him, this is serious and must be told, I don't want my relationship based on lies and secrets"

I turn towards Larry and hug him tightly...

"Thanks Larry, I don't know what I would do without you"

Larry hugged me back tightly, as if telling me that everything is going to be alright. We slowly let go and he began to walk towards the door, as he opens it and steps out he looks back at me....

"Get ready hun, I'm leaving in a bit"

I nod at him and he closes the door behind him, I quickly go to my suitcase and go through my clothes, I pick a black hoodie with bones outlining where the real human bones are, and a pair of black skinny jeans, I quickly put on the clothes and throw on my combat boots. I grab my phone from the bed, and before I put it in the pocket of my hoodie I turn it on, the wallpaper pic was the one of Ahkmenrah and me together he was looking at me, suddenly I felt shaky just by looking at it. I felt scared and sad all at the same time, I put on the hood over my head and headed out the bedroom. I didn't even bother looking at myself on the mirror, I knew I looked horrible, yet, I didn't give a damn. I walked over to the entrance door and saw Nicky and Larry waiting for me, Nicky raised an eyebrow...

To Love Or Not To Love (Based on the movie Night at the Museum)Where stories live. Discover now