Chapter 19

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I gazed at Ahkmenrah, his eyes looked straight into my eyes, as if to read my thoughts. Without another thought I leaned forward slowly towards him and wrapped my arms around his neck. Slowly I made my way to his cheeks and I held them softly as my eyes scanned his. slowly my lips were drawn to his in a deep embrace, I softened the kiss and traveled my hands down to his waist where I quickly pulled him up towards me and he laid ontop of me on the bed. My hands felt in need of his embrace and his caress, I wrapped my legs on his waist not wanting him to leave me ever again. My hands traveled all through his body, he got out a slight moan from under his breath. As I curved my back feeling his lips travel softly down to my collarbone, and up my neck once more and onto my lips.

Slowly after a few more moments of embracing each other we stopped and got off of the bed, we held hands and walked out of the room onto the living room. Larry was sitting down as he was reading my all time favorite book of Steven King; Everything is Eventual. As for Khamunrah, he was standing by the livingroom window staring to the outside world, deep in thought. Larry looked up from the book and slowly a smile creeped out from his lips, "You two are back together again? I am sure glad we didn't have to stop you guys from arguing, or worse, killing each other", both Ahkmenrah and I turned to see each other, and we began to laugh as Khamunrah slowly walked his way next to me and hugged me tightly. I returned the hug to Khamunrah and slowly as we broke the hug I looked at him with a big smile, "Khamunrah, how awesome to see you once more", Khamunrah looked down bashfully and then gazed up at me with a sideways smile, "Khamunrah bashfully? I don't think I have ever seen this side of you", Khamunrah responds, "Well only one person has ever made me feel this way", he bites his lower lip and looks me deeply into my eyes as if to say that it's me who makes him feel this way.

Larry raises an eyebrow and interrupts, "Well it's getting late, and we must head back, Abigail will you be coming back with us?", staring at Larry I think deeply and slowly shake my head. Everybody looks at me with utter surprise, Ahkmenrah grabs my shoulders and turns me to face him, the look of pain written on his face. "What do you mean you are not coming back with us? I thought everything was good between us my love", I nod and smile up at Ahkmenrah, "Yes it is Ahkmenrah, but there are some things I must do before I permanently live in New York".

Everyone looked at me with a sigh of relief and began to laugh in excitement, I turned to Larry and nod, "yeah Larry, I decided to move back to New York, there is nothing for me here, everyone that I love is back in New York, all three of you, plus Jed, Ted and everyone else", I looked at them sideways, "Now you guys go, it will be too late, and its a long way, I will call you Larry when I am on my way to New York, and tell Jed to call me, he hasn't called me for shit" , laughing I hug everyone except for Ahkmenrah, I go up to him and kiss him lovingly on the lips, "I am coming to you in a few days my love, wait for me". I wrap my arms around his neck as our foreheads meet and we savour each others scent and presence.

Slowly we release our embrace as they began to walk away, Ahkmenrah began to walk backwards as he kept his gaze towards me, I most certainly did not want him to leave, but if he did, death will definitely come upon him. I slowly put up my hand up and waved at him as a slight tear fell from my eyes, and Ahkmenrah turned away as he faced the door, disappearing as he closed the door behind him.

I closed my eyes as tears began to fall uncontrolably, without the loid sobs of usual, my heart was hurting but I kept telling myself that we will be together again in a few days.

To Love Or Not To Love (Based on the movie Night at the Museum)Where stories live. Discover now