Chapter 17

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**This is how Parvati looks like, and the video is "Wild Heart" by Sabi, I would recommend watching the original music video**

Both Ahkmenrah and I looked over to where the voice came from, Ahkmenrah suddenly widened his eyes in disbelief as we saw an older man and woman in Egyptian clothing.

"Father, mother, you are here?"

I looked at Ahkmenrah confused and wideeyed, his parents are here? I said to myself. His father and mother finally noticed that Ahkmenrah was holding me on his arms and his mother finally asked...

"My son, who is she?"

As he let me go and wrapped his arm around my waist, he straightened up and pointed out at me....

"Yes, mother, father, I would like to present to you my mate, Abigail,.... Abigail this are my father and mother, Merenkahre and Shepseheret"

Out of instinct, I looked at Ahkmenrah and then at his father and mother. Slowly I bowed to them both and smiled at them both.

"Nice to finally meet the parents of my beloved Ahkmenrah"

Shepseheret had the most awkward look on her face, as if she could not believe that her little Ahkmenrah had a mate. Noticing that it was their qeue to begin to walk, Larry and everybody else began to slowly spread out, Shepseheret under her breath said....

"She has stolen your heart, she is not worthy of my son"

Merenkahre, Ahkmenrah and I turned to her as she stood there frozen staring at both of us.

"My goodness sakes my dear, we both knew this day would come some day, though I must admit that I hoped that it would of been with somebody more of our stature"

Said Merenkahre as he placed his arm around her waist. Shepseheret let out a small sob, and placed her face on Merenkahre's chest crying. Merenkahre looked at both of us as he held his beloved wife with a slight frown, suddenly my smile slowly turned into sadness, I could tell they did not approve of me, letting go of Ahkmenrah slowly I began to walk away. Ahkmenrah looked back at me with sadness as his face slowly turned into a frown in disapointment at his parents, after I left Ahkmenrah looked over at his parents and said....

"Father, Mother, I love you both, but that was uncalled for"

Ahkmenrah took off his crown and ran his fingers through his hair, he felt horrible for me.

Abigail's POV

I crossed my arms on my chest holding my arms, I was dumbfounded for what just happened right now in there. I never thought that we would meet his parents and neverthless they not approve me.

Suddenly I felt so lost, like I did not belong anywhere, as I walked through the corridors slowly, I saw a wall mirror. I stopped infront of it looking right at my reflection....

"I look rediculous"

I said it under my breath as I began to cry uncontrollably, running to the nearest bathroom I ran the water on the faucet and began to wash my face well until there was no trace of makeup, just au' naturale. I looked up at the mirror and began wiping my wet face with hand towels, I began to take off all the Jewelry including Ahkmenrah's collar. Putting it all in my bag, I saw my phone I grabbed it and turned it on, I stared at the wallpaper, closing my eyes I turned it off and put it away back in the bag.

Ahkmenrah's POV

"Mother!, Father!, I love you so much, but please! Stop telling me who I am or I am not supposed to mate with, I love Abigail, and I want you to please respect my decisions!"

To Love Or Not To Love (Based on the movie Night at the Museum)Where stories live. Discover now