Chapter 14

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**This is "Venus Doom" by HIM, this song it's supposed to be dedicated from Khamunrah to Abigail**

We had no luck after looking for Khamunrah for an hour, it seemed as if the earth opened up and swallowed him whole. We were starting to be worried, as we stood at the lobby of the museum. I began to wonder around as I thought deeply of where Khamunrah could be, as I was beginning to walk away from the group suddenly someone snatched me and I screamed. I couldn't see who it was since they were behind me, I began to hear footsteps that walked from behind me around towards the front, I looked from the corner of my eye as it became clear that it was Khamunrah. Ahkmenrah and the rest of the group ran towards me, but were stopped as Khamunrah took out a dagger and placed it right at my throat. I began to hyperventilate but kept trying to breathe deeply. Looking at Khamunrah with a squint I whispered...

"You wouldn't dare"

He scoffs and began to give a slight evil chuckle...

"Want to see?"

He penetrated the dagger a little more in my throat, but not enough to puncture the skin. I closed my eyes tightly feeling the dagger closer, suddenly Ahkmenrah yelled.

"Khamunrah! I told you before! The quarrel is with me!! Leave my Abigail alone!!"

Khamunrah quickly turned back to Ahkmenrah...

"And I told YOU little brother!, Amunet!, or as you call her!... Abigail!, is mine along with the tablet!"

Some of Khamunrah's hench men quickly got around both Khamunrah and I shielding us from Ahkmenrah and the rest. Slowly Khamunrah turned to me with the dagger still placed on my throat, and slowly got closer to me as he clenched his teeth together leaning his face close to mine whispering to my face....

"Soon my dear Amunet, I will use this tablet to bring back your soul to your rightful body, and you WILL be mine for all eternity, together we shall rule the world"

I stare at him wideeyed as I scan Khamunrah's eyes, his eyes showed absolute pure evil, they brought chills up and down my spine. Staring down at me closely, he slowly placed his hand at my cheek and caressed it, I was scared and at the same time I was pissed off. Quickly I gathered saliva in my mouth and spit it at Khamunrah's face hard, I gave him an evil grin, as I whispered back at him.

"And soon I will fucken kill you and send you back to the underworld, you fucken piece of shit"

He wiped the saliva from his face with his hand and quickly took off the dagger from my throat and slightly cut my cheek making it bleed slightly, he chuckled slightly.

"You have so much of Amunet in you already, but don't you mess with me darling, next time that you pull something like this I WILL slit your throat"

I chuckle...

"You don't scare me you maggoty piece of crap, everything bad in this world should happen to you, you are heartless and a coward"

He leans his face close to me again...

"Say another insult my dear and I will hurt you even worse"

I stood there quietly, I probably could of said so many more things to this asshole, but I decided to keep my mouth shut. He turns to Ahkmenrah and gives a step towards him...

"Now little brother, what can I say, I win and you lose this battle, how funny, you have been always the one that got things your way, but I guess the God's turned things around this time and placed them in MY favor"

Ahkmenrah squinted as he said...

"The battle is not over big brother, but had just begun, and believe me when I say that once again, I will win, good always conquers evil, know that"

To Love Or Not To Love (Based on the movie Night at the Museum)Where stories live. Discover now