Elena is Missing

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Mira's POV

I woke up feeling like something is wrong. I get up and go to Elena's room. She wasn't there. But she came home last night, so where is she? I get a text from Matt. Asking me to meet him at the grill. I sigh and agree. I'll look for Elena afterwards. I sent her a text telling her to call me before leaving the house.

I arrive a the grill and see Matt with Tyler. I smile and head over to them. "Ten kegs? You know how much damage we could do with ten kegs? Duke's got it all hooked up" Tyler brags.

"Duke's a douche" Matt states.

"Agreed" I say as I join them.

"Yeah, a douche with ten kegs. Aka, my new best friend" Tyler states. I roll my eyes as I hear a familiar scoff. I spot Jeremy at a table close y doing homework. "What's the problem, Gilbert?" he asks him.

"Don't have one, Lockwood" Jeremy tells him.

"Yeah, I didn't think so" Tyler states.

"Do you ever get bored of it?" Matt asks him.

"Of what?" Tyler asks confused.

"Yourself" I say and high five Matt. Matt walks off and Jeremy laughs quietly. Tyler grumbles and left. I go sit by Jeremy. "Have you seen Elena?" I ask him.

"I think she slept over at Stefan's again" he states. I frown, why wouldn't she tell me that? Or at least text me? Something isn't right.

"Hey Mira, Jeremy. Where is Elena? I've been texting her and Bonnie all day about Duke's party" Care states.

"Haven't heard from Bonnie since she called Elena last night to tell her how her date was going. Apparently Elena went somewhere with Stefan" I tell her.

"I am so not going to be one of those girls who disappears just because she has a new boyfriend" Care grumbles.

"Who is Duke?" Jeremy asks.

"Some guy that graduated a couple of years ago. And he throws a party every time he comes home from Duke" Care states.

"Wait, Duke goes to Duke?" Jeremy asks and I giggle.

"His real name's Bob or something" Care admits. "He's a total ass. But he buys the beer. You know, you both should come" she tells us.

"Uh, yeah, I - I don't think so" Jeremy tells her.

"Care, I'm nearly thirty two weeks pregnant and can't drink" I remind her.

"No, seriously. Everyone goes. Even quiet loner little brothers and pregnant girls. Though I admit, not as pregnant as you though" Care states.

I sigh, it would be the last party I go to this year. Maybe I will go, but only if Jeremy does so. Care tells us to think about it and left to go talk to Matt. "You ok with that?" Jeremy asks gesturing to Caroline and Matt.

"Why wouldn't I be?" I ask him. "I don't love Matt and he doesn't love me. We're just having a baby together, that's it" I state. "Besides, they both deserve someone nice" I add. "Anyway, I gotta go see you later. Let me know if you decide to go to Duke's party, I'll be your driver" I tell him. He nods his head.

I left and go to the Salvatore house. "Stefan!" I call and he appears. "Where's Elena?" I demand.

"Home" he lies.

"Don't lie to me Stefan, her bed hadn't been slept in and she hasn't being answering her phone. Where is she?" I demand. He sighs.

"She was kidnapped last night, I looked all night and no luck. I can't find Bonnie either and believe she was taken too" he states.

"Well then lets go see Bonnie's Grams. She's a witch right, she could help us" I tell him. He curses.

"Why didn't I think of that?" he mutters.

"Lets go" I tell him.

"Elena doesn't want you involved, it's dangerous" he tells me.

"She's my twin sister, I won't relax until I know she is safe" I tell him. He nods his head in defeat an he drives us to Bonnie's Grams. He fills me in on who Anna is and what this is all about along the way. I can't believe there are other vampires in town, who want to release all the ones in the tomb. It'd be a massacre unless we stop them.

Grams had me sit down, while she conversed with Stefan. She then did a locator spell. Stefan went to retrieve Elena and Bonnie. As Elena would kill him if he took me along. So I spoke to Grams, who asked me to call her Sheila. She believes I'll give birth around the 20th of January. Which means Grayson would be early, but with how he is growing. He shouldn't be premature. Especially as it is only about two weeks early.

When Elena and Bonnie arrived with Stefan. I hugged my twin tightly, relieved as Sheila hugged Bonnie. Stefan was invited inside. Elena and I sit together on a couch. "So what do we do now?" Elena asks.

"Well, for now, you need to stay here" Stefan tells her.

"A prisoner, in my own home? I don't think so" Sheila states.

"I can't protect you if you leave the house" Stefan tells her.

"We'll protect ourselves" Sheila assures him.

"We need to let him have Katherine back. He's not going to stop until he gets her. If we help him, maybe that ends it" Elena states.

"The vampire who looks like us?" I ask and she nods her head.

"No! He doesn't deserve to get what he wants" Bonnie argues.

"What other choice do we have?" Elena and I ask him.

"Witches being pulled down by vampire problems. As much as we tried to do to stay out of it. I'll open the tomb. You get your brother's girl and destroy the rest with fire. Then this will be all over" Sheila states.

"We still have to get Damon to agree" Stefan states.

"He already agreed once" Elena reminds him.

"Yeah, and then we double crossed him. So now he's angry" Stefan states.

"He's hurt. There's a difference. I think I know what I have to do" Elena states.

"I'll come too" I tell them.

"No, it's to dangerous. I won't risk you or my nephew lives" Elena states.

"You can stay here" Sheila tells me. "No vampires have been invited in and we'll meet back here after the job is done" she states.

"Ok, be-careful all of you" I tell them. I hug Elena, Bonnie and Sheila. Before they all left. Sheila said I can have whatever I want from the kitchen. So I make myself some soup with toast on the side. I then laid down on the couch. Somehow I fell asleep.

"Mira" Bonnie says shaking me gently. I wake up.

"Is it over?" I ask her and she nods her head. Elena enters the room and hugs me. As Bonnie goes to check on her Grams. Who is apparently exhausted. Just as I go to ask Elena what had happened tonight when we hear Bonnie shouting.

"Grams! Grams, wake up! Grams!" she shouts. "Elena, Mira!" she cries. We hurry over to the other room. Looking bewildered. "Help! Wake up! She's not breathing! She's just not breathing! Please, wake up!" Bonnie yells.

Elena runs out of the room and grabs the phone, dialing 911. Bonnie gets up as well. While I look at Sheila shocked. She seemed like such a strong elderly woman, how could she just die? Was it a heart-attack? "Yes, I need an ambulance to Oak Street. It's an emergency, quick" Elena says into the phone.

Bonnie grabs the grimoire and flips through the pages, trying to find a spell to bring her Grams back. Elena walks back into the room and gently grabs Bonnie's shoulders. Bonnie sobs as I join them. Elena and I hug her tightly. Trying to comfort her as we wait for the ambulance.


Picture above of Sheila Bennett (aka Grams).

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