Chicken Pox

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(march 24th 2010) Mira's POV

So I won't be going to the Masquerade ball tonight as planned. Grayson, went and got the chicken pox a couple of days ago. Jenna and Ric offered to watch him for me, so that I could go to the ball tonight. But I refused, not wanting to leave my sick baby boy. I'd just be worry about him all night. He is two months old now.

Anyway Jenna comes home today from hospital. It's another reason I refused to let her babysit. She had only just gotten home and I don't want her over doing it. So Ric will watch her with Elena, while I tend to little Grayson.

As I start to prepare lunch while Grayson has a nap upstairs. Jenna arrives home with Jeremy, Matt and Elena are helping her. I go to greet them. "Welcome back everyone, glad to have you back Jenna" I state.

"Thanks, can you tell them to stop fussing? I'm fine" she states.

"The doctors said that you have to take it easy" Elena reminds her.

"Doctors orders" I tell Jenna and she sighs.

"Yeah, you don't want to rip your stitches, hemorrhage and die, alright?" Jeremy asks.

"Yeah, the only thing I'm gonna die from is embarrassment" Jenna complains.

"No" Matt tells her.

"I walked into a knife. How does somebody do that?" Jenna asks us.

"It was a freak accident" Elena lies.

"It happens" Jeremy adds.

"Yeah, I mean I've done it like twenty times at the Grill" Matt jokes. Jenna laughs, then winces in pain. "Okay, I'm being nice" he states. They place her on the couch. "What should I do with this?" he asks gesturing to a bag of food.

"Oh good, you got the groceries" I state. I go take them and Grayson wakes crying. Elena takes the food saying she's got it. I go pick up Grayson and lay him on the ground to change his nappy.

"How is out little man doing?" Matt asks.

"He's ok, though they do irritate him. I gave him an oatmeal bath early to help sooth the irritated skin" I state.

"Sucks that he got chicken pox now, I know you were really looking forward to the ball" Jenna states.

"We'll go next year" I state shrugging. I finish changing Grayson. "Happy to have the cast off?" I ask Matt.

"It was about time" he states. It's why he agreed to help Jenna, he was already at the hospital to get his cast off. He also was coming over anyway to check on Grayson. Elena soon as lunch prepared and we all eat in the lounge.

(Time skip)

"You can stay" I tell Matt as he hugs Grayson goodbye.

"She's right, you're welcome to hang out. Alaric's coming over. It's gonna be pizza and bad TV" Elena states.

"I'd love to but I'm going to the masquerade party at the Lockwoods, aren't you?" he asks us.

"Not now, I have to take care of Grayson" I state as he hands him to me.

"Uh, no...not with what's going on with me and Stefan" Elena tells him.

"I've got to go, there's something I got to do" Matt states.

"What?" we asks.

"Just something, I can't talk about it but I've got to go" Matt tells us. I frown, he's acting a little weird.

"Okay. Well, have fun" Elena tells him.

"Yeah, me and a suit" he mutters.

"You look good in a suit" she states and I nod my head in agreement.

Mira Gilbert: TVD FanficWhere stories live. Discover now