60s Dance

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Mira's POV

So I'm going to school today. Since Jenna wasn't around to baby sit. Liz agreed to babysit Grey for the morning. I'd then come over to help Care get ready for the dance tonight. Which I will not be going too.  As I want to spend as much time as possible with my son. Care's not happy about it, but understands. However, made me promise to come to the next decade dance. Which I agreed to, praying an excuse would come up so I won't have to go. But that's ages away.

Anyway, I am looking at my hair in contemplation. "Can't decide on a hair do?" Elena asks me.

"I was contemplating cutting it actually" I tell her. "I feel like a change" I state.

"You could dye your hair" she suggests.

"Maybe, but a problem for another day" I tell her. I put my hair into a messy bun. We head downstairs as Bonnie lets to lawyer in. I take my little boy as Elena starts to sign the papers.

"So this place is all yours? They just gave it to you?" Bonnie asks Elena.

"For now. As sole owner, I'm the only one who can invite a certain type of person in here, if you know what I mean" Elena tells her.

"Can we please keep Damon out?" I ask teasingly. We all giggle.

"Your guys own personal safe house" Bonnie states.

"That's the idea" Elena tells her.

"I'll also spend time at Matt's as only Care and Stefan have been invited in there" I state.

"Wouldn't want to clean it?" Bonnie asks and we all laugh. Elena finishes signing the forms. She leads the lawyer out leaving Bonnie and I with Gray. "So who is looking after this little cutie today?" she asks me.

"Liz is actually, I'm dropping him off and collecting Caroline" I tell her.

"That's nice of her" she states.

"She understands the difficulty and is Jenna's friend. I trust Liz with my life, which means I trust her with Gray's" I state. As Elena appears with the Salvatores. "I thought we agreed to kick Damon out?" I ask teasingly.

"Ha ha" he says as he heads over to his bourbon.  Bonnie hands Elena her jacket as I grab my car keys.

"Wait, where are you guys going?" Stefan asks.

"School" Elena and I say.

"No, no, no. We didn't create a safe house for you three to leave it" Damon tells us.

"I told you I'd only be spending half the time here and other half at Matt's" I remind him.

"But, guys, Klaus is out there. We know that" Stefan reminds us.

"Right. But where? No one knows. Look, I really appreciate what you guys are doing. And I'll be able to sleep at night knowing that I'll be safe here, but I'm not going to be a prisoner" Elena tells them.

"Nor will Gray and I be prisoners" I add.

"Your way Elena, Mira" Damon grumbles.

"Don't worry, I'm ready. If he shows his face, I can take him" Bonnie assures them.

"The way I see it, next to Bonnie is the safest place that we can be. Come on" Elena tells us. We leave and Stefan joins us. I drove to Care's and dropped Gray off. Assuring Liz I'd be back at lunch time. Before taking Care and I to school early to help preparations for the dance before our first class of the day.

(Forbes house) Third Persons POV

Matt knocks on the door and Liz opens it while holding Gray. " Caroline left early for school" she tells him.

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