Miss Mystic Falls Competition

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Mira's POV

Grayson is now three weeks old and today Bonnie is returning to town. So I have come to the school so that she can finally meet her godson. Sure Caroline sent her the video of his birth and I've sent photos daily. Along with a few videos. I get some looks as I walk through the school, but I ignore them.

I soon find Bonnie with Elena by her locker and smile. "I understand why. I just...shouldn't know" Bonnie tells her.

"Bonnie!" I cheer and she turns to me with a smile. "Meet your god son" I say offering him to her. She smiles taking him into her arms. He coos happily as he continues to sleep.

"He's beautiful Mira" she tells me.

"Thank you" I say with a smile. "I know we've talked everyday since the day he was born, but I am so glad you finally got to meet him in person" I state. Taking out my phone and snap a picture of them.

"Send that to me" she tells me. I nod my head.

"Bonnie! Bonnie!" we hear someone shout. Bonnie hands me Grayson just in time before Caroline tackles her in a hug. "Thank god you're home!" Care cheers. "I know we talked everyday but I missed you" she states. I notice Elena looks upset and frown. Care asks Bonnie how she is doing.

"Better. Better. You know, glad to be back, meeting little Grayson, and trying to keep myself busy" Bonnie says smiling as she holds her arms out to me. I smile handing Grayson back to her. So that she can continue to cuddle him.

"Well, I can help with that. Major wardrobe problem. You need to help me pick up the perfect dress for the Founders' court" Care tells her.

"The Founders' court? Did I miss something?" Elena asks looking at me confused.

"Don't look at me, I have no idea what she is talking about" I state.

"The Founders' court! You know, Miss Mystic Falls. They announced it today and you and I are both on it" Care says looking at me.

"Oh my god! You signed up for that so long ago...I completely forgot" Elena states.

"Same" I say.

"So, are you dropping out then?" Care asks me.

"I can't" I tell her.

"Her mom is the one who wanted her to enter" Bonnie explains.

"But I don't know if I can participate, I have Grayson to look after. Studying at home, I don't think I have time for it" I state. "Wait, Elena do you think you could?" I ask.

"Could what?" she asks.

"Switch places with me?" I ask.

"What?!" she exclaims.

"You were the one who wanted to enter and you have a boyfriend to be your escort. I'm sure Carol would understand, please?" I plead.

"I guess there's no harm in asking, and if they refuse. You can borrow Stefan as an escort" she tells me. I smile and hug her. I take Grayson back and wish them luck with school. Before leaving.

(Time skip)

"I know it's against the rules, but I just don't have time to dedicate the time needed to being a contestant" I tell the panel. "So I'd like Elena to take my place, no one need know" I state.

"We recognize that neither of us have been as involved this year that we used to be" Elena states.

"We've been distracted and I let a lot of things slide" I agree. "But I'm aware of what an honor this is and I want you to know that we take it seriously" I assure them.

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