Intoxicating Love

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You had just got home from your "friend"'s match,Rhea 'Bloody' Ripley.
The reason you call her a "friend" is because you've known her for since middle school,you are her biggest supporter. But the truth is,you had feelings for her. You didn't know she felt the same way,but you were about to find out tonight.

You sat on your couch and turned on the Tv,selecting Netflix. You turned on (your favorite show) and got comfortable. An hour into the show you heard a knock at your door,getting up slowly and pausing your show,you went to see who it was. You open the door to see your best friend Rhea,you smiled and hugged her. "Hi (your name) my love,I figured I'd come by and spend some time with you since it's been a while." She spoke with her strong accent. It's true,it's been almost 2 months since you last got to truly hang with her and god you missed her. You had exchanged a few kisses here and there with her after shows,but tonight she wanted to go further.

_20 minutes later_

You and Rhea were cuddled up on the couch watching a horror movie,Rhea's favorite genre. You felt her staring at you and glanced over,a sinister smile appearing on her face as she kissed down your neck. You let out a slight whimper,confused a bit but going with the flow of things. "R-Rhea what's this about?" You asked. "(Your name),I've been waiting since high school to do this." she said as she ran her cold tattooed hands down your body. "And honestly,I can't hold back any longer" she whispered loud enough for you to hear before passionately kissing you. You returned the energy as she kissed you,wrapping your legs around her waist. She got up and took her jacket off,throwing it behind the couch and lifting you up with ease as she walked to your room. God you were excited,but nervous. You've never done this before with a woman before so this'll be your first experience,but you were happy it was with Rhea.

Rhea could tell you were nervous and that it was your first,so she decided to be gentle to get you comfortable. She laid you down on the bed not letting go of you as she hovered over you,kissing all over your body. You took the opportunity to unbuckle her belt,eager for her do to a lot more than kiss you. She chuckled at your actions,slipping your shirt above your head along with your shorts. She slipped her pants off,revealing her strap. Your eyes widen at the size as you looked up at her,she was giggling at you. "What's wrong princess? Is it too much for you?" she whispered in your ear as she hovered over you. You whimpered at her words,slightly nodding your head. "It's ok darling,I'll go slow." she spoke,as her hand trailed down your body rubbing your clit. You gasped at the sudden action,arching your back off the bed as she picked up her pace and entered two fingers. You couldn't help but to moan in her ear,you could feel her smiling in satisfaction against your neck.

All it took was 5 minutes of teasing and she's already positioning herself at your entrance. She slowly entered you,paying close attention to your face and body. You gasped at the sudden sensation,grabbing onto her wrist. She went slow,holding onto your waist. Once you adjusted enough,you were able to speak,"Y-You can go faster" you uttered through moans. Once she heard this,that sinister smile appeared again. She took your leg and threw it over her shoulder,picking up her pace. You gripped onto the sheets and arched your back off the bed,before you felt your back hit the bed again with force. She had you pinned to the bed as she went deeper and faster,causing you to let out nothing but whimpers and loud moans,slightly screaming here and there from the pace she was going at. She looked down at you with a intoxicating look that you couldn't help but notice,getting stuck in a trance. She could sense you getting closer and closer to your climax,so she slowed down and grabbed your neck lifting your head up. She kissed down your neck,slightly biting and sucking it here and there but making sure to leave marks. "I hope you realize you're mine,princess" she whispered in a soft but stern tone in your ear,you nodded and put your arm around her waist slightly scratching up her back as she picked up her pace causing you to reach your climax. You could feel her staring at you with that intoxicating look with a sinister smile as you reached your high. You finally were able to catch your breath and laid back,exhausted.


Rhea carried you to the bathroom after running you a warm bath,placing you inside and washing your body off. As she massaged your shoulders,you decided to finally ask her. "Rhea,did you mean what you said? That I'm yours." you asked,as Rhea began smiling hearing those words. "(your name),darling of course I meant it." she said,making you smile. Little did you know,her love was intoxicating.

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