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"Rheaaaa" you called out slowly,gathering your words. Rhea,who was 3 drinks in and slightly aroused at your choice of clothing,looked over at you. She glanced down at your visible thighs in your ripped jeans before looking up,"Y-Yes?" she stammered out. You grabbed her hand,pulling her out of the seat,dragging her to the bathroom with you. She looked at you confused but didn't say anything,just looking down at the floor.  You lifted her chin up making her look at you,you knew how easy it was to break her strong dominant attitude and she had been eyeing you all night. She let a small whimper slip,making you smile realizing you broke her with just eye contact. You couldn't lie,you wanted her so bad and you knew she felt the same way but since you were in a relationship you two never got to experience those feelings.

"You look so pretty love.." you whispered softly,pulling her into a deep kiss. She caved in,returning the same energy as she wrapped her arms around your waist. You pulled her slightly by her hair,dragging her into the biggest stall. You locked the door and lifted her up,planting soft kisses along her neck. "" you heard her whimper out softly,deciding to drop her gently. She whined but yelped when you suddenly turned her around,pressing her body against the wall. This made you let out a soft chuckle,pressing your body against her letting her feel the strap you had been hiding all night. She let out a small gasp,replacing it with a moan as you began nibbling at her neck quickly finding her sweet spot. You made a mental note of this and began unbuckling your belt,doing the same to hers. You soon pulled her jeans down just enough as you admired the sight below you,realizing exactly how wet and needy she was. You held the base of the strap/dildo,rubbing it back and forth against her folds making her whine.

"Please please.." she whispered out,giggling slightly at nothing. You smiled and entered her with a quick thrust,covering her mouth muffling a loud moan. You began thrusting at a quick pace,turning her head to the side as you pulled her into a deep sloppy kiss. You both were drunk enough to not realize what you exactly were doing,but sober enough to know you were making out with the one person in your life who made you feel things you've never felt before..on both sides. You continued your actions,feeling the harness rub directly against your clit making your body shudder slightly. "m-mommy.." you heard her moan out softly making you giggle unknowingly,leaning down to nibble on her neck. You could tell she was close by the way she held onto the way for support. You weren't too far off from her from the sensation of the harness rubbing against you,whispering sweet nothings into her ear.

With a loud squeal,she finally came undone. At this point you both didn't care who heard you,not even caring where you were at and who all was there. Suddenly your head began to hurt,the alcohol kicking your ass. Rhea nearly fell if it wasn't for you coming to your senses to grab her waist,due to her legs becoming jelly. You both stood there for a moment catching your breath,trying your best to gather yourselves.

You turned her around,staring at her as you both let out a giggle. Nothing was funny,but due to the amount of alcohol you two had that was kicking in,everything was funny. She pulled you into a quick kiss,soon pulling away and trailing down to your neck planting soft kisses. You left out a soft breathy moan,feeling her nibble at your sweet spot. You two suddenly stop hearing your friend,Cora,stumble drunkly into the bathroom going into the stall next to you both. You fought back a moan,feeling Rhea continue kissing sloppy on your neck still giggling. You lifted her up and quickly unlocked the door,running out of the bathroom before Cora could step a single foot out of the stall.

You noticed your friends were spread out,giving you two enough time to sneak out the club. But again,the alcohol hit. You nearly dropped her if it wasn't for her catching herself. You looked at each other giggling for no reason,holding her hand as you walked out together. You don't remember a thing after that..

You wake up to the sun beaming in your eyes,no clue whose bed you're in or where you are. You sit up and look around,realizing you were in Cora's room. 'how the fuck..' you were instantly snapped out of your thoughts at her words. "So you and Rhea huh? Never would've thought" she said,making you give her a confused look. You sat up and scrambled to find your clothes,quickly putting them on. You look at your phone,checking to see multiple texts from Rhea apologizing. 'shit.' you thought,opening your camera to see the multiple hickeys she left behind. Accidents happen I guess..

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