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You swooped your edges once more before laying a silk scarf on them,tying it tightly. You finished your makeup,today was your match against Rhea Ripley. You two had a ongoing rivalry in the WWE but were very close friends outside of that. You had 15 more minutes before it was time for you to go out so you decided to check on Rhea,walking out of your dressing room and knocking on the door leading to hers. She opened the door and smiled,"Hey (your name),you ready for tonight?" she asked. "Of course I am,are you?" you replied with a slight smirk on your face,she chuckled and nodded in response. You decided to eye her down,her shorts and fish nets combo hugging her body in all the right spots. You smiled and told her you needed to get ready,pointing at your scarf. She nodded and let you go,you opened the door to your dressing room and slipped your red & black gear on,along with your black boots. You took the scarf off and checked your edges,smiling at how perfect they were.

____The Match____

The bell rung signaling the match had begun,you immediately went after Rhea with full force knocking her down instantly. You stood over her and grabbed a hand full of her hair,dragging her across the mat. She tried to fight back but you were a bit stronger than her,so she struggled but managed to get out of your grip. She ran your right into the post,sending waves of pain through your back as you groaned. She backed away and started to charge at you but you swiftly moved out the way causing her to run shoulder first into the post. You laughed and lifted her up over your head,throwing her down hard against the mat. She screamed in agony but was quickly shut up when you stomped her head down causing her to be dizzy and dazed. You picked her up and began to put her in your finisher,the tornado,but you felt her bite your shoulder causing you to drop her. She instantly gave you a 'boot to the face' aka kicking the shit out of your jaw causing you to fall. She climbed up to the top rope and jumped,just like Dominik does. Your body curled up in pain instantly but before you could blink,Rhea had lifted you up into her finisher riptide. She did her finisher and pinned you down,but you weren't going without a fight. Before the referee could count to 3 you kicked out of her pin,a look of shock on her face. You shook your head and slapped yourself back into focus,as you ran up and kicked Rhea in the face causing her to fall back. You stomped on her head twice before lifting her over your head,spinning her body before slamming her down as her face hit the mat(your finisher tornado). You rolled her over into a pin as you held her shoulders down,the referee counted to 3 and the bell rang signaling you won. You stood up and smiled at her,blowing a kiss. The announcer spoke,"And here's your winner,(your stage name)" she said. The referee held your arm up and you laughed at Rhea's face of confusion and pain. You stepped out of the ring and blew her one more kiss,before heading back stage.


You walked into the locker room and began to unwind,taking your boots and gear off before taking a quick shower and changing into some warm comfy clothes. You noticed Rhea in the corner with her head down so you went and sat next to her,"Aw I'm so sorry my love,but you really thought I was gonna let you beat me?" you said smiling at the end. She glanced over at you and pouted," You were suppose to let me win and you know it." she said as she stood up going to take a shower. You laughed and got all of your stuff ready,beginning to head out. But you decided,after all that hard work she did,that you were gonna reward her.

You shot her a quick text as you waited for her outside your dressing room,smiling when she soon arrived with a big smile on her face. You opened the door letting the both of you in,closing and locking it behind you. "Shorts off. Now." you commanded as you watched her take them off,sitting yourself down on the couch in the room. You patted your thigh signaling her to sit there,she whined knowing what was gonna happen but still obeyed. You kissed down her neck,gently biting her more sensitive spots as she moaned and whimpered. You put your hands on her waist and slowly began grinding her against your thigh,still focusing on her neck. "M-mommy please.." she begged as you felt her hand on the hem of your leggings,you quickly moved her hand and gave her a swift smack on her thigh. "Not yet nor here my love" you whispered in her ear,earning a soft "yes ma'am" from her. You could tell she needed more than what you were giving her,based off the growing wet spot on your thigh and her laced underwear,so you decided to gently rub her clit. She gasped at the sudden feeling and sunk her head down into your neck,trying not to be too loud since the room wasn't sound proof and The Judgement Day were right next door unaware of the situation. You suddenly stopped all movements,hearing her whine in your ear. You giggled at this,"Honey,let's get home so I can help you more" you whispered gently. She nodded and quickly got up,putting her shorts back on and grabbing all her belongings. Since she rode to the match with you,it was much easier to get her back to your place.

As soon as you two stepped into your apartment and set each other's stuff down,you began making out. Seeing as you already had your strap on you,you wasted no time lifting her up and taking her to your room. You laid her down and took your shirt off,as she sat up and kissed down your stomach,earning a soft moan from you from the sudden action. "God I love your soft brown skin.." she said as she gently licked your stomach and left kisses every where. That's something she always says,and you knew it was true. Ever since you first had sexual encounters with Rhea,she's been obsessed with your skin tone,the softness and smell,and especially the tattoos along your stomach. The way it compliments your skin so well,her favorite is the butterflies. You pushed her back down on the bed as you slipped her shorts and underwear off,along with your leggings leaving you in a bra and underwear plus your strap of course. You slowly inserted yourself inside of her,paying attention to her face since you chose a size bigger than normal. She scrunched her face up in discomfort but soon relaxed,slightly gripping onto the covers. You waited her for head nod signaling you to continue,but once she nodded you began ramming in and out of her. She screamed in pleasure,arching her back off the bed and getting louder with every thrust. "O-oh god mommy don't stop right there please!" she managed to yelp out between loud moans and whimpers,as you continued to ram into her g-spot.

You could sense she was close but wanted to change positions,so you pulled out and sat down near the headboard. "Sit." you commanded as she lowered herself down onto the strap,whining. You decided to try something new so you grabbed both of her legs and placed them over your shoulder on the headboard,causing her to look at you in shock as you began to slowly thrust inside of her. She arched her back as her eyes rolled back,moaning loudly. You wrapped your hand around her throat gently squeezing it,watching closely at the strap go in and out of her putting a smile on your face. "M-may I? please mommy" she begged for release,but since this was her reward you decided to let her. "Of course honey,you may." you spoke in a calm tone. The way the words rolled off your tongue,especially honey,was just enough to send her over the edge causing her to release. You felt wetness hit your stomach,she squirted. You let out a small giggle as you let her body fall back onto the bed,gently rubbing and massaging her thighs. "You did so good for me my love" you said as you gently kissed her thighs.

You removed the strap and set it on the nightstand,you noticed she seemed a bit overstimulated so you kissed her forehead and went to the bathroom to make a warm bubble bath for her. Rhea laid on the bed curled up shivering due to the fan being on and her being naked,so you quickly grabbed some clothes and put them in the dryer to warm them up. You lifted her up and placed her in the tub slowly,getting in with her as you washed her off first then yourself. You sat there with your arms wrapped around her,humming her favorite song in her ear. She relaxed in your arms until the water got cold. Once the water was cold,you got out and wrapped a towel around yourself,helping Rhea as she got out and wrapped a towel around herself. You went got the clothes out the dryer and helped Rhea put them on. You also got dressed and laid down next to her,kissing her forehead before you both drifted into a deep sleep.

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