Red Velvet Kisses

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Rhea had been away for 5 weeks now and you missed her. She would constantly text you asking if you're ok and if you need anything,but you lied to her. Telling her you were ok and didn't need anything,that you didn't miss her as much. Rhea believed you since you enjoy your own personal space sometimes,so she never questioned you.

Rhea had another week left for her trip and you were sitting in bed,scrolling through old pictures of you two together. You sighed and threw your phone on the other side of the bed,her side. You sighed and scooted over to her side of the bed,grabbing your laptop. You got up and walked downstairs,walking to the kitchen and grabbing a pint of Red Velvet ice cream. You grabbed a spoon and walked upstairs,sitting on Rhea's side of the bed wrapping her favorite blanket around you. You opened your laptop and opened YouTube,searching up her name. You sighed and scrolled through,clicking on your favorite match of hers,Wrestlemania 39.

You opened the ice cream as you continued watching,clicking through and watching other matches as well. You felt tears from in your eyes and wiped them,eating the ice cream.

Rhea,unannounced and unknowingly,was downstairs. She set her stuff down gently not to disturb you and went to the kitchen,grabbing a bottle of water. She opened it and drank a little,letting out a soft moan of relief from her dry mouth. She closed it back up and headed upstairs,tiptoeing to your shared bedroom. She froze when she heard soft cries,making her worry. She peeked into the door and could hear you watching one of her old NXT matches against Roxanne Perez.

"Baby..?" you heard her whisper softly,scaring you and making you yelp. You threw the blanket off of your head and calmed down a little once you realized who it was. "R-Rhea I thought you weren't gonna be home till next week..?" you questioned her,opening your arms for a hug. She smiled and scooped you up,wrapping your legs around her waist. "I came home early for you baby,now tell me why you were crying?" she asked making you cover your face. She moved your hands and looked at you,staring into your eyes with a soft expression. "I-I just missed you..that's all" you admitted softly,watching her expression change. "Baby if you missed me that much you should've said something,I would've booked an earlier flight" she said,kissing the sides of your face.

She placed you down gently on the bed,hovering over you. Something washed over her and she began kissing your neck. "Rhea..fuck" you threw your head back giving her more access,feeling her rub your thighs. She sat up and pulled her shirt above her head,doing the same with yours. She dove back into your neck,assisting you as you unbuckled her belt. She paused for a moment to look at you,a smile appearing on her face.

She shifted your positions so you were on top of you,sliding her hands behind your back to unclasp your bra. She tossed it off to the side and lifted you up,sliding her pants off revealing her strap. Your eyes widen slightly at the size,slowly taking your shorts off. She noticed the still frozen sitting on the nightstand,grabbing it along with the spoon. "I wanna try something tonight" she looked up at you holding the ice cream. You two had never tried food play,only talked about it. So when she suggested it you got excited and agreed,making her light up with excitement.

She lifted you up and placed you on the bed,scooping some ice cream onto her tongue as she began to lick your stomach down to your thighs. You shivered at the sudden coldness and arched your back slightly. Rhea smiled at this,working her mouth on your clit. She continued her actions,tapping the spoon in the ice cream then placing the cold spoon onto your thighs. You whined when she suddenly stopped,but gasped when you felt the tip of her strap slowly push inside of you. Rhea took more of the ice cream onto her tongue and pulled you into a deep kiss,thrusting inside of you.

The sweet taste of red velvet ice cream and the taste of her all at once tasted amazing. She pulled away smiling and grabbed some more of the ice cream,trailing it down your stomach. She leaned down,thrusts getting faster and deeper,licking the ice cream off of your stomach making you whine. She lifted both of your thighs up and placed your legs over her shoulder,making you let out a scream of pleasure. "O-Oh my god Rhea!" you yelled out as she continued,noticing the ice cream had about 2 scoops left meaning she had to think wisely of how she wanted to use them. She got an idea and suddenly pulled out,making you whine.

"You trust me right?" she spoke suddenly making you sit up and nod slowly. You glanced at her and saw her putting ice cream on her tongue,suddenly licking your clit. You gasped at the cold sensation letting out a soft moan,which made Rhea smile against your clit. You threw your head back moaning,feeling her tongue piercing glide over your clit repeatedly. "P-please mommy m'close!" you yelped out feeling your orgasm approaching,a tight knot in your stomach. She suddenly stopped and stood up,sliding back into you. You whimpered softly,feeling her thrust at a slow but deep pace.

She could sense that you were close and scooped the last bit of ice cream in her mouth,pulling you into a deep kiss. You let out a loud moan which was cut short with the kiss.feeling your orgasm wash over you. You whined when she continued thrusting,letting you ride out your orgasm. You were a panting mess,licking a bit of ice cream off your lip. Rhea chuckled,kissing your forehead. "I see how much you missed me hm" she hummed softly,pulling out and removing the strap from herself. You laid there for a moment until she lifted you up,carrying you to the bathroom. "I'm glad you're home baby" you whispered softly,clinging onto her neck. "I can tell sweetheart,now lets take shower baby"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2023 ⏰

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