All Yours

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You were getting out the shower and putting on your undergarments,along with your hygiene products. You heard your phone ring and picked it up,answering. "Yes Dominik I'm almost ready" "Well hurry up,I let myself in and me & rhea are waiting" "Ok ok" you sighed and hung up. Slipping on your black jean shorts and a Judgement day shirt,grabbing your black jacket and spraying on some perfume before running downstairs.

"There she is,Hi darling" Rhea spoke with her accent,smiling. You smiled back and waved,grabbing your bag. "Well are we just gonna sit here or go eat?" you spoke and stared at the both of them,as they got up and walked with you to the car. You sat in the backseat and to your surprise Rhea sat next to you. You had the biggest crush on her and she could tell,but played innocent. She decided to lay her head on your shoulder,making you smile and play with her soft black hair.

You arrived at the restaurant,finding the table were the couple Finn and Priest were waiting. "Hi guys!" you spoke and smiled,giving them both a small hug as you sat down. Rhea decided to sit next to you and snuck her hand under the table,resting it on your thigh and looking at you for any signs of discomfort. Instead,you were smiling like an idiot and trying to not focus on it. You ordered your food and drink,scrolling through your phone silently after. "Well (your name),how's the new house?" Priest asked,taking his drink as they finally arrived. You smiled at the waitress taking your drink,finally speaking. "Well it's going great actually. Besides the fact that I let Dominik have a key so he just barges in whenever he wants,but it's really nice and spacious." "Maybe we can all visit after dinner" Finn suggested and you nodded,giggling at Dominik's face as he seemed annoyed at your comment.

Meanwhile Rhea was slowly moving her hand up your thigh,trying to get a reaction out of you. She finally did when she reached close to your pussy,making you squeeze your legs shut as she smiled. You realized no one else noticed and looked at her,whispering to her,"Rhea what the fuck was that" "Nothing sweetheart,I can stop if you want" she whispered back. You thought for a moment and realized how badly you wanted this,ever since you first met her through the phone and backstage. "You can continue but please be careful" you whispered,making her smile. She continued rubbing your thigh throughout the whole dinner,driving you crazy.

You all decided to go back to your place and relax,Rhea planned on spending the night tho and Dominik was a bit suspicious but didn't say anything. You were currently sitting between Rhea and Priest,watching a horror movie. You hated them but this wasn't as bad so you watched it all the way through. You then decided to play some board games and your favorite Uno. You had just one for the 3rd time in a row and you could tell everyone was irritated. "God damnnit! you win every time" "She's too good this is unfair" Finn said pouting,making Priest chuckle. "You guys just gotta get better,but i'm really tired right now" you said yawning,Rhea also yawning. "Welp my wife is calling so that's my queue to go! I'll call in the morning" he spoke standing up,leaving a kiss on your forehead. "Night Dom" Rhea said smiling as he gave her a hug,being the first one to leave. Priest and Finn then followed,leaving you and Rhea to yourselves.

Rhea smiled and got up,wrapping her arms around your waist paying close attention for any discomfort. She's so observant and gentle,it warmed your heart. She lifted you up making you laugh and carried you upstairs to your room,placing you on the floor. "I'm gonna go shower now love,you should too" she said,staring at you while also getting lost in your pretty brown eyes. You smiled and gave her a kiss on the cheek,closing the door so you could undress and shower. You could tell that you two had chemistry,ever since y'all had first met. The constant flirting and looks she would give you backstage at shows,always trying to make you nervous or flustered.

You took your clothes off and  hopped in the shower,letting the hot water run over your body for a moment before washing your body. You had curly hair compared to Dominik so you decided to wash it while you were in there. Once out the shower and dry,you put leave in conditioner and a bit of oil in your hair. Stepping out of the room in your towel,you began getting dressed. Slipping on some underwear and black laced pajamas,you were comfortable enough with Rhea to not wear a bra. You sat on the bed and heard Rhea entering the room,wearing nothing but a sports bra and shorts. You smiled as she crawled into the bed,laying between your thighs. You played with her hair while she kissed on your stomach,tracing your stomach tattoos.

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