Back Stage Closet

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Rhea planted soft kisses down your neck,wrapping her arms around you. "Rhea calm down..we have to go out in 10 minutes" you whined as she continued and rubbed your ass through your gear. "Hey g- oh ew! Rhea cmon we have to go out soon" Dominik spoke as walked in on you two. Rhea just smiled and let go of you,going to follow Dom as you followed behind her.

Rhea had just won her match and you immediately jumped on her like you always do(Liv morgan reference). This time she decided to kiss you,something the never ever does,hinting that she broke character. You weren't complaining tho,everyone knew you two were together but you never kissed on national TV so the crowd was surprised but happy.

As soon as you all got backstage and everyone was distracted,Rhea whisked you away to a closet. "Rhea what are y-" you were cut off by a very deep kiss. You softly moaned into the kiss as she wrapped her arms around your body,taking your gear off and turning you around pressing you against the wall. You could feel her strap press against you causing you to gasp,"R-Rhea please.." "I know baby I know" she said as she slowly entered you,kissing down your neck to relax you. You both really haven't been having sex lately due to work,just late night make out sessions or sometimes fingering each other,not actual sex. She could tell you were sexually frustrated and so was she,she needed you desperately just as much as you needed her,but she couldn't contain herself tonight.

She covered your mouth as she began to thrust slowly,glancing over at the door handle making sure she locked it. She continued but sped up her pace,making sure to keep your mouth covered. You whimpered and moaned against her hand,squirming under her grip against your waist. You heard people walking by,but when you heard Dominik and your brother Roman looking for you two your heart dropped. "Shit." you heard Rhea whispered by your ear,still continuing her actions not wanting to stop despite her little dom dom looking for her. "M-Mami Im gonna-" "Shh princess go ahead" she whispered in your ear as a response and green light for you to release. You bit your bottom lip hard,causing it to bleed,not wanting to be loud since you were still at your work place.

You immediately turned around and dropped to your knees,removing her strap and pulling her pants along with her underwear down some more,slowly circling her clit with your tongue. "B-baby slow down- fuck.." Rhea whispered gripping onto your long hair,forming a ponytail with her hand to keep the hair out of your face. You continued your actions and slipped a finger inside of her slowly,standing up while using your thumb to massage her clit. You smiled as her knees buckled,holding her up with your free arm. "Mommy please go faster" she whined,letting go of your hair and gripping onto your tan tatted arm. You chuckled and pulled her into a deep kiss,still continuing your movements down below.

You could tell how much she needed this and decided to pick up her strap off the chair you set it on. You grabbed some wipes and wiped the strap off,attaching it to yourself using your free hand. You scooted a chair in front of her and turned her around,taking your fingers out of her and bending her over. You slowly inserted yourself in her,covering her mouth as she whimpered. You continued at a slightly fast pace,trying not to make as much noise.


"Dude they both aren't answering. How slow do you two have to be" Damien told Roman and Dominik,thumping them both on the forehead. "Hey! Don't thump me." Dominik pouted,rubbing his forehead. "Hey man listen,it's obvious they're fucking somewhere right now" Finn finally spoke up making everyone just stare at him. "You can't be serious.." Roman spoke in disbelief,"I mean it's a possibility" Damien said with a shrug. Roman and Dominik just looked at each other in disgust and disbelief.

..back to the closet..

"Fuck mommy please!" Rhea nearly yelped as you continued fucking her senseless. You smiled and ran your hand down her back,"Go ahead doll you deserve it" you spoke signaling she could release. When she did tho,she practically screamed making you quickly cover her mouth. "Shh baby we're still at work." you said and giggled as she struggled to stand,giving up and laying on the chair. You put your clothes back on and helped her with hers,kissing her forehead n unlocking the door.

You peeped out the door making sure there was no one around and carried her to the judgement day dressing room. You stood there in shock for a moment when you opened the door,seeing your brother and Dominik with a look of pure disgust and terror on their faces. Rhea was too tired to care and just shoved her face into your chest,as you walked past everyone and sat down. You grabbed wipes from your bag and wiped both you n Rhea down. "So this whole time you two have been..FUCKING?!" Roman asked,basically screaming the last part. You just looked at him and smiled,"Yup and we heard y'all looking for us too." "Was it the 3rd closest on the right?" Dominik asked and you nodded,making him fake throw up. "See I'm always right!" Finn shouted making you laugh,you noticed Rhea was half asleep in your arms and decided to get up to change her into some new warm clothes along with yourself before going home. Let's just say the car ride home was..interesting.

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