✭ Chapter 1 ✭

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⋆ New found purpose ⋆


You take a deep breath, trying to process the unexpected turn of events. Therapy bird? It sounds bizarre and completely out of left field. You glance at Barbatos, trying to discern if he's joking, but his expression remains unreadable.

"I... I don't understand," you manage to stammer out, your voice quivering with confusion. "A therapy bird? What does that even mean?"

Barbatos leans back in his chair a little, almost unnoticeable, his face remains stoic. "Allow me to explain," he says calmly. "The Demon Prince is very young, only **one thousand years old"**

'bitch, excuse me, what the actual fuck-'

"As the soon-to-be lord, he has a lot of responsibilities and little to no company" he pauses, studying your expression to make sure you understand what he is hinting at, and then continues. "He would use a loyal friend, but we can't let anybody unworthy around the young prince, we will need somebody fit for the job's requirements of being his friend and bodyguard and I personally think you may be the perfect candidate for the job" He pauses a little and then says " I heard therapy birds are not uncommon from where you come from and that they help with feelings of loneliness"

You stay silent for a moment. You have no choice but to listen to him. You made a deal with him after all. Now that you think about it, you have nowhere to go in the first place. You don't belong anywhere. You guess this will be your new life from now on and unfortunately, not much can change that. You are pretty sure you are not in your original world either, I mean, he just said ''from where you come from'', plus, the sky is ink black, 'Maybe is night time' you may have thought to yourself, but somehow, it still makes you uncomfortable, like maybe, just maybe, that's not the case here.

"ok, I will take the job," You say trying to sit up straight

"I wasn't going to ask you if you wanted the job, you were going to do it either way" You gulp at his words 'he is demeaning, with such a calm face too!'

"But I cannot let you around the young prince just like that! As I originally stated, you will have to pass a test, but first, to make it fair, I will personally teach you how to do your job before making you take the test" He waits for a response, but the only thing you can muster up to ask is:

"What happens if I fail?" Silents takes only the room and he says:



"I guess I will be getting rid of you"

You stay quiet, not daring to say a word after that.


𝕋𝕙𝕖𝕣𝕒𝕡𝕪 𝕓𝕚𝕣𝕕//ᴏʙᴇʏᴍᴇ-ɴʙ x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀWhere stories live. Discover now