✭ Chapter 3 ✭

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~⋆✭⋆~⋆ Argument ⋆~⋆✭⋆~

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⋆ Argument ⋆

You stand in a chair in the middle of a room, two little devils in a room. You and the little two balls were the only ones in the room, Barbatos was doing... who knows what while the little demons were trying to test how good you were with comforting others, these being part of your emotional support training.

"My boyfriend was so mean to me, every time I try to talk with him about going on dates he starts rumbling about how he just wants to eat wild berries and become one with the bears!" one yellow-horned little d cries out. His name is no. 2, but you gave him the nickname Bob. Why Bob? you may ask. 1. no.2 is not a name and it sounds like a 'name' you would give to a lab rat 2. Bob is perfect because he is just a little guy, he is a Bob!

You put your knees close to your chest as you warp a hand around your legs, averting your gaze to the side, you say
"Maybe try... I don't kn... talk to him more ....a fuck no.. that's.." you stare into space for a second

"OH!" you continue "Maybe start picking berries with him! and..and.. fuck I don't know, talk the issue over?"

Bob looks at you disgusted his eyes start looking at you with an intense gaze as his pupils become smaller and their mouth opens a little. You stare at him in silence and he does the same until...

"GIRL, ARE YOU DEAF? DID YOU NOT HEAR HOW I SAID MY IMAGINARY BOYFRIEND WANTS TO BE ONE WITH THE BEARS?? DO I HAVE TO REPEAT MYSELF? THE GUY IS NUTS, I SHOULD DUMP HIM IMMEDIATELY!" he starts yelling like there is no tomorrow and all you can do is raise your hand a little, in a sign of defense as he continues:


ah, that reminds you how Bob and No. 5, that you call Rose because they are pink! Plus, they are cuter than Bob, so the pink demon deserves a cute name, Rose! They have taken quite a liking to you from the first two days of being here, you don't know why tho...

They were the ones that were assigned to look after you the most, and maybe that played a big factor in your relationship. They liked to talk to you, but like a curse, you started showing bits of your personality on the first day, mostly because you were very lonely and lost and they showed you attention so you showed a little too much of your true colors. Long story short, they realized you are dumb as hell and can't comfort yourself, other people are out of the question! So they begged Barbatos (respectfully) to let them be your only teachers in the emotional support classes, and he accepted! (surprisingly)

Little poor guys were worried he might kill you if he finds out how shitty you are at this kind of thing. They also call you Bally sometimes because you can't catch balls in the physical training to save your life.

"Look man, I am trying here, you wouldn't want me to just say 'Dump him' after starting crying in front of me! And what the fuck is up with those tears, how much did you practice to cry on command anyway?"

"my super, magnificent, gorgeous acting skills have nothing to do with this! You should be direct, straight to the point so you don't give people false expectations!''

"what? That's bullshit!" Rose takes her eyes off the magazine she had been reading "Don't listen to him honey, you should be direct, and make your point clear, but don't say exactly what you think immediately!"

"That... just makes me more confused..." you spit out while you feel your brain cells rotting and screaming in pain.

You sit there, caught in the crossfire of Bob and Rose's differing opinions on how to handle the situation. It seems like you've unintentionally ignited a debate between the two little demons, and you find yourself at a loss for words.

Bob throws his arms up in frustration, shaking his head. "Listen, Bally, you need to learn to be real with people. No sugar coating or beating around the bush. Just say it how it is. If the guy's acting like he's schizophrenic, I need to know and make a decision."

Rose rolls his eyes and sighs. "Oh, Bob, you have no finesse whatsoever. Relationships require subtlety and tact. Y/n, you should consider his feelings and approach the situation gently. Maybe talk about your concerns and see if you can find a compromise or an understanding."

Their argument escalates, their voices growing louder and more animated with each passing moment. You find yourself sinking further into your chair, feeling overwhelmed by the conflicting advice. It's becoming clear that Bob and Rose have vastly different perspectives on emotional support, just as they have different personalities.

Suddenly, the room falls silent. Barbatos steps into the room, his presence commanding attention. Both Bob and Rose immediately straighten up, their faces turning serious.

Barbatos looks at you with an amused smile. "It seems our little friends are passionate about their opinions. Remember, Y/n, emotional support is not a one-size-fits-all approach. Different situations call for different approaches, and it's up to you to gauge what will work best for each individual."

He continues, "Bob has a point in being straightforward, but Rose also emphasizes the importance of sensitivity. The key lies in finding a balance between the two. Learn to read people, understand their emotions, and adapt your approach accordingly."

You nod, taking in Barbatos' words. Emotional support is not a simple matter of following a set formula. Each person is unique, and their needs and preferences vary. Your role is to navigate the complexities and provide comfort and guidance tailored to the individual.

Barbato gestures for Bob and Rose to calm down, their argument subsiding as they listen intently. "Remember, Bally, emotional support is a skill that takes time to develop. You will make mistakes along the way, but with practice and experience, you'll grow more adept at offering the right kind of support to those who need it."

You feel a sense of relief wash over you as Barbatos reassures you. It's a reminder that this journey is not about being perfect from the start but rather about learning, adapting, and continuously improving.

As the room settles into a more peaceful atmosphere, Barbatos takes a seat beside you, offering his guidance and wisdom. The emotional support training continues, and you embrace the opportunity to learn from both Bob's directness and Rose's gentle approach.

But you can't lie, it still feels hard to understand people. You don't understand yourself, but most importantly, you don't understand Barbatos. Sometimes he says how there is no room for mistakes when it comes to serving the prince, sometimes he says it's ok to learn from your mistakes. He told you he will kill you if you fail, but you failed too many times and you are still alive, breathing, why is that? Did he kill you at some point and this is just a dream? Did he say he will kill you just to motivate you? but that couldn't be it.. Rose ad Bob is always worried that he will hurt you for your mistakes. They always tell you to put on a mask when you are with him, to be polite and gentle, no cuss words, no smart remarks, no nothing. Is genuinely hard for you considering that's the thing you do most...

What's up with this prince anyway? Is he that big of a feather to be this weak both emotionally and physically that he needs a half-harpie that couldn't protect herself from her own family as his "friend", as Barbatos likes to put it?


Ayoo, author here!

I lied, no Diavolo yet, but in my defense, I didnt think this one scene will take so long. 😭 Maybe next chapter or the next chapter after the next chapter, idk. I want to do a little fluff momment with Barbatos before Diavolo is introduced, yeah. Ik it may be a little boring now with only Barbatos, but I like takeing my sweet ass time. ❤️

Ik my chapters are a little short and I am sorry for that, but my attention spam is of a bird (pun intended), but I like to think I post chapters fast (I tell myself this so I can sleep at night)

Anyway, I hope you have a great day/night, see you next time, ilyy ❤️❤️❤️

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