~Chapter ten~

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My vision finally came into focus. My head was pounding like I collided with a brick wall. I groan as I look over to my left to see a monitor beside me, as I lift my hand up slowly to see I was attached to an IV. I also noticed my knuckles were bruised all around. I huffed out a breath and examined the room, I look over to see and rectangle window to see my mother talking to a nurse. Anxiety was filled in her eyes while talking to the tall blonde nurse.

She looks over and meets my eyes with her's. Her frown turns into a smile and she runs into the room and kneels down to my side and takes a grasp onto my hand.

"Oh baby! I'm so glad your ok!" She practically cries. "wh-what happened?" I asked the distressed mother. 

"you went the the outdoor movie with Kiara and you heard yelling in the back of the screen and you two go look and see whats wrong. You see Rafe getting beaten by those nasty pogues and you try and go and help, but one of them, I thought it was a blonde one, takes a huge rock to your head and smashes it onto your head." She explains. 

That made no sense at all what she just told me. I couldn't remember much from that night but it sounds like Rafe beat my friends to explaining. "thats bullshit," I mumbled under my breath.

"What did you say?" My mother raised her voice a little bit. 

"That. Is. Bull. Shit," I said through my teeth staring her down in the eyes. She scoffed and raised her brows at me. "All Rafe has done is made my life miserable, he's the one that made me end up here!"

"Rafe has been nothing but a gentleman to you! Your going to marry him! Remember? All the lies you make up about his is the bullshit you started." She argued back standing up and letting go of my hand.

"How would you know huh?! You only see me one week in three months or something!" I started yelling. "And if you're home, you're still working like what the fuck? I've been growing up all alone with no one. And guess what. Rafe was doing fucking drugs for about nine months!"

"Okay, Mom why dont we step out, I would like to talk to the patient alone." The nurse interrupted. My mom just rolled her eyes and stormed out into the hallway. "Hello Azaleà," the kind nurse spoke.

"Hello. I'm sorry about her." I weakly said. 

"So, surprise you have a concussion, but you probably could of guesses that," she said trying to ease the tension ,"But from you scan we did you had a previous untreated concussion too. This one could take longer for you to get cleared for. You also have been unconscious for about 7 hrs now, blood pressure is a little high but you'll be released in about fifteen minutes once your mom signs you out." The nurse calmly explained. 

"thank you," I smiled at the girl in scrubs. She walked over and took out my IV and monitors,she laid my clothes on the end of the bed. And walked out of the room and closed the door behind her. I heard the door open again not long after, I instantly thought she just forgot something but I heard his voice.

"have you learned your lesson baby?" How those words just rolled off of the mans voice, it all came together.

"Rafe Cameron." I tensed up looking at the tall figure.

"How's the head, and the cheeck?" He asks me while smiling. 

I saw a nice bruise on his nose as he a some tape on the bridge of it. I could only have guesses it was from me by the bruises on my hand. "hows the nose?" I snapped back.

"How are you feeling Azaleà?" He asks me ignoring me question. I chuckled to myself and then asked something. "What kid of lies did you tell my mother?"

"only the.. half truth," he paused. "It's what she wants to hear. that im your saver." He whispered at me. "your a sick man," I trembled getting anxious in his presents. "Oh yeah and let me tell you something. If you ever say something bad about JJ I'll cut your fucking throat off." I said angry. 

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