MD:1 as told by a Disassembly Drone - Murder Drones

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Here I go writing Murder Drones on Wattpad (because I somewhat dislike the ones on here.)


This is told from the POV of N, the inspiration of Gutter (for those who know my characters but not the inspiration and are somehow reading this)

Now time to skip some parts for the sake of not wanting to write filler for the beginning.


I descended after a few rounds of hunting. The others weren't around yet, so... I landed on the pod thing and lapped up the oil from a head from earlier. I crushed the crown after it was drained of oil, tossing it aside and suddenly feeling another presence, that of another worker drone.

I could go for seconds... I thought to myself, but it was almost dead silent. I suddenly saw a shard from behind a machinery part, further adding to my suspicion. 

So I did a slight wave to warn the drone of its doom before swooping to attack them. It took out a gun, yet it was glowing green before they dropped it after my landing, flipping around and striking a defensive pose. It then spoke about what happened, " Whoa, and they said pirating all that anime was useless..."

I flew over again to close the distance, piercing the Worker drone's hand with my tail and tossing them aside. But I might've just thrown them toward the weapon and lost them... Biscuits...

I began to hunt for the drone because there was no way they could get away that easily. Suddenly, I saw them a few meters away, holding the gun. My scanners read something on them, something about plot armor...

They hissed at me, pulling the trigger, "Bite me!"

Suddenly a flash of green light erupted from the barrel, knocking me out (along with decapitating me) as I tumbled to the floor. 


I raised as my head began to rebuild itself. Yet everything was fuzzy now... and I still couldn't see. Suddenly I felt something slap me in the face, finally regaining my vision... to some extent. 

My systems were still offline due to that one worker drone shooting me, so I assumed that the mysterious person before me is a new face I haven't seen before.

I gazed blankly at the person in front of me, before asking, "...Did you just slap me with that arm?"

The silhouette replied, somewhat concerned, "Holy crap, it talks."

I rub my head, "Yeah... Sorry, it's just my, uh, head kind of hurts. Hey, are you new to our squad? You're a little, uhh... short, for a Disassembly Drone." I deeply analyze the person, was this not a Disassembly Drone in front of me? I decided to brush my suspicions aside, for now, giving a friendly salute,

"I'm Serial Designation N, nice to meet you! I'm kind of the leader of the squad in this city."
"(That's not true, everyone tells me I'm useless and terrible.)"
My tailed pointed upwards in panic, "Wait, I'm not supposed to tell you that part! Biscuits!"

"Well, honesty is the best policy," I chuckled a bit, "I also can't seem to remember the past 3 hours of my life, but I'm sure that'll sort itself out." I flicked my hand down as if sweeping the thought aside. The New Face stared at me concerned.

"Uh-huh... I, uh, have to, go." They pointed the arm somewhere as it pointed, attempting to walk off. I suddenly saw them flinch in pain as they clutched their hand. 

I walked over to examine what happened, "Stuck yourself? Just pop it in your mouth. Our saliva neutralizes the nanites, otherwise, I'd be constantly disassembling myself." I quickly grab the end of my tail before it could hit me in the head. If it did, that wouldn't be good. 

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