Chapter 1

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Geralt only grunted in response to Jaskier's summons as he was almost entirely focused on what was happening on the television screen. He sat cross legged on the couch playing Mortal Kombat for probably the millionth time, punching the buttons of his controller with more aggression than Jaskier thought was strictly necessary. Jaskier watched with silent amusement as Geralt cursed loudly and threw his head back in frustration as he lost yet another match. Whoever his opponent was, they clearly had the upper hand.

"Do you have any plans this weekend?" asked Jaskier casually.

"What are you after this time?" Geralt grumbled.

Jaskier bristled at the insinuation. "Why do you always assume that I'm up to something?"

"Because you always are," he shot back without looking away from the television screen.

As rude as it was to point out, Jaskier couldn't argue with that. "Well, that's besides the point. You still haven't answered my question."

Geralt swore loudly again as he lost another match to his online opponent. To save Geralt further humiliation, Jaskier stepped in front of the television to block his view. With a mixture of exasperation and relief, Geralt sighed and tossed the controller onto the coffee table.

"Alright, I'm all ears. What do you have planned?"

"Well, the weather forecast says it's sunny and dry all weekend. I think we ought to take advantage of that and go on a little adventure."

Geralt's eyes narrowed. "What sort of adventure?"

"The best kind: the kind that culminates in some drunken debauchery," he said, wiggling his eyebrows in what he hoped was a beguiling manner. "How does that sound?"

"Enticing," Geralt admitted flatly. "More enticing than getting my arse handed to me all weekend playing this bloody game."

Pushing that equally enticing image from his mind, Jaskier continued, "So what do you say? Are you game?"

Geralt's eyes flitted between the television screen and Jaskier in silent contemplation for a moment before he shrugged. "I might have some free time this weekend."

"Excellent! 'Cause I've got us tickets to attend a festival." Jaskier pulled a flyer from his back pocket, unfolded it and brandished it in Geralt's face. "We'll need to pack our camping gear. And you'll need to drive."

Geralt snatched the flyer from Jaskier's hand and took a closer look. "A Midsummer festival? Why the fuck would I want to go to that?"

"Because we've never been to one before," said Jaskier as though that was reason enough. "You dig out the tent, I'll go make our sandwiches for the journey."

Jaskier sauntered into the adjoining kitchen and began pulling out the essentials from the fridge and cupboards to make their snacks for the road trip. Geralt appeared at the doorway a moment later, still staring at the flyer.

"This says that the festival is on the Isle of Lewis and Harris," he pointed out.

"Uhuh." Jaskier pulled a wholemeal loaf towards him. "Butter or mayo?"

"Butter," Geralt replied. "Jaskier, that's a two-day drive from here."

"Exactly! That's why we'll need to leave first thing in the morning."

"Please, tell me that you're joking."

Jaskier paused buttering the bread and turned to face Geralt. "Do I look like I'm joking?"

The corner of Geralt's lip twitched as he suppressed a smile. "It's difficult to take anything you say seriously when you're strutting about the flat in a silk kimono."

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