Chapter 6

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Jaskier woke with a start when someone started banging on the rear campervan door. Rubbing sleep from his eyes, he squinted at the strip of sunlight pouring through a crack in the curtains. He groaned as he sat up in bed, his body pleasantly aching from his activities the night before. God, what time was it?

"Helloooooo..." called Triss from outside the campervan. "Is anybody home?"

"Just give me a sec!" he called, searching the dishevelled bed sheets for some clothes to cover himself with. Geralt was currently lying on his front, arms and legs splayed across the bed and snoring loudly. They had finally fallen asleep in the wee small hours of the morning, too tired and settled in each other's arms to bother getting dressed for bed. Jaskier paused for a moment to admire Geralt; he brushed a few strands of silvery white hair from his handsome face and felt his heart swell with love and affection. Unable to resist, he leant forward and kissed Geralt's bare shoulder. He still couldn't quite believe his luck, that he and Geralt were finally—

"Have you forgotten that I'm still standing outside the door?" cried Triss.

Jaskier groaned with frustration and clambered off of the bed, pulling on his discarded shorts from the night before. "Hold your horses, I'm coming!"

Jaskier opened the door to find Triss with one arm leaning against the doorframe and an amused expression. "Good morning! Or, should I say, good afternoon. I see you finally managed to find some clothes so that you could answer the door."

"What do you want?" he sighed.

"I would like to go home, please," she quipped. "In case you haven't noticed, the festival's over."

"Already?" Jaskier stuck his head out of the campervan and, sure enough, the revellers (some looking a little worse for wear) were already packing up their tents and cars. "But we just got here!"

"Time flies when you're having fun, eh?" she teased. "Speaking of fun, you missed the big bonfire party last night. I came here to see if you guys wanted to come along but I saw the campervan shaking back and forth, so I figured that you guys were too busy to join me."

"Oh my god," Jaskier groaned with embarrassment but Triss just laughed.

"Hey, don't worry about it! I'm just glad that you two finally sorted things out. Honestly, I was beginning to wonder if it was ever going to happen."


"Alright! I'm shutting up now!" she grinned, raising her hands in mock surrender. "I'll give you guys time to get yourselves ready, I'll go grab us some coffee for the road."

"Thank you," he sighed, closing the door as Triss sauntered away to find them their morning libations.

"I thought she'd never leave," Geralt mumbled.

Jaskier turned to find Geralt still lying in bed, propped up on one arm with a content smile on his face. Jaskier flopped down on the bed beside him and Geralt wrapped his arm around his waist, pulling him closer.

"She's not all bad," Jaskier argued. "She's away to get us coffee."

"Hmm, I guess she's not so bad after all then," said Geralt, brushing his nose against Jaskier's. "How long do you reckon she'll be gone?"

Jaskier smirked. "Dunno. Could be a while."

"Could be," Geralt murmured, nuzzling Jaskier's neck. "You think we've got time for a quickie before she gets back?"

"Definitely," he sighed, pulling Geralt into a heated kiss.

Jaskier just managed to squeeze in a very quick quickie before Triss returned with their coffee. Within the hour, their belongings were packed away in the campervan and they were ready to begin the long journey home to Norwich. But just as Geralt turned the key in the ignition, Triss gasped and yelled that she had forgotten her bongo drum. Geralt cursed loudly and cut the engine, threatening to leave her behind if she wasn't back with her drum in five minutes. Not taking his threat lightly, Jaskier decided to accompany Triss in case Geralt decided to do just that—he figured that Geralt would be less likely to leave Jaskier behind.

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