Chapter 4

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"That is hell of a story" Jade said so far everything is going as planned Alan hasn't mentioned Jake or her so it was safe for sometime. "Well then we need to see all of their friends and we need a full report of their whereabouts at that time" Cole said typing something on his phone. "Okay Mr Evans I will make sure you get that" Alan said.

Cole stood up from his seat and so did Jade "when they arrive just call us okay" Cole exited the room and when jade was about to Alan stopped her "you really are gonna put up an act?" Jade sighed and turned to him "come on Alan they don't know I'm in the police okay I was afraid they would take it badly" Jade pointed out as Alan shook his head at her saying she should've told them.

Jade rolled her eyes and left the room to follow Cole outside "What do you think about the case" He asked taking a lighter from his pocket and lighting up Jade's cigerette before lighting up his own. "The one who did it must have planned everything out carefully" She said blowing out the smoke and thinking something.

Cole nodded, both of them in their own world thinking about something suddenly Cole left to his car which made Jade look at him confused. "What I'm hungry and I haven't eaten anything since the plane" He said as Jade scoffed and went back to her cigarette. "You wanna join?" He offered which made Jade want to say no but her stomach said the opportunity.

She groaned mentally and stomped on her cigarette and went to get in the passenger seat in his car. Cole smirked and drived searching for a restaurant, when they came across black swan " The food here is expensive" Jade said as she noticed Cole searching for a parking spot " how did you know?" He looked at her as Jade smiled at the memory where Dan was texting her: drunk.

"I just know" Jade said when something clicked on her head " And I might know the right place to eat" She smiled looking at him which confused him even more because she never smiles at him after that incident. "Ookay" He said slowly driving to the place she said Jade got out of the car when he pulled up to the cafe.

"Didn't you tell me that this is your first time in this town" he questioned following her into the Rainbow cafe. She just shrugged while sitting down in an empty spot while he sat opposite to her. " I never told you that" She said rolling her eyes at him " you didn't?" She shook her head  "not even in the plane?" He continued "I didn't even talk to you in the plane" She deadpanned as the waitress came.

"Croissant and a pumpkin spice latte please" Jade ordered for herself and started scrolling through her phone while Cole ordered for him. "Look I wanna be normal with you 'kay?" He asked her as she kept her face blank and was texting someone. He sighed and looked at her which made her irritated "don't stare at me stupidly I know I'm pretty, beautiful hot and everything your not" She said without taking her eyes off her phone.

"I know I was the one who fucked everything up and I apologise" this made her scoff and look at him " yeah and it took you 1 year to admit it" She said glaring at him as he sighed. She would never forgive him "I forgive you" She out of the blue as the orders came, he looked at her as if she is a total different person. "Are you Jade Carson or are you pretending to be her" He joked which made her laugh a little.

"No like really, I forgive you and I want to thank you for making me the one I am now and if it isn't you I would've been the dumbass, innocent, naive girl" He looked at her offended by her words while she continued "so friends?" She held out her hand for him to shake while he smiled softly and shaked her hand " pleasure doing business with you" he said in funny business voice which made her laugh again.

As they started eating they discussed about the case while Cole felt happy that he was in her good side because no one wants to be on her bad side but little did he know that it was all a part of the game in which he is a mere pawn. His phone suddenly rang as he excused himself from the table picking it up on the way, Jade's smile dropped once he was gone.

"Did he really think I would forgive him after what he done" she said to herself quietly. She took a deep breath and saw that Cole was still talking on his phone to whom she assumed (knew) his new fiancee. The bell above the cafe ringed alerting that a new coustomer came but she didn't even bother to look at the people.

But that one voice made her freeze in her spot, she would recognise her voice anywhere. She looked at the table slowly to see Jessy, Dan, Hannah, Cleo, Lily and her eyebrows furrowed who is that? She thought to herself but when she saw the colour of his hair she felt like she couldn't breathe.

It was Jake, the guy she loved, the guy she cared, the guy she wished to meet is now in the same shop that she is in. They shouldn't see her so she took the menu and covered her face only praying that they would not notice her. Thankfully Cole came and saved her as he sat opposite to her they could not see her and only Cole's back.

As they started eating jade could only think about Jake and did not pay mind to Cole who was talking about his dog. "Can we leave?" Cole asked touching her hand making her come back to her senses and retrieved her hand immediately. "Yeah I'll pay the bill" Jade offered and went to the pay the bill.

"Hi can you do me a favour and give this letter to the guy with black hair and black hoodie" She said giving the lady a few extra bucks as they lady agreed. "Thank u so much" Jade told her and left the place with Cole.

Meanwhile with Jake, he was eating his pancakes when a waitress placed a letter infront of his plate. He looked at her confused but she only smiled and left "aw man my brother is getting famous" Lily said with a teasing smile as Jake picked up the letter and started reading it.

Dear Jake,
                    Hey I honestly don't know what I should write but this is the only way I could tell you the things that I can't say in real. I'm sorry Jake for everything, I really want to meet you in that Chinese restaurant and hold hands while walking but I know these will just be a dream.

Whenever I pass a Chinese restaurant I think of you, I think about how it would be if we two sat there and talked about everything but once again it's all my imagination. I want to hug you tight and never let go of you and kiss you but I don't have the courage to even talk to you.

I promise when everything is over we will have the date you said if you even like me after it.  I apologise that I couldn't meet you in person but I watch you from afar and guess what? You still make my heart flutter.  I know I sound like a stalker but trust me I love you more than that, I just wanted you to know that I will love you even if you don't.
                                              - unknown blondie:)

When he finished reading that he felt a tear running down his cheek, his mind was all fuzzy he couldn't think straight. He got up from the seat and scanned the room for a blonde but no one there was blonde so he went to the lady who gave him the letter "who gave this to you?!" He said to the lady as she replied "a woman with blonde hair and she was with a guy I think" This broke Jake's heart, was this the truth. That jade loves another guy?

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2023 ⏰

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