The Meeting

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The security guard opened the door to show the entire band sitting and talking the eachother. Then in unison they all looked at me.

I could me face warm up. I didn't know what to do now. "Hey.."was all I could say it didn't even sound like words. It sounded like I had smoked a pack a day for 40 years and every time I spoke it sounded winded and robotic

"Ay thank you so much Dave we will take this lovely boy off your hands now thank you goodbye." Bill said standing up and placing a hand on my shoulder while slowly pushing the guard out.

"So how are you uh...[name] right?" Bill said looking down at me from his magnificent height. "I'm fine...just a bit nervous you know." I said shrugging I could feel my cheeks heat up

"Well come on [name] sit down with us and let us get to know you." Georg said patting a place near him on the couch

I slowly move closer to Georg before sitting down with him. The silence was uncomfortable. I could feel eyes staring at me. 

"So tell us what is your favorite song from scream," Tom said trying to kill the silence which it did

After that they started asking me million questions on what it was like to live the states and what do I do for fun.

I didn't really know what else to do so just answered honestly. I even told them about where I worked and started to complain about that.

"I also saw you in the crowd and might I just say you looked great." Bill said in a flirty/happy tone so I didn't know how to really interpret it

"Thank you so much," I said before giving him a warm smile. Tom started to say something in German which almost sounded teasing

I didn't understand it but everyone started to join in saying something before looking at me for a second. I could see bill getting more and more red which made me check my phone to see that I had missed calls from Stacey

I quickly called her back rushing to leave before spouting out my goodbyes. As the door slowly shut I heard Tom yell out "good bye bills boy-" and then the door shut making me unable to hear the end

Stacey answered confused as to where I was, she thought I got kidnapped or something. I rushed back into the car. While Stacey was driving me home she was talking about something her boyfriend did that pissed her off but all I was thinking about was bills smile and how he looked at me.

And also what Tom said to bill before the door shut and all. It was so weird I couldn't stop thinking about it

As we pulled into my drive way I was finally brought back into this reality. "You can get out of my car now." Stacey said jabbing at my arm

"Oh yeah...thanks Stacey!" I said before shutting the door behind me and walking slowly up the steps into my house.

I opened the door to find almost everyone has gone to bed already. I check the fridge for anything to eat since I was hungry. I make up some quick and easy ramen and scarf it down before walking up stairs

I went into the bathroom and to shower and while I was in the middle of showering I heard my phone start to ring. I ignored it before brushing my teeth and going to bed.

In the morning I knew I had to work almost the whole day. So when I got ready and started to walk to work I could tell it was going to be long.

I walked in and already I've got women yelling at me saying she hasn't gotten settled yet and no one is helping her. "Listen ma'am I'll help you as soon as I get clocked in." Which made her give a smirk before I went into the back

I breathed out at breath I didn't know I was holding before grabbing my card and clocking me in. For the first 3 hours I was running around giving tables their foods even though I didn't have them in my section.

It was around 1 o'clock when the host told me I had a table. I was walking over when I saw...tokio hotel? They were weari by disguises but they looked terrible.

I stopped in my tracks before walking back to the host. "Who did you give me??" I said in a way I was whisper screaming. "What? They asked for you." The host said shrugging

"You should know if a customer asks for a specific person you don't give them the person. That's like restaurant 101!" I said still whisper screaming

"Listen just serve them okay? I don't get payed enough to switch their tables and you don't get payed enough to switch them for me okay? Now go serve." The host said that made my turn my heels and storm over to the table

"Hello how are you? My name is [Name] and I'll be your sever for today what can I get started for you?" I said pretending that I couldn't see through their horrible disguises.

"Waters for the whole table." Tom said with the worst American accent ever. It almost made me laugh. "Sure I can get that for you..."I said before making eye contact with bill. He winked at me before I went to go get the waters

Even while I was pouring the waters I couldn't stop thinking about it...until the water started to spill out everywhere and on my hand.


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